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miasm2.arch.x86.regs Namespace Reference


tuple IP = ExprId('IP', 16)
tuple EIP = ExprId('EIP', 32)
tuple RIP = ExprId('RIP', 64)
tuple exception_flags = ExprId('exception_flags', 32)
list regs08_str = ["AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "AH", "CH", "DH", "BH"]
list regs08_expr = [ExprId(x, 8) for x in regs08_str]
list regs08_64_str = ["AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "SPL", "BPL", "SIL", "DIL"]
list regs08_64_expr = [ExprId(x, 8) for x in regs08_64_str]
list regs16_str = ["AX", "CX", "DX", "BX", "SP", "BP", "SI", "DI"]
list regs16_expr = [ExprId(x, 16) for x in regs16_str]
list regs32_str = ["EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESP", "EBP", "ESI", "EDI"]
list regs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 32) for x in regs32_str]
list regs64_str
list regs64_expr = [ExprId(x, 64) for x in regs64_str]
list regs_xmm_str = ["XMM%d" % i for i in xrange(16)]
list regs_xmm_expr = [ExprId(x, 128) for x in regs_xmm_str]
list regs_mm_str = ["MM%d" % i for i in xrange(16)]
list regs_mm_expr = [ExprId(x, 64) for x in regs_mm_str]
tuple gpregs08 = reg_info(regs08_str, regs08_expr)
tuple gpregs08_64 = reg_info(regs08_64_str, regs08_64_expr)
tuple gpregs16 = reg_info(regs16_str, regs16_expr)
tuple gpregs32 = reg_info(regs32_str, regs32_expr)
tuple gpregs64 = reg_info(regs64_str, regs64_expr)
tuple gpregs_xmm = reg_info(regs_xmm_str, regs_xmm_expr)
tuple gpregs_mm = reg_info(regs_mm_str, regs_mm_expr)
tuple r08_eax = reg_info([regs08_str[0]], [regs08_expr[0]])
tuple r16_eax = reg_info([regs16_str[0]], [regs16_expr[0]])
tuple r32_eax = reg_info([regs32_str[0]], [regs32_expr[0]])
tuple r64_eax = reg_info([regs64_str[0]], [regs64_expr[0]])
tuple r08_ecx = reg_info([regs08_str[1]], [regs08_expr[1]])
tuple r_eax_all
tuple r_edx_all
tuple r16_edx = reg_info([regs16_str[2]], [regs16_expr[2]])
list selectr_str = ["ES", "CS", "SS", "DS", "FS", "GS"]
list selectr_expr = [ExprId(x, 16) for x in selectr_str]
tuple segmreg = reg_info(selectr_str, selectr_expr)
list crregs32_str = ["CR%d" % i for i in xrange(8)]
list crregs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 32) for x in crregs32_str]
tuple crregs = reg_info(crregs32_str, crregs32_expr)
list drregs32_str = ["DR%d" % i for i in xrange(8)]
list drregs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 32) for x in drregs32_str]
tuple drregs = reg_info(drregs32_str, drregs32_expr)
list fltregs32_str = ["ST(%d)" % i for i in xrange(8)]
list fltregs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 64) for x in fltregs32_str]
tuple fltregs = reg_info(fltregs32_str, fltregs32_expr)
tuple r_st_all
tuple r_cs_all
tuple r_ds_all
tuple r_es_all
tuple r_ss_all
tuple r_fs_all
tuple r_gs_all
list AL = regs08_expr[0]
list CL = regs08_expr[1]
list DL = regs08_expr[2]
list BL = regs08_expr[3]
list AH = regs08_expr[4]
list CH = regs08_expr[5]
list DH = regs08_expr[6]
list BH = regs08_expr[7]
list R8B = regs08_expr[8]
list R9B = regs08_expr[9]
list R10B = regs08_expr[10]
list R11B = regs08_expr[11]
list R12B = regs08_expr[12]
list R13B = regs08_expr[13]
list R14B = regs08_expr[14]
list R15B = regs08_expr[15]
list SPL = regs08_64_expr[4]
list BPL = regs08_64_expr[5]
list SIL = regs08_64_expr[6]
list DIL = regs08_64_expr[7]
list AX = regs16_expr[0]
list CX = regs16_expr[1]
list DX = regs16_expr[2]
list BX = regs16_expr[3]
list SP = regs16_expr[4]
list BP = regs16_expr[5]
list SI = regs16_expr[6]
list DI = regs16_expr[7]
list R8W = regs16_expr[8]
list R9W = regs16_expr[9]
list R10W = regs16_expr[10]
list R11W = regs16_expr[11]
list R12W = regs16_expr[12]
list R13W = regs16_expr[13]
list R14W = regs16_expr[14]
list R15W = regs16_expr[15]
list EAX = regs32_expr[0]
list ECX = regs32_expr[1]
list EDX = regs32_expr[2]
list EBX = regs32_expr[3]
list ESP = regs32_expr[4]
list EBP = regs32_expr[5]
list ESI = regs32_expr[6]
list EDI = regs32_expr[7]
list R8D = regs32_expr[8]
list R9D = regs32_expr[9]
list R10D = regs32_expr[10]
list R11D = regs32_expr[11]
list R12D = regs32_expr[12]
list R13D = regs32_expr[13]
list R14D = regs32_expr[14]
list R15D = regs32_expr[15]
list RAX = regs64_expr[0]
list RCX = regs64_expr[1]
list RDX = regs64_expr[2]
list RBX = regs64_expr[3]
list RSP = regs64_expr[4]
list RBP = regs64_expr[5]
list RSI = regs64_expr[6]
list RDI = regs64_expr[7]
list R8 = regs64_expr[8]
list R9 = regs64_expr[9]
list R10 = regs64_expr[10]
list R11 = regs64_expr[11]
list R12 = regs64_expr[12]
list R13 = regs64_expr[13]
list R14 = regs64_expr[14]
list R15 = regs64_expr[15]
string reg_zf = 'zf'
string reg_nf = 'nf'
string reg_pf = 'pf'
string reg_of = 'of'
string reg_cf = 'cf'
string reg_tf = 'tf'
string reg_if = 'i_f'
string reg_df = 'df'
string reg_af = 'af'
string reg_iopl = 'iopl_f'
string reg_nt = 'nt'
string reg_rf = 'rf'
string reg_vm = 'vm'
string reg_ac = 'ac'
string reg_vif = 'vif'
string reg_vip = 'vip'
string reg_id = 'i_d'
string reg_es = "ES"
string reg_cs = "CS"
string reg_ss = "SS"
string reg_ds = "DS"
string reg_fs = "FS"
string reg_gs = "GS"
string reg_dr0 = 'DR0'
string reg_dr1 = 'DR1'
string reg_dr2 = 'DR2'
string reg_dr3 = 'DR3'
string reg_dr4 = 'DR4'
string reg_dr5 = 'DR5'
string reg_dr6 = 'DR6'
string reg_dr7 = 'DR7'
string reg_cr0 = 'CR0'
string reg_cr1 = 'CR1'
string reg_cr2 = 'CR2'
string reg_cr3 = 'CR3'
string reg_cr4 = 'CR4'
string reg_cr5 = 'CR5'
string reg_cr6 = 'CR6'
string reg_cr7 = 'CR7'
string reg_mm0 = 'MM0'
string reg_mm1 = 'MM1'
string reg_mm2 = 'MM2'
string reg_mm3 = 'MM3'
string reg_mm4 = 'MM4'
string reg_mm5 = 'MM5'
string reg_mm6 = 'MM6'
string reg_mm7 = 'MM7'
string reg_tsc1 = "tsc1"
string reg_tsc2 = "tsc2"
string reg_float_c0 = 'float_c0'
string reg_float_c1 = 'float_c1'
string reg_float_c2 = 'float_c2'
string reg_float_c3 = 'float_c3'
string reg_float_stack_ptr = "float_stack_ptr"
string reg_float_control = 'reg_float_control'
string reg_float_eip = 'reg_float_eip'
string reg_float_cs = 'reg_float_cs'
string reg_float_address = 'reg_float_address'
string reg_float_ds = 'reg_float_ds'
tuple dr0 = ExprId(reg_dr0)
tuple dr1 = ExprId(reg_dr1)
tuple dr2 = ExprId(reg_dr2)
tuple dr3 = ExprId(reg_dr3)
tuple dr4 = ExprId(reg_dr4)
tuple dr5 = ExprId(reg_dr5)
tuple dr6 = ExprId(reg_dr6)
tuple dr7 = ExprId(reg_dr7)
tuple cr0 = ExprId(reg_cr0)
tuple cr1 = ExprId(reg_cr1)
tuple cr2 = ExprId(reg_cr2)
tuple cr3 = ExprId(reg_cr3)
tuple cr4 = ExprId(reg_cr4)
tuple cr5 = ExprId(reg_cr5)
tuple cr6 = ExprId(reg_cr6)
tuple cr7 = ExprId(reg_cr7)
tuple mm0 = ExprId(reg_mm0, 64)
tuple mm1 = ExprId(reg_mm1, 64)
tuple mm2 = ExprId(reg_mm2, 64)
tuple mm3 = ExprId(reg_mm3, 64)
tuple mm4 = ExprId(reg_mm4, 64)
tuple mm5 = ExprId(reg_mm5, 64)
tuple mm6 = ExprId(reg_mm6, 64)
tuple mm7 = ExprId(reg_mm7, 64)
list XMM0 = regs_xmm_expr[0]
list XMM1 = regs_xmm_expr[1]
list XMM2 = regs_xmm_expr[2]
list XMM3 = regs_xmm_expr[3]
list XMM4 = regs_xmm_expr[4]
list XMM5 = regs_xmm_expr[5]
list XMM6 = regs_xmm_expr[6]
list XMM7 = regs_xmm_expr[7]
list XMM8 = regs_xmm_expr[8]
list XMM9 = regs_xmm_expr[9]
list XMM10 = regs_xmm_expr[10]
list XMM11 = regs_xmm_expr[11]
list XMM12 = regs_xmm_expr[12]
list XMM13 = regs_xmm_expr[13]
list XMM14 = regs_xmm_expr[14]
list XMM15 = regs_xmm_expr[15]
tuple zf = ExprId(reg_zf, size=1)
tuple nf = ExprId(reg_nf, size=1)
tuple pf = ExprId(reg_pf, size=1)
tuple of = ExprId(reg_of, size=1)
tuple cf = ExprId(reg_cf, size=1)
tuple tf = ExprId(reg_tf, size=1)
tuple i_f = ExprId(reg_if, size=1)
tuple df = ExprId(reg_df, size=1)
tuple af = ExprId(reg_af, size=1)
tuple iopl = ExprId(reg_iopl, size=2)
tuple nt = ExprId(reg_nt, size=1)
tuple rf = ExprId(reg_rf, size=1)
tuple vm = ExprId(reg_vm, size=1)
tuple ac = ExprId(reg_ac, size=1)
tuple vif = ExprId(reg_vif, size=1)
tuple vip = ExprId(reg_vip, size=1)
tuple i_d = ExprId(reg_id, size=1)
tuple ES = ExprId(reg_es, size=16)
tuple CS = ExprId(reg_cs, size=16)
tuple SS = ExprId(reg_ss, size=16)
tuple DS = ExprId(reg_ds, size=16)
tuple FS = ExprId(reg_fs, size=16)
tuple GS = ExprId(reg_gs, size=16)
tuple tsc1 = ExprId(reg_tsc1, size=32)
tuple tsc2 = ExprId(reg_tsc2, size=32)
tuple float_c0 = ExprId(reg_float_c0, size=1)
tuple float_c1 = ExprId(reg_float_c1, size=1)
tuple float_c2 = ExprId(reg_float_c2, size=1)
tuple float_c3 = ExprId(reg_float_c3, size=1)
tuple float_stack_ptr = ExprId(reg_float_stack_ptr, size=3)
tuple float_control = ExprId(reg_float_control, 16)
tuple float_eip = ExprId(reg_float_eip)
tuple float_cs = ExprId(reg_float_cs, size=16)
tuple float_address = ExprId(reg_float_address)
tuple float_ds = ExprId(reg_float_ds, size=16)
tuple float_st0 = ExprId("float_st0", 64)
tuple float_st1 = ExprId("float_st1", 64)
tuple float_st2 = ExprId("float_st2", 64)
tuple float_st3 = ExprId("float_st3", 64)
tuple float_st4 = ExprId("float_st4", 64)
tuple float_st5 = ExprId("float_st5", 64)
tuple float_st6 = ExprId("float_st6", 64)
tuple float_st7 = ExprId("float_st7", 64)
list float_list
dictionary float_replace = {fltregs32_expr[i]: float_list[i] for i in xrange(8)}
tuple EAX_init = ExprId('EAX_init')
tuple EBX_init = ExprId('EBX_init')
tuple ECX_init = ExprId('ECX_init')
tuple EDX_init = ExprId('EDX_init')
tuple ESI_init = ExprId('ESI_init')
tuple EDI_init = ExprId('EDI_init')
tuple ESP_init = ExprId('ESP_init')
tuple EBP_init = ExprId('EBP_init')
tuple RAX_init = ExprId('RAX_init', 64)
tuple RBX_init = ExprId('RBX_init', 64)
tuple RCX_init = ExprId('RCX_init', 64)
tuple RDX_init = ExprId('RDX_init', 64)
tuple RSI_init = ExprId('RSI_init', 64)
tuple RDI_init = ExprId('RDI_init', 64)
tuple RSP_init = ExprId('RSP_init', 64)
tuple RBP_init = ExprId('RBP_init', 64)
list all_regs_ids
list all_regs_ids_no_alias
tuple all_regs_ids_byname = dict([(x.name, x) for x in all_regs_ids])
list all_regs_ids_init = [ExprId("%s_init" % x.name, x.size) for x in all_regs_ids]
dictionary regs_init = {}
list regs_flt_expr
dictionary mRAX = {16: AX, 32: EAX, 64: RAX}
dictionary mRBX = {16: BX, 32: EBX, 64: RBX}
dictionary mRCX = {16: CX, 32: ECX, 64: RCX}
dictionary mRDX = {16: DX, 32: EDX, 64: RDX}
dictionary mRSI = {16: SI, 32: ESI, 64: RSI}
dictionary mRDI = {16: DI, 32: EDI, 64: RDI}
dictionary mRBP = {16: BP, 32: EBP, 64: RBP}
dictionary mRSP = {16: SP, 32: ESP, 64: RSP}
dictionary mRIP = {16: IP, 32: EIP, 64: RIP}

Variable Documentation

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ac = ExprId(reg_ac, size=1)

Definition at line 309 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.af = ExprId(reg_af, size=1)

Definition at line 304 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.AH = regs08_expr[4]

Definition at line 108 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.AL = regs08_expr[0]

Definition at line 104 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.all_regs_ids

Definition at line 372 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.all_regs_ids_byname = dict([(x.name, x) for x in all_regs_ids])

Definition at line 427 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.all_regs_ids_init = [ExprId("%s_init" % x.name, x.size) for x in all_regs_ids]

Definition at line 429 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.all_regs_ids_no_alias
Initial value:
1 = [
3  R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R15,
4  zf, nf, pf, of, cf, af, df,
5  tf, i_f, iopl, nt, rf, vm, ac, vif, vip, i_d,
6  float_control, float_eip, float_cs, float_address, float_ds,
7  tsc1, tsc2,
8  ES, CS, SS, DS, FS, GS,
9  float_st0, float_st1, float_st2, float_st3,
10  float_st4, float_st5, float_st6, float_st7,
11  float_c0, float_c1, float_c2, float_c3,
12  cr0, cr3,
13  dr0, dr1, dr2, dr3, dr4, dr5, dr6, dr7,
14  float_stack_ptr,
15  mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5, mm6, mm7,
16  XMM0, XMM1, XMM2, XMM3, XMM4, XMM5, XMM6, XMM7,
17  XMM8, XMM9, XMM10, XMM11, XMM12, XMM13, XMM14, XMM15,
20  exception_flags,
21 ]

Definition at line 405 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.AX = regs16_expr[0]

Definition at line 128 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.BH = regs08_expr[7]

Definition at line 111 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.BL = regs08_expr[3]

Definition at line 107 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.BP = regs16_expr[5]

Definition at line 133 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.BPL = regs08_64_expr[5]

Definition at line 123 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.BX = regs16_expr[3]

Definition at line 131 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cf = ExprId(reg_cf, size=1)

Definition at line 300 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.CH = regs08_expr[5]

Definition at line 109 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.CL = regs08_expr[1]

Definition at line 105 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr0 = ExprId(reg_cr0)

Definition at line 260 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr1 = ExprId(reg_cr1)

Definition at line 261 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr2 = ExprId(reg_cr2)

Definition at line 262 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr3 = ExprId(reg_cr3)

Definition at line 263 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr4 = ExprId(reg_cr4)

Definition at line 264 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr5 = ExprId(reg_cr5)

Definition at line 265 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr6 = ExprId(reg_cr6)

Definition at line 266 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.cr7 = ExprId(reg_cr7)

Definition at line 267 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.crregs = reg_info(crregs32_str, crregs32_expr)

Definition at line 75 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.crregs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 32) for x in crregs32_str]

Definition at line 74 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.crregs32_str = ["CR%d" % i for i in xrange(8)]

Definition at line 73 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.CS = ExprId(reg_cs, size=16)

Definition at line 315 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.CX = regs16_expr[1]

Definition at line 129 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.df = ExprId(reg_df, size=1)

Definition at line 303 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.DH = regs08_expr[6]

Definition at line 110 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.DI = regs16_expr[7]

Definition at line 135 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.DIL = regs08_64_expr[7]

Definition at line 125 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.DL = regs08_expr[2]

Definition at line 106 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr0 = ExprId(reg_dr0)

Definition at line 251 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr1 = ExprId(reg_dr1)

Definition at line 252 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr2 = ExprId(reg_dr2)

Definition at line 253 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr3 = ExprId(reg_dr3)

Definition at line 254 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr4 = ExprId(reg_dr4)

Definition at line 255 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr5 = ExprId(reg_dr5)

Definition at line 256 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr6 = ExprId(reg_dr6)

Definition at line 257 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.dr7 = ExprId(reg_dr7)

Definition at line 258 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.drregs = reg_info(drregs32_str, drregs32_expr)

Definition at line 80 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.drregs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 32) for x in drregs32_str]

Definition at line 79 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.drregs32_str = ["DR%d" % i for i in xrange(8)]

Definition at line 78 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.DS = ExprId(reg_ds, size=16)

Definition at line 317 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.DX = regs16_expr[2]

Definition at line 130 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EAX = regs32_expr[0]

Definition at line 146 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EAX_init = ExprId('EAX_init')

Definition at line 352 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EBP = regs32_expr[5]

Definition at line 151 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EBP_init = ExprId('EBP_init')

Definition at line 359 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EBX = regs32_expr[3]

Definition at line 149 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EBX_init = ExprId('EBX_init')

Definition at line 353 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ECX = regs32_expr[1]

Definition at line 147 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ECX_init = ExprId('ECX_init')

Definition at line 354 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EDI = regs32_expr[7]

Definition at line 153 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EDI_init = ExprId('EDI_init')

Definition at line 357 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EDX = regs32_expr[2]

Definition at line 148 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EDX_init = ExprId('EDX_init')

Definition at line 355 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.EIP = ExprId('EIP', 32)

Definition at line 6 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ES = ExprId(reg_es, size=16)

Definition at line 314 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ESI = regs32_expr[6]

Definition at line 152 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ESI_init = ExprId('ESI_init')

Definition at line 356 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ESP = regs32_expr[4]

Definition at line 150 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.ESP_init = ExprId('ESP_init')

Definition at line 358 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.exception_flags = ExprId('exception_flags', 32)

Definition at line 8 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_address = ExprId(reg_float_address)

Definition at line 332 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_c0 = ExprId(reg_float_c0, size=1)

Definition at line 324 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_c1 = ExprId(reg_float_c1, size=1)

Definition at line 325 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_c2 = ExprId(reg_float_c2, size=1)

Definition at line 326 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_c3 = ExprId(reg_float_c3, size=1)

Definition at line 327 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_control = ExprId(reg_float_control, 16)

Definition at line 329 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_cs = ExprId(reg_float_cs, size=16)

Definition at line 331 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_ds = ExprId(reg_float_ds, size=16)

Definition at line 333 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_eip = ExprId(reg_float_eip)

Definition at line 330 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_list
Initial value:
1 = [float_st0, float_st1, float_st2, float_st3,
2  float_st4, float_st5, float_st6, float_st7]

Definition at line 345 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_replace = {fltregs32_expr[i]: float_list[i] for i in xrange(8)}

Definition at line 348 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st0 = ExprId("float_st0", 64)

Definition at line 335 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st1 = ExprId("float_st1", 64)

Definition at line 336 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st2 = ExprId("float_st2", 64)

Definition at line 337 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st3 = ExprId("float_st3", 64)

Definition at line 338 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st4 = ExprId("float_st4", 64)

Definition at line 339 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st5 = ExprId("float_st5", 64)

Definition at line 340 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st6 = ExprId("float_st6", 64)

Definition at line 341 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_st7 = ExprId("float_st7", 64)

Definition at line 342 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.float_stack_ptr = ExprId(reg_float_stack_ptr, size=3)

Definition at line 328 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.fltregs = reg_info(fltregs32_str, fltregs32_expr)

Definition at line 85 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.fltregs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 64) for x in fltregs32_str]

Definition at line 84 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.fltregs32_str = ["ST(%d)" % i for i in xrange(8)]

Definition at line 83 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.FS = ExprId(reg_fs, size=16)

Definition at line 318 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs08 = reg_info(regs08_str, regs08_expr)

Definition at line 43 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs08_64 = reg_info(regs08_64_str, regs08_64_expr)

Definition at line 44 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs16 = reg_info(regs16_str, regs16_expr)

Definition at line 45 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs32 = reg_info(regs32_str, regs32_expr)

Definition at line 46 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs64 = reg_info(regs64_str, regs64_expr)

Definition at line 47 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs_mm = reg_info(regs_mm_str, regs_mm_expr)

Definition at line 50 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.gpregs_xmm = reg_info(regs_xmm_str, regs_xmm_expr)

Definition at line 49 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.GS = ExprId(reg_gs, size=16)

Definition at line 319 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.i_d = ExprId(reg_id, size=1)

Definition at line 312 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.i_f = ExprId(reg_if, size=1)

Definition at line 302 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.iopl = ExprId(reg_iopl, size=2)

Definition at line 305 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.IP = ExprId('IP', 16)

Definition at line 5 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm0 = ExprId(reg_mm0, 64)

Definition at line 269 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm1 = ExprId(reg_mm1, 64)

Definition at line 270 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm2 = ExprId(reg_mm2, 64)

Definition at line 271 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm3 = ExprId(reg_mm3, 64)

Definition at line 272 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm4 = ExprId(reg_mm4, 64)

Definition at line 273 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm5 = ExprId(reg_mm5, 64)

Definition at line 274 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm6 = ExprId(reg_mm6, 64)

Definition at line 275 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mm7 = ExprId(reg_mm7, 64)

Definition at line 276 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRAX = {16: AX, 32: EAX, 64: RAX}

Definition at line 440 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRBP = {16: BP, 32: EBP, 64: RBP}

Definition at line 446 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRBX = {16: BX, 32: EBX, 64: RBX}

Definition at line 441 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRCX = {16: CX, 32: ECX, 64: RCX}

Definition at line 442 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRDI = {16: DI, 32: EDI, 64: RDI}

Definition at line 445 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRDX = {16: DX, 32: EDX, 64: RDX}

Definition at line 443 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRIP = {16: IP, 32: EIP, 64: RIP}

Definition at line 448 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRSI = {16: SI, 32: ESI, 64: RSI}

Definition at line 444 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.mRSP = {16: SP, 32: ESP, 64: RSP}

Definition at line 447 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.nf = ExprId(reg_nf, size=1)

Definition at line 297 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.nt = ExprId(reg_nt, size=1)

Definition at line 306 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.of = ExprId(reg_of, size=1)

Definition at line 299 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.pf = ExprId(reg_pf, size=1)

Definition at line 298 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r08_eax = reg_info([regs08_str[0]], [regs08_expr[0]])

Definition at line 52 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r08_ecx = reg_info([regs08_str[1]], [regs08_expr[1]])

Definition at line 57 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R10 = regs64_expr[10]

Definition at line 174 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R10B = regs08_expr[10]

Definition at line 114 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R10D = regs32_expr[10]

Definition at line 156 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R10W = regs16_expr[10]

Definition at line 138 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R11 = regs64_expr[11]

Definition at line 175 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R11B = regs08_expr[11]

Definition at line 115 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R11D = regs32_expr[11]

Definition at line 157 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R11W = regs16_expr[11]

Definition at line 139 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R12 = regs64_expr[12]

Definition at line 176 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R12B = regs08_expr[12]

Definition at line 116 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R12D = regs32_expr[12]

Definition at line 158 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R12W = regs16_expr[12]

Definition at line 140 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R13 = regs64_expr[13]

Definition at line 177 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R13B = regs08_expr[13]

Definition at line 117 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R13D = regs32_expr[13]

Definition at line 159 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R13W = regs16_expr[13]

Definition at line 141 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R14 = regs64_expr[14]

Definition at line 178 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R14B = regs08_expr[14]

Definition at line 118 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R14D = regs32_expr[14]

Definition at line 160 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R14W = regs16_expr[14]

Definition at line 142 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R15 = regs64_expr[15]

Definition at line 179 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R15B = regs08_expr[15]

Definition at line 119 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R15D = regs32_expr[15]

Definition at line 161 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R15W = regs16_expr[15]

Definition at line 143 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r16_eax = reg_info([regs16_str[0]], [regs16_expr[0]])

Definition at line 53 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r16_edx = reg_info([regs16_str[2]], [regs16_expr[2]])

Definition at line 66 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r32_eax = reg_info([regs32_str[0]], [regs32_expr[0]])

Definition at line 54 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r64_eax = reg_info([regs64_str[0]], [regs64_expr[0]])

Definition at line 55 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R8 = regs64_expr[8]

Definition at line 172 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R8B = regs08_expr[8]

Definition at line 112 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R8D = regs32_expr[8]

Definition at line 154 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R8W = regs16_expr[8]

Definition at line 136 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R9 = regs64_expr[9]

Definition at line 173 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R9B = regs08_expr[9]

Definition at line 113 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R9D = regs32_expr[9]

Definition at line 155 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.R9W = regs16_expr[9]

Definition at line 137 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_cs_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 90 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_ds_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 92 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_eax_all
Initial value:
2  [regs08_str[0], regs16_str[0], regs32_str[0], regs64_str[0]],
3  [regs08_expr[0], regs16_expr[0], regs32_expr[0], regs64_expr[0]])

Definition at line 59 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_edx_all
Initial value:
2  [regs08_str[2], regs16_str[2], regs32_str[2], regs64_str[2]],
3  [regs08_expr[2], regs16_expr[2], regs32_expr[2], regs64_expr[2]])

Definition at line 62 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_es_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 94 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_fs_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 98 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_gs_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 100 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_ss_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 96 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.r_st_all
Initial value:

Definition at line 87 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RAX = regs64_expr[0]

Definition at line 164 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RAX_init = ExprId('RAX_init', 64)

Definition at line 362 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RBP = regs64_expr[5]

Definition at line 169 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RBP_init = ExprId('RBP_init', 64)

Definition at line 369 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RBX = regs64_expr[3]

Definition at line 167 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RBX_init = ExprId('RBX_init', 64)

Definition at line 363 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RCX = regs64_expr[1]

Definition at line 165 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RCX_init = ExprId('RCX_init', 64)

Definition at line 364 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RDI = regs64_expr[7]

Definition at line 171 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RDI_init = ExprId('RDI_init', 64)

Definition at line 367 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RDX = regs64_expr[2]

Definition at line 166 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RDX_init = ExprId('RDX_init', 64)

Definition at line 365 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_ac = 'ac'

Definition at line 195 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_af = 'af'

Definition at line 190 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cf = 'cf'

Definition at line 186 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr0 = 'CR0'

Definition at line 217 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr1 = 'CR1'

Definition at line 218 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr2 = 'CR2'

Definition at line 219 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr3 = 'CR3'

Definition at line 220 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr4 = 'CR4'

Definition at line 221 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr5 = 'CR5'

Definition at line 222 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr6 = 'CR6'

Definition at line 223 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cr7 = 'CR7'

Definition at line 224 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_cs = "CS"

Definition at line 202 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_df = 'df'

Definition at line 189 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr0 = 'DR0'

Definition at line 208 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr1 = 'DR1'

Definition at line 209 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr2 = 'DR2'

Definition at line 210 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr3 = 'DR3'

Definition at line 211 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr4 = 'DR4'

Definition at line 212 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr5 = 'DR5'

Definition at line 213 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr6 = 'DR6'

Definition at line 214 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_dr7 = 'DR7'

Definition at line 215 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_ds = "DS"

Definition at line 204 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_es = "ES"

Definition at line 201 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_address = 'reg_float_address'

Definition at line 247 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_c0 = 'float_c0'

Definition at line 239 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_c1 = 'float_c1'

Definition at line 240 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_c2 = 'float_c2'

Definition at line 241 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_c3 = 'float_c3'

Definition at line 242 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_control = 'reg_float_control'

Definition at line 244 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_cs = 'reg_float_cs'

Definition at line 246 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_ds = 'reg_float_ds'

Definition at line 248 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_eip = 'reg_float_eip'

Definition at line 245 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_float_stack_ptr = "float_stack_ptr"

Definition at line 243 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_fs = "FS"

Definition at line 205 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_gs = "GS"

Definition at line 206 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_id = 'i_d'

Definition at line 198 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_if = 'i_f'

Definition at line 188 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_iopl = 'iopl_f'

Definition at line 191 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm0 = 'MM0'

Definition at line 226 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm1 = 'MM1'

Definition at line 227 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm2 = 'MM2'

Definition at line 228 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm3 = 'MM3'

Definition at line 229 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm4 = 'MM4'

Definition at line 230 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm5 = 'MM5'

Definition at line 231 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm6 = 'MM6'

Definition at line 232 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_mm7 = 'MM7'

Definition at line 233 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_nf = 'nf'

Definition at line 183 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_nt = 'nt'

Definition at line 192 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_of = 'of'

Definition at line 185 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_pf = 'pf'

Definition at line 184 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_rf = 'rf'

Definition at line 193 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_ss = "SS"

Definition at line 203 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_tf = 'tf'

Definition at line 187 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_tsc1 = "tsc1"

Definition at line 236 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_tsc2 = "tsc2"

Definition at line 237 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_vif = 'vif'

Definition at line 196 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_vip = 'vip'

Definition at line 197 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_vm = 'vm'

Definition at line 194 of file regs.py.

string miasm2.arch.x86.regs.reg_zf = 'zf'

Definition at line 182 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs08_64_expr = [ExprId(x, 8) for x in regs08_64_str]

Definition at line 19 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs08_64_str = ["AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "SPL", "BPL", "SIL", "DIL"]

Definition at line 17 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs08_expr = [ExprId(x, 8) for x in regs08_str]

Definition at line 15 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs08_str = ["AL", "CL", "DL", "BL", "AH", "CH", "DH", "BH"]

Definition at line 13 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs16_expr = [ExprId(x, 16) for x in regs16_str]

Definition at line 24 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs16_str = ["AX", "CX", "DX", "BX", "SP", "BP", "SI", "DI"]

Definition at line 22 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs32_expr = [ExprId(x, 32) for x in regs32_str]

Definition at line 28 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs32_str = ["EAX", "ECX", "EDX", "EBX", "ESP", "EBP", "ESI", "EDI"]

Definition at line 26 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs64_expr = [ExprId(x, 64) for x in regs64_str]

Definition at line 33 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs64_str
Initial value:
1 = ["RAX", "RCX", "RDX", "RBX", "RSP", "RBP", "RSI", "RDI",
2  "R8", "R9", "R10", "R11", "R12", "R13", "R14", "R15",
3  "RIP"]

Definition at line 30 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs_flt_expr
Initial value:
1 = [float_st0, float_st1, float_st2, float_st3,
2  float_st4, float_st5, float_st6, float_st7,
3  ]

Definition at line 436 of file regs.py.

dictionary miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs_init = {}

Definition at line 431 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs_mm_expr = [ExprId(x, 64) for x in regs_mm_str]

Definition at line 40 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs_mm_str = ["MM%d" % i for i in xrange(16)]

Definition at line 39 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs_xmm_expr = [ExprId(x, 128) for x in regs_xmm_str]

Definition at line 37 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.regs_xmm_str = ["XMM%d" % i for i in xrange(16)]

Definition at line 36 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.rf = ExprId(reg_rf, size=1)

Definition at line 307 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RIP = ExprId('RIP', 64)

Definition at line 7 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RSI = regs64_expr[6]

Definition at line 170 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RSI_init = ExprId('RSI_init', 64)

Definition at line 366 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RSP = regs64_expr[4]

Definition at line 168 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.RSP_init = ExprId('RSP_init', 64)

Definition at line 368 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.segmreg = reg_info(selectr_str, selectr_expr)

Definition at line 71 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.selectr_expr = [ExprId(x, 16) for x in selectr_str]

Definition at line 70 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.selectr_str = ["ES", "CS", "SS", "DS", "FS", "GS"]

Definition at line 69 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.SI = regs16_expr[6]

Definition at line 134 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.SIL = regs08_64_expr[6]

Definition at line 124 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.SP = regs16_expr[4]

Definition at line 132 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.SPL = regs08_64_expr[4]

Definition at line 122 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.SS = ExprId(reg_ss, size=16)

Definition at line 316 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.tf = ExprId(reg_tf, size=1)

Definition at line 301 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.tsc1 = ExprId(reg_tsc1, size=32)

Definition at line 321 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.tsc2 = ExprId(reg_tsc2, size=32)

Definition at line 322 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.vif = ExprId(reg_vif, size=1)

Definition at line 310 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.vip = ExprId(reg_vip, size=1)

Definition at line 311 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.vm = ExprId(reg_vm, size=1)

Definition at line 308 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM0 = regs_xmm_expr[0]

Definition at line 278 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM1 = regs_xmm_expr[1]

Definition at line 279 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM10 = regs_xmm_expr[10]

Definition at line 288 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM11 = regs_xmm_expr[11]

Definition at line 289 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM12 = regs_xmm_expr[12]

Definition at line 290 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM13 = regs_xmm_expr[13]

Definition at line 291 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM14 = regs_xmm_expr[14]

Definition at line 292 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM15 = regs_xmm_expr[15]

Definition at line 293 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM2 = regs_xmm_expr[2]

Definition at line 280 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM3 = regs_xmm_expr[3]

Definition at line 281 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM4 = regs_xmm_expr[4]

Definition at line 282 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM5 = regs_xmm_expr[5]

Definition at line 283 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM6 = regs_xmm_expr[6]

Definition at line 284 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM7 = regs_xmm_expr[7]

Definition at line 285 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM8 = regs_xmm_expr[8]

Definition at line 286 of file regs.py.

list miasm2.arch.x86.regs.XMM9 = regs_xmm_expr[9]

Definition at line 287 of file regs.py.

tuple miasm2.arch.x86.regs.zf = ExprId(reg_zf, size=1)

Definition at line 296 of file regs.py.