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miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict:
+ Collaboration diagram for miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict:

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def __eq__
def __cmp__
def is_head
def copy
def extend
def heads
def label
def history
def cache
def pending
def clean_modifiers_in_cache
def as_graph
def filter_used_nodes
def filter_unmodifier_loops

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

def _get_modifiers_in_cache
def _build_depgraph
def _non_modifier_in_loop

Private Attributes


Static Private Attributes

list __slots__ = ["_label", "_history", "_pending", "_cache"]

Detailed Description

Internal structure for the DependencyGraph algorithm

Definition at line 164 of file depgraph.py.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.__init__ (   self,
Create a DependencyDict
@label: asm_label, current IRblock label
@history: list of DependencyDict

Definition at line 169 of file depgraph.py.

170  def __init__(self, label, history):
171  """Create a DependencyDict
172  @label: asm_label, current IRblock label
173  @history: list of DependencyDict
174  """
175  self._label = label
176  self._history = history
177  self._pending = set()
179  # DepNode -> set(DepNode)
180  self._cache = CacheWrapper()

Member Function Documentation

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.__cmp__ (   self,

Definition at line 187 of file depgraph.py.

188  def __cmp__(self, depdict):
189  if not isinstance(depdict, self.__class__):
190  raise ValueError("Compare error %s != %s" % (self.__class__,
191  depdict.__class__))
192  return cmp((self._label, self._cache, self._pending),
193  (depdict.label, depdict.cache, depdict.pending))

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.__eq__ (   self,

Definition at line 181 of file depgraph.py.

182  def __eq__(self, depdict):
183  if not isinstance(depdict, self.__class__):
184  return False
185  return (self._label == depdict.label and
186  self.cache == depdict.cache)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict._build_depgraph (   self,
Recursively build the final list of DiGraph, and clean up unmodifier
@depnode: starting node

Definition at line 304 of file depgraph.py.

305  def _build_depgraph(self, depnode):
306  """Recursively build the final list of DiGraph, and clean up unmodifier
307  nodes
308  @depnode: starting node
309  """
311  if depnode not in self._cache or \
312  not self._cache[depnode]:
313  # There is no dependency
314  graph = DiGraph()
315  graph.add_node(depnode)
316  return graph
318  # Recursion
319  dependencies = list(self._cache[depnode])
321  graphs = []
322  for sub_depnode in dependencies:
323  graphs.append(self._build_depgraph(sub_depnode))
325  # head(graphs[i]) == dependencies[i]
326  graph = DiGraph()
327  graph.add_node(depnode)
328  for head in dependencies:
329  graph.add_uniq_edge(head, depnode)
331  for subgraphs in itertools.product(graphs):
332  for sourcegraph in subgraphs:
333  for node in sourcegraph.nodes():
334  graph.add_node(node)
335  for edge in sourcegraph.edges():
336  graph.add_uniq_edge(*edge)
338  # Update the running queue
339  return graph

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict._get_modifiers_in_cache (   self,
Find modifier nodes in cache starting from @nodes_heads.
Returns new cache

Definition at line 251 of file depgraph.py.

252  def _get_modifiers_in_cache(self, nodes_heads):
253  """Find modifier nodes in cache starting from @nodes_heads.
254  Returns new cache"""
255  # 'worklist_depnode' order is needed (depth first)
256  worklist_depnodes = list(nodes_heads)
257  # Temporary cache
258  cache = {}
259  # Partially resolved 'cache' elements
260  worklist = []
262  # Build worklist and cache for non modifiers
263  while worklist_depnodes:
264  depnode = worklist_depnodes.pop()
265  # Resolve node dependencies
266  if depnode in cache:
267  # Depnode previously resolved
268  continue
270  if depnode not in self._cache:
271  # Final node
272  if not depnode.modifier:
273  cache[depnode] = []
274  continue
276  # Propagate to son
277  dependencies = self._cache[depnode]
278  for son in dependencies:
279  worklist_depnodes.append(son)
280  # Save partially resolved dependency
281  worklist.append((depnode, dependencies))
283  # Convert worklist to cache
284  while worklist:
285  depnode, dependencies = worklist.pop()
286  parallels = []
287  for node in dependencies:
288  if node.modifier:
289  parallels.append([node])
290  else:
291  parallels.append(cache[node])
292  out = set()
293  for parallel in itertools.product(*[p for p in parallels if p]):
294  out.update(parallel)
295  cache[depnode] = out
297  return cache

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict._non_modifier_in_loop (   self,
Walk from @depnode until a node with the same nostep_repr is
Returns a set of unmodifier nodes met in the path if no modifier was
Returns set() if there exist a modifier node on the path.

Definition at line 429 of file depgraph.py.

430  def _non_modifier_in_loop(self, depnode):
431  """
432  Walk from @depnode until a node with the same nostep_repr is
433  encountered.
434  Returns a set of unmodifier nodes met in the path if no modifier was
435  found.
436  Returns set() if there exist a modifier node on the path.
437  """
438  if not self.cache.has_key(depnode):
439  return set()
440  # Init
441  todo = set(self.cache[depnode])
442  unmodifier_nodes = []
444  # Map
445  while todo:
446  node = todo.pop()
447  if node in unmodifier_nodes:
448  continue
449  if node.modifier:
450  return set()
451  unmodifier_nodes.append(node)
452  if not node in self._cache:
453  continue
454  if node.nostep_repr == depnode.nostep_repr:
455  unmodifier_nodes.append(node)
456  break
458  for sub_node in self._cache[node]:
459  todo.add(sub_node)
461  return unmodifier_nodes

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.as_graph (   self,
Return a DiGraph corresponding to computed dependencies, with
@starting_nodes as leafs
@starting_nodes: set of DependencyNode instance

Definition at line 340 of file depgraph.py.

341  def as_graph(self, starting_nodes):
342  """Return a DiGraph corresponding to computed dependencies, with
343  @starting_nodes as leafs
344  @starting_nodes: set of DependencyNode instance
345  """
347  # Build subgraph for each starting_node
348  subgraphs = []
349  for starting_node in starting_nodes:
350  subgraphs.append(self._build_depgraph(starting_node))
352  # Merge subgraphs into a final DiGraph
353  graph = DiGraph()
354  for sourcegraph in subgraphs:
355  for node in sourcegraph.nodes():
356  graph.add_node(node)
357  for edge in sourcegraph.edges():
358  graph.add_uniq_edge(*edge)
359  return graph

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.cache (   self)

Definition at line 241 of file depgraph.py.

242  def cache(self):
243  "Dictionnary of DependencyNode and their dependencies"
244  return self._cache
def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.clean_modifiers_in_cache (   self,
Remove intermediary states (non modifier depnodes) in the internal
cache values

Definition at line 298 of file depgraph.py.

299  def clean_modifiers_in_cache(self, node_heads):
300  """Remove intermediary states (non modifier depnodes) in the internal
301  cache values"""
303  self._cache = CacheWrapper(self._get_modifiers_in_cache(node_heads))

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.copy (   self)

Definition at line 200 of file depgraph.py.

201  def copy(self):
202  "Return a copy of itself"
204  # Initialize
205  new_history = list(self.history)
206  depdict = DependencyDict(self.label, new_history)
208  # Copy values
209  for key, values in self.cache.iteritems():
210  depdict.cache[key] = set(values)
211  depdict.pending.update(self.pending)
213  return depdict

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.extend (   self,
Return a copy of itself, with itself in history and pending clean
@label: asm_label instance for the new DependencyDict's label

Definition at line 214 of file depgraph.py.

215  def extend(self, label):
216  """Return a copy of itself, with itself in history and pending clean
217  @label: asm_label instance for the new DependencyDict's label
218  """
219  depdict = DependencyDict(label, list(self.history) + [self])
220  for key, values in self.cache.iteritems():
221  depdict.cache[key] = set(values)
222  return depdict

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.filter_unmodifier_loops (   self,
Remove unmodifier node creating dependency loops over
pending elements in cache.
@implicit: boolean
@irdst: ExprId instance of IRDst register

Definition at line 385 of file depgraph.py.

386  def filter_unmodifier_loops(self, implicit, irdst):
387  """
388  Remove unmodifier node creating dependency loops over
389  pending elements in cache.
390  @implicit: boolean
391  @irdst: ExprId instance of IRDst register
392  """
394  previous_dict = None
395  # Get pending nodes of last time the label was handled
396  for hist_dict in reversed(self.history):
397  if hist_dict.label == self.label:
398  previous_dict = hist_dict
399  break
401  if not previous_dict:
402  return
404  nostep_pending = [node.nostep_repr for node in self.pending]
406  to_remove = set()
407  for depnode in previous_dict.pending:
408  if (depnode.nostep_repr not in nostep_pending or
409  implicit and depnode.element == irdst):
410  continue
412  to_remove.update(self._non_modifier_in_loop(depnode))
414  # Replace unused keys by previous ones
415  for key in to_remove:
416  if depnode.nostep_repr == key.nostep_repr:
417  self._cache[depnode] = self._cache.get(key, set()).copy()
418  self.pending.discard(key)
419  self.pending.add(depnode)
421  # Replace occurences of key to remove
422  for dependencies in self._cache.itervalues():
423  if key in dependencies:
424  dependencies.remove(key)
425  dependencies.add(depnode)
427  if self._cache.has_key(key):
428  del self._cache[key]

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.filter_used_nodes (   self,
Keep only depnodes which are in the path of @node_heads in the
internal cache
@node_heads: set of DependencyNode instance

Definition at line 360 of file depgraph.py.

361  def filter_used_nodes(self, node_heads):
362  """Keep only depnodes which are in the path of @node_heads in the
363  internal cache
364  @node_heads: set of DependencyNode instance
365  """
366  # Init
367  todo = set(node_heads)
368  used_nodes = set()
370  # Map
371  while todo:
372  node = todo.pop()
373  if node in used_nodes:
374  continue
375  used_nodes.add(node)
376  if not node in self._cache:
377  continue
378  for sub_node in self._cache[node]:
379  todo.add(sub_node)
381  # Remove unused elements
382  for key in list(self._cache.keys()):
383  if key not in used_nodes:
384  del self._cache[key]
def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.heads (   self)
Return an iterator on the list of heads as defined in 'is_head'

Definition at line 223 of file depgraph.py.

224  def heads(self):
225  """Return an iterator on the list of heads as defined in 'is_head'"""
226  for key in self.cache:
227  if self.is_head(key):
228  yield key

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.history (   self)
List of DependencyDict needed to reach the current DependencyDict
The first is the oldest

Definition at line 235 of file depgraph.py.

236  def history(self):
237  """List of DependencyDict needed to reach the current DependencyDict
238  The first is the oldest"""
239  return self._history

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.is_head (   self,
Return True iff @depnode is at the head of the current block
@depnode: DependencyNode instance

Definition at line 194 of file depgraph.py.

195  def is_head(self, depnode):
196  """Return True iff @depnode is at the head of the current block
197  @depnode: DependencyNode instance"""
198  return (self.label == depnode.label and
199  depnode.line_nb == 0)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.label (   self)

Definition at line 230 of file depgraph.py.

231  def label(self):
232  "Label of the current block"
233  return self._label
def miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.pending (   self)
Dictionnary of DependencyNode and their dependencies, waiting for

Definition at line 246 of file depgraph.py.

247  def pending(self):
248  """Dictionnary of DependencyNode and their dependencies, waiting for
249  resolution"""
250  return self._pending

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

list miasm2.analysis.depgraph.DependencyDict.__slots__ = ["_label", "_history", "_pending", "_cache"]

Definition at line 167 of file depgraph.py.


Definition at line 179 of file depgraph.py.


Definition at line 175 of file depgraph.py.


Definition at line 174 of file depgraph.py.


Definition at line 176 of file depgraph.py.


Definition at line 185 of file depgraph.py.


Definition at line 197 of file depgraph.py.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: