
miasm2.os_dep.linux.environment module

from collections import namedtuple
import functools
import os
import struct
import termios

from miasm2.core.interval import interval
from miasm2.jitter.csts import PAGE_READ, PAGE_WRITE

StatInfo = namedtuple("StatInfo", [
    "st_dev", "st_ino", "st_nlink", "st_mode", "st_uid", "st_gid", "st_rdev",
    "st_size", "st_blksize", "st_blocks", "st_atime", "st_atimensec",
    "st_mtime", "st_mtimensec", "st_ctime", "st_ctimensec"
StatFSInfo = namedtuple("StatFSInfo", [
    "f_type", "f_bsize", "f_blocks", "f_bfree", "f_bavail", "f_files",
    "f_ffree", "f_fsid", "f_namelen", "f_frsize", "f_flags", "f_spare",

class FileDescriptor(object):
    """Stand for a file descriptor on a system

    According to inode(7), following types are possibles:
     - socket
     - symbolic link
     - regular file
     - block device
     - directory
     - character device
     - FIFO

    # st_mode's file type
    file_type = None
    # st_mode's file mode (9 least bits are file permission bits)
    file_mode = 0o0777
    # st_dev / st_rdev
    cont_device_id = None
    device_id = 0
    # inode number (st_ino)
    inode = None
    # Number of hardlink (st_nlink)
    nlink = 0
    # Owner / group
    uid = None
    gid = None
    # Size (st_size / st_blksize / st_blocks)
    size = 0
    blksize = 0
    blocks = 0
    # Times
    atime = 0
    atimensec = 0
    mtime = 0
    mtimensec = 0
    ctime = 0
    ctimensec = 0

    def __init__(self, number):
        self.number = number
        self.is_closed = False

    def stat(self):
        mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
        return StatInfo(
            st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
            st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
            st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
            st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
            st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
            st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
            st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
            st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

    def close(self):
        self.is_closed = True

class FileDescriptorCharDevice(FileDescriptor):
    file_type = 0o0020000 # S_IFCHR
    file_mode = 0o0620
    cont_device_id = 1
    device_id = 1

class FileDescriptorSTDIN(FileDescriptorCharDevice):
    """Special file descriptor standinf for STDIN"""
    inode = 0

    def read(self, count):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

class FileDescriptorSTDOUT(FileDescriptorCharDevice):
    """Special file descriptor standinf for STDOUT"""
    inode = 1

    def write(self, data):
        print "[STDOUT] %s" % data.rstrip()

class FileDescriptorSTDERR(FileDescriptorCharDevice):
    """Special file descriptor standinf for STDERR"""
    inode = 2

    def write(self, data):
        print "[STDERR] %s" % data.rstrip()

class FileDescriptorDirectory(FileDescriptor):
    """FileDescription designing a directory"""

    file_type = 0o0040000 # S_IFDIR

    def __init__(self, number, flags, filesystem, real_path):
        super(FileDescriptorDirectory, self).__init__(number)
        self.filesystem = filesystem
        self.real_path = real_path
        self.cur_listdir = None
        self.flags = flags

    def listdir(self):
        if self.cur_listdir is None:
            self.cur_listdir = os.listdir(self.real_path)
        while self.cur_listdir:
            yield self.cur_listdir.pop()

class FileDescriptorRegularFile(FileDescriptor):
    """FileDescriptor designing a regular file"""

    file_type = 0o0100000 # S_IFREG

    def __init__(self, number, flags, filesystem, real_fd):
        super(FileDescriptorRegularFile, self).__init__(number)
        self.flags = flags
        self.filesystem = filesystem
        self.real_fd = real_fd

    def write(self, data):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

    def read(self, count):
        return, count)

    def close(self):
        super(FileDescriptorRegularFile, self).close()
        return os.close(self.real_fd)

    def lseek(self, offset, whence):
        return os.lseek(self.real_fd, offset, whence) # SEEK_SET

    def tell(self):
        return self.lseek(0, 1) # SEEK_CUR

    def seek(self, offset):
        return self.lseek(offset, 0) # SEEK_SET

class FileDescriptorSocket(FileDescriptor):
    """FileDescription standing for a socket"""

    file_type = 0o0140000 # S_IFSOCK

    def __init__(self, number, family, type_, protocol):
        super(FileDescriptorSocket, self).__init__(number) = family
        self.type_ = type_
        self.protocol = protocol

class FileSystem(object):
    """File system abstraction
    Provides standard operations on the filesystem, (a bit like FUSE)

    API using FileSystem only used sandbox-side path. FileSystem should be the
    only object able to interact with real path, outside the sandbox.

    Thus, if `resolve_path` is correctly implemented and used, it should not be
    possible to modify files outside the sandboxed path

    device_id = 0x1234 # ID of device containing file (stat.st_dev)
    blocksize = 0x1000 # Size of block on this filesystem
    f_type = 0xef53 # (Type of filesystem) EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC
    nb_total_block = 0x1000
    nb_free_block = 0x100
    nb_avail_block = nb_free_block # Available to unprivileged user
    nb_total_fnode = 100 # Total file nodes in filesystem
    nb_free_fnode = 50
    max_filename_len = 256
    fragment_size = 0
    mount_flags = 0

    def __init__(self, base_path, linux_env):
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.linux_env = linux_env
        self.passthrough = []
        self.path_to_inode = {} # Real path (post-resolution) -> inode number

    def resolve_path(self, path, follow_link=True):
        """Resolve @path to the corresponding sandboxed path"""
        # Remove '../', etc.
        path = os.path.normpath(path)

        # Passthrough
        for passthrough in self.passthrough:
            if hasattr(passthrough, "match"):
                if passthrough.match(path):
                    return path
            elif passthrough == path:
                return path

        # Remove leading '/' if any (multiple '//' are handled by 'abspath'
        if path.startswith(os.path.sep):
            path = path[1:]

        base_path = os.path.abspath(self.base_path)
        out_path = os.path.join(base_path, path)
        assert out_path.startswith(base_path + os.path.sep)
        if os.path.islink(out_path):
            link_target = os.readlink(out_path)
            # Link can be absolute or relative -> absolute
            link = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), link_target))
            if follow_link:
                out_path = self.resolve_path(link)
                out_path = link
        return out_path

    def get_path_inode(self, real_path):
        inode = self.path_to_inode.setdefault(real_path, len(self.path_to_inode))
        return inode

    def exists(self, path):
        sb_path = self.resolve_path(path)
        return os.path.exists(sb_path)

    def readlink(self, path):
        sb_path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=False)
        if not os.path.islink(sb_path):
            return None
        return os.path.readlink(sb_path)

    def statfs(self):
        return StatFSInfo(
            f_type=self.f_type, f_bsize=self.blocksize,
            f_blocks=self.nb_total_block, f_bfree=self.nb_free_block,
            f_bavail=self.nb_avail_block, f_files=self.nb_total_fnode,
            f_ffree=self.nb_free_fnode, f_fsid=self.device_id,
            f_frsize=self.fragment_size, f_flags=self.mount_flags, f_spare=0)

    def getattr_(self, path, follow_link=True):
        sb_path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=follow_link)
        flags = self.linux_env.O_RDONLY
        if os.path.isdir(sb_path):
            flags |= self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY

        fd = self.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)
        info = self.linux_env.fstat(fd)
        return info

    def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
        path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=follow_link)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            # ENOENT (No such file or directory)
            return -1
        fd = self.linux_env.next_fd()
        acc_mode = flags & self.linux_env.O_ACCMODE

        if os.path.isdir(path):
            assert flags & self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY == self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY
            if acc_mode == self.linux_env.O_RDONLY:
                fdesc = FileDescriptorDirectory(fd, flags, self, path)
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        elif os.path.isfile(path):
            if acc_mode == os.O_RDONLY:
                # Read only
                real_fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
            fdesc = FileDescriptorRegularFile(fd, flags, self, real_fd)

        elif os.path.islink(path):
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown file type for %r" % path)

        self.linux_env.file_descriptors[fd] = fdesc
        # Set stat info
        fdesc.cont_device_id = self.device_id
        fdesc.inode = self.get_path_inode(path)
        fdesc.uid = self.linux_env.user_uid
        fdesc.gid = self.linux_env.user_gid
        size = os.path.getsize(path)
        fdesc.size = size
        fdesc.blksize = self.blocksize
        fdesc.blocks = (size + ((512 - (size % 512)) % 512)) / 512
        return fd

class Networking(object):
    """Network abstraction"""

    def __init__(self, linux_env):
        self.linux_env = linux_env

    def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
        fd = self.linux_env.next_fd()
        fdesc = FileDescriptorSocket(fd, family, type_, protocol)
        self.linux_env.file_descriptors[fd] = fdesc
        return fd

class LinuxEnvironment(object):
    """A LinuxEnvironment regroups information to simulate a Linux-like

    # To be overrided
    platform_arch = None

    # User information
    user_uid = 1000
    user_euid = 1000
    user_gid = 1000
    user_egid = 1000
    user_name = "user"

    # Memory mapping information
    brk_current = 0x74000000
    mmap_current = 0x75000000

    # System information
    sys_sysname = "Linux"
    sys_nodename = "user-pc"
    sys_release = "4.13.0-19-generic"
    sys_version = "#22-Ubuntu"
    sys_machine = None

    # Filesystem
    filesystem_base = "file_sb"
    file_descriptors = None

    # Current process
    process_tid = 1000
    process_pid = 1000

    # Syscall restrictions
    ioctl_allowed = None # list of (fd, cmd), None value for wildcard
    ioctl_disallowed = None # list of (fd, cmd), None value for wildcard

    # Time
    base_time = 1531900000

    # Arch specific constant
    O_ACCMODE = None
    O_CLOEXEC = None
    O_DIRECTORY = None
    O_LARGEFILE = None
    O_NONBLOCK = None
    O_RDONLY = None

    def __init__(self):
        stdin = FileDescriptorSTDIN(0)
        stdout = FileDescriptorSTDOUT(1)
        stderr = FileDescriptorSTDERR(2)
        for std in [stdin, stdout, stderr]:
            std.uid = self.user_uid
            std.gid = self.user_gid
        self.file_descriptors = {
            0: stdin,
            1: stdout,
            2: stderr,
        self.ioctl_allowed = [
            (0, termios.TCGETS),
            (0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
            (0, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
            (1, termios.TCGETS),
            (1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
            (1, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
        self.ioctl_disallowed = [
            (2, termios.TCGETS),
            (0, termios.TCSETSW),
        self.filesystem = FileSystem(self.filesystem_base, self) = Networking(self)

    def next_fd(self):
        return len(self.file_descriptors)

    def clock_gettime(self):
        out = self.base_time
        self.base_time += 1
        return out

    def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
        """Stub for 'open' syscall"""
        return self.filesystem.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)

    def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
        """Stub for 'socket' syscall"""
        return, type_, protocol)

    def fstat(self, fd):
        """Get file status through fd"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None
        return fdesc.stat()

    def stat(self, path):
        """Get file status through path"""
        return self.filesystem.getattr_(path)

    def lstat(self, path):
        """Get file status through path (not following links)"""
        return self.filesystem.getattr_(path, follow_link=False)

    def close(self, fd):
        """Stub for 'close' syscall"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None
        return fdesc.close()

    def write(self, fd, data):
        """Stub for 'write' syscall"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None
        return len(data)

    def read(self, fd, count):
        """Stub for 'read' syscall"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None

    def getdents(self, fd, count, packing_callback):
        """Stub for 'getdents' syscall

        'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is

        @fd: getdents' fd argument
        @count: getdents' count argument
        @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
        if not isinstance(fdesc, FileDescriptorDirectory):
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

        out = ""
        # fdesc.listdir continues from where it stopped
        for name in fdesc.listdir():
            d_ino = 1 # Not the real one
            d_type = 0 # DT_UNKNOWN (getdents(2) "All applications must properly
                       # handle a return of DT_UNKNOWN.")
            entry = packing_callback(len(out), d_ino, d_type, name)

            if len(out) + len(entry) > count:
                # Report to a further call
            out = out + entry
        return out

    def ioctl(self, fd, cmd, arg):
        """Stub for 'ioctl' syscall
        Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl
        If the ioctl is disallowed, return False
        allowed = False
        disallowed = False
        for test in [(fd, cmd), (None, cmd), (fd, None)]:
            if test in self.ioctl_allowed:
                allowed = True
            if test in self.ioctl_disallowed:
                disallowed = True

        if allowed and disallowed:
            raise ValueError("fd: %x, cmd: %x is allowed and disallowed" % (fd, cmd))

        if allowed:
            if cmd == termios.TCGETS:
                return 0, 0, 0, 0
            elif cmd == termios.TIOCGWINSZ:
                # struct winsize
                # {
                #   unsigned short ws_row;	/* rows, in characters */
                #   unsigned short ws_col;	/* columns, in characters */
                #   unsigned short ws_xpixel;	/* horizontal size, pixels */
                #   unsigned short ws_ypixel;	/* vertical size, pixels */
                # };
                return 1000, 360, 1000, 1000
            elif cmd == termios.TIOCSWINSZ:
                # Ignore it
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

        elif disallowed:
            return False

            raise KeyError("Unknown ioctl fd:%x cmd:%x" % (fd, cmd))

    def mmap(self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr):
        """Stub for 'mmap' syscall

        'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096
        if addr == 0:
            addr = self.mmap_current
            self.mmap_current += (len_ + 0x1000) & ~0xfff

        all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
        mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                           for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])

        MAP_FIXED = 0x10
        if flags & MAP_FIXED:
            # Alloc missing and override
            missing = interval([(addr, addr + len_ - 1)]) - mapped
            for start, stop in missing:
                vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                          "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
                                          "mmap allocated")
            # Find first candidate segment nearby addr
            for start, stop in mapped:
                if stop < addr:
                rounded = (stop + 1 + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
                if (interval([(rounded, rounded + len_)]) & mapped).empty:
                    addr = rounded
                assert (interval([(addr, addr + len_)]) & mapped).empty

            vmmngr.add_memory_page(addr, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE, "\x00" * len_,
                                      "mmap allocated")

        if fd == 0xffffffff:
            if off != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
            data = "\x00" * len_
            fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
            cur_pos = fdesc.tell()
            data =

        vmmngr.set_mem(addr, data)
        return addr

    def brk(self, addr, vmmngr):
        """Stub for 'brk' syscall"""
        if addr == 0:
            addr = self.brk_current
            all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
            mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                               for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])

            # Alloc missing and override
            missing = interval([(self.brk_current, addr)]) - mapped
            for start, stop in missing:
                vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                       "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),

            self.brk_current = addr
        return addr

class LinuxEnvironment_x86_64(LinuxEnvironment):
    platform_arch = "x86_64"
    sys_machine = "x86_64"

    O_ACCMODE = 0x3
    O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000
    O_DIRECTORY = 0x10000
    O_LARGEFILE = 0x8000
    O_NONBLOCK = 0x800
    O_RDONLY = 0

class LinuxEnvironment_arml(LinuxEnvironment):
    platform_arch = "arml"
    sys_machine = "arml"

    O_ACCMODE = 0x3
    O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000
    O_DIRECTORY = 0x4000
    O_LARGEFILE = 0x20000
    O_NONBLOCK = 0x800
    O_RDONLY = 0

    # ARM specific
    tls = 0
    # get_tls: __kuser_helper_version >= 1
    # cmpxchg: __kuser_helper_version >= 2
    # memory_barrier: __kuser_helper_version >= 3
    kuser_helper_version = 3

class AuxVec(object):
    """Auxiliary vector abstraction, filled with default values
    (mainly based on

    # Standard usage
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, cont_target.entry_point, linux_env)

    # Enable AT_SECURE
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(..., AuxVec.AT_SECURE=1)
    # Modify AT_RANDOM
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(..., AuxVec.AT_RANDOM="\x00"*0x10)

    # Using AuxVec instance for stack preparation
    # First, fill memory with vectors data
    >>> for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map():
            dest_ptr = ...
            copy_to_dest(data, dest_ptr)
            auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = dest_ptr
    # Then, get the key: value (with value being sometime a pointer)
    >>> for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems():

    AT_PHDR = 3
    AT_PHNUM = 5
    AT_PAGESZ = 6
    AT_ENTRY = 9
    AT_UID = 11
    AT_EUID = 12
    AT_GID = 13
    AT_EGID = 14
    AT_PLATFORM = 15
    AT_HWCAP = 16
    AT_SECURE = 23
    AT_RANDOM = 25

    def __init__(self, elf_phdr_vaddr, entry_point, linux_env, **kwargs):
        """Instanciate an AuxVec, with required elements:
        - elf_phdr_vaddr: virtual address of the ELF's PHDR in memory
        - entry_point: virtual address of the ELF entry point
        - linux_env: LinuxEnvironment instance, used to provides some of the
          option values

        Others options can be overrided by named arguments

        """ = {
            self.AT_PHDR: elf_phdr_vaddr,
            self.AT_PHNUM: 9,
            self.AT_PAGESZ: 0x1000,
            self.AT_ENTRY: entry_point,
            self.AT_UID: linux_env.user_uid,
            self.AT_EUID: linux_env.user_euid,
            self.AT_GID: linux_env.user_gid,
            self.AT_EGID: linux_env.user_egid,
            self.AT_PLATFORM: linux_env.platform_arch,
            self.AT_HWCAP: 0,
            self.AT_SECURE: 0,
            self.AT_RANDOM: "\x00" * 0x10,
            # vDSO is not mandatory
            self.AT_SYSINFO_EHDR: None,
        self.ptrs = {} # info key -> corresponding virtual address

    def data_to_map(self):
        """Iterator on (AT_number, data)
        Once the data has been mapped, the corresponding ptr must be set in
        for AT_number in [self.AT_PLATFORM, self.AT_RANDOM]:
            yield (AT_number,[AT_number])

    def iteritems(self):
        """Iterator on auxiliary vector id and values"""
        for AT_number, value in
            if AT_number in self.ptrs:
                value = self.ptrs[AT_number]
            if value is None:
                # AT to ignore
            yield (AT_number, value)

def prepare_loader_x86_64(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env,
    """Fill the environment with enough information to run a linux loader

    @jitter: Jitter instance
    @argv: list of strings
    @envp: dict of environment variables names to their values
    @auxv: AuxVec instance
    @hlt_address (default to 0x13371acc): stopping address

    Example of use:
    >>> jitter = machine.jitter()
    >>> jitter.init_stack()
    >>> linux_env = LinuxEnvironment_x86_64()
    >>> argv = ["/bin/ls", "-lah"]
    >>> envp = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin", "USER": linux_env.user_name}
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, entry_point, linux_env)
    >>> prepare_loader_x86_64(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env)
    # One may want to enable syscall handling here
    # The program can now run from the loader
    >>> jitter.init_run(ld_entry_point)
    >>> jitter.continue_run()
    # Stack layout looks like
    # [data]
    #  - auxv values
    #  - envp name=value
    #  - argv arguments
    # [auxiliary vector]
    # [environment pointer]
    # [argument vector]

    for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map():
        data += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.RSP -= len(data)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.RSP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, data)
        auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = ptr

    env_ptrs = []
    for name, value in envp.iteritems():
        env = "%s=%s\x00" % (name, value)
        jitter.cpu.RSP -= len(env)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.RSP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, env)

    argv_ptrs = []
    for arg in argv:
        arg += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.RSP -= len(arg)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.RSP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, arg)

    for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems():
    for ptr in reversed(env_ptrs):
    for ptr in reversed(argv_ptrs):

def _arml__kuser_get_tls(linux_env, jitter):
    # __kuser_get_tls
    jitter.pc = jitter.cpu.LR
    jitter.cpu.R0 = linux_env.tls
    return True

def _arml__kuser_cmpxchg(jitter):
    oldval = jitter.cpu.R0
    newval = jitter.cpu.R1
    ptr = jitter.cpu.R2

    value = struct.unpack("<I", jitter.vm.get_mem(ptr, 4))[0]
    if value == oldval:
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, struct.pack("<I", newval))
        jitter.cpu.R0 = 0 = 1
        jitter.cpu.R0 = -1 = 0

    jitter.pc = jitter.cpu.LR
    return True

def _arml__kuser_memory_barrier(jitter):
    # __kuser_memory_barrier
    jitter.pc = jitter.cpu.LR
    return True

def _arml__kuser_helper_version(linux_env, jitter):
    jitter.pc = jitter.cpu.LR
    jitter.cpu.R0 = linux_env.kuser_helper_version
    return True

def prepare_loader_arml(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env,
    """Fill the environment with enough information to run a linux loader

    @jitter: Jitter instance
    @argv: list of strings
    @envp: dict of environment variables names to their values
    @auxv: AuxVec instance
    @hlt_address (default to 0x13371acc): stopping address

    Example of use:
    >>> jitter = machine.jitter()
    >>> jitter.init_stack()
    >>> linux_env = LinuxEnvironment_arml()
    >>> argv = ["/bin/ls", "-lah"]
    >>> envp = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin", "USER": linux_env.user_name}
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, entry_point, linux_env)
    >>> prepare_loader_arml(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env)
    # One may want to enable syscall handling here
    # The program can now run from the loader
    >>> jitter.init_run(ld_entry_point)
    >>> jitter.continue_run()
    # Stack layout looks like
    # [data]
    #  - auxv values
    #  - envp name=value
    #  - argv arguments
    # [auxiliary vector]
    # [environment pointer]
    # [argument vector]

    for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map():
        data += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.SP -= len(data)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.SP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, data)
        auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = ptr

    env_ptrs = []
    for name, value in envp.iteritems():
        env = "%s=%s\x00" % (name, value)
        jitter.cpu.SP -= len(env)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.SP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, env)

    argv_ptrs = []
    for arg in argv:
        arg += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.SP -= len(arg)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.SP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, arg)

    for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems():
    for ptr in reversed(env_ptrs):
    for ptr in reversed(argv_ptrs):

    # Add kernel user helpers
    # from Documentation/arm/kernel_user_helpers.txt

    if linux_env.kuser_helper_version >= 1:
            functools.partial(_arml__kuser_get_tls, linux_env)

    if linux_env.kuser_helper_version >= 2:
        jitter.add_breakpoint(0XFFFF0FC0, _arml__kuser_cmpxchg)

    if linux_env.kuser_helper_version >= 3:
        jitter.add_breakpoint(0xFFFF0FA0, _arml__kuser_memory_barrier)

    jitter.add_breakpoint(0xffff0ffc, _arml__kuser_helper_version)

Module variables




def prepare_loader_arml(

jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env, hlt_address=322378444)

Fill the environment with enough information to run a linux loader

@jitter: Jitter instance @argv: list of strings @envp: dict of environment variables names to their values @auxv: AuxVec instance @hlt_address (default to 0x13371acc): stopping address

Example of use:

jitter = machine.jitter() jitter.init_stack() linux_env = LinuxEnvironment_arml() argv = ["/bin/ls", "-lah"] envp = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin", "USER": linux_env.user_name} auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, entry_point, linux_env) prepare_loader_arml(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env)

One may want to enable syscall handling here

The program can now run from the loader

jitter.init_run(ld_entry_point) jitter.continue_run()

def prepare_loader_arml(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env,
    """Fill the environment with enough information to run a linux loader

    @jitter: Jitter instance
    @argv: list of strings
    @envp: dict of environment variables names to their values
    @auxv: AuxVec instance
    @hlt_address (default to 0x13371acc): stopping address

    Example of use:
    >>> jitter = machine.jitter()
    >>> jitter.init_stack()
    >>> linux_env = LinuxEnvironment_arml()
    >>> argv = ["/bin/ls", "-lah"]
    >>> envp = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin", "USER": linux_env.user_name}
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, entry_point, linux_env)
    >>> prepare_loader_arml(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env)
    # One may want to enable syscall handling here
    # The program can now run from the loader
    >>> jitter.init_run(ld_entry_point)
    >>> jitter.continue_run()
    # Stack layout looks like
    # [data]
    #  - auxv values
    #  - envp name=value
    #  - argv arguments
    # [auxiliary vector]
    # [environment pointer]
    # [argument vector]

    for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map():
        data += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.SP -= len(data)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.SP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, data)
        auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = ptr

    env_ptrs = []
    for name, value in envp.iteritems():
        env = "%s=%s\x00" % (name, value)
        jitter.cpu.SP -= len(env)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.SP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, env)

    argv_ptrs = []
    for arg in argv:
        arg += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.SP -= len(arg)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.SP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, arg)

    for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems():
    for ptr in reversed(env_ptrs):
    for ptr in reversed(argv_ptrs):

    # Add kernel user helpers
    # from Documentation/arm/kernel_user_helpers.txt

    if linux_env.kuser_helper_version >= 1:
            functools.partial(_arml__kuser_get_tls, linux_env)

    if linux_env.kuser_helper_version >= 2:
        jitter.add_breakpoint(0XFFFF0FC0, _arml__kuser_cmpxchg)

    if linux_env.kuser_helper_version >= 3:
        jitter.add_breakpoint(0xFFFF0FA0, _arml__kuser_memory_barrier)

    jitter.add_breakpoint(0xffff0ffc, _arml__kuser_helper_version)

def prepare_loader_x86_64(

jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env, hlt_address=322378444)

Fill the environment with enough information to run a linux loader

@jitter: Jitter instance @argv: list of strings @envp: dict of environment variables names to their values @auxv: AuxVec instance @hlt_address (default to 0x13371acc): stopping address

Example of use:

jitter = machine.jitter() jitter.init_stack() linux_env = LinuxEnvironment_x86_64() argv = ["/bin/ls", "-lah"] envp = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin", "USER": linux_env.user_name} auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, entry_point, linux_env) prepare_loader_x86_64(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env)

One may want to enable syscall handling here

The program can now run from the loader

jitter.init_run(ld_entry_point) jitter.continue_run()

def prepare_loader_x86_64(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env,
    """Fill the environment with enough information to run a linux loader

    @jitter: Jitter instance
    @argv: list of strings
    @envp: dict of environment variables names to their values
    @auxv: AuxVec instance
    @hlt_address (default to 0x13371acc): stopping address

    Example of use:
    >>> jitter = machine.jitter()
    >>> jitter.init_stack()
    >>> linux_env = LinuxEnvironment_x86_64()
    >>> argv = ["/bin/ls", "-lah"]
    >>> envp = {"PATH": "/usr/local/bin", "USER": linux_env.user_name}
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, entry_point, linux_env)
    >>> prepare_loader_x86_64(jitter, argv, envp, auxv, linux_env)
    # One may want to enable syscall handling here
    # The program can now run from the loader
    >>> jitter.init_run(ld_entry_point)
    >>> jitter.continue_run()
    # Stack layout looks like
    # [data]
    #  - auxv values
    #  - envp name=value
    #  - argv arguments
    # [auxiliary vector]
    # [environment pointer]
    # [argument vector]

    for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map():
        data += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.RSP -= len(data)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.RSP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, data)
        auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = ptr

    env_ptrs = []
    for name, value in envp.iteritems():
        env = "%s=%s\x00" % (name, value)
        jitter.cpu.RSP -= len(env)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.RSP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, env)

    argv_ptrs = []
    for arg in argv:
        arg += "\x00"
        jitter.cpu.RSP -= len(arg)
        ptr = jitter.cpu.RSP
        jitter.vm.set_mem(ptr, arg)

    for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems():
    for ptr in reversed(env_ptrs):
    for ptr in reversed(argv_ptrs):


class AuxVec

Auxiliary vector abstraction, filled with default values (mainly based on

Standard usage

auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, cont_target.entry_point, linux_env)


auxv = AuxVec(..., AuxVec.AT_SECURE=1)


auxv = AuxVec(..., AuxVec.AT_RANDOM=""*0x10)

Using AuxVec instance for stack preparation

First, fill memory with vectors data

for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map(): dest_ptr = ... copy_to_dest(data, dest_ptr) auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = dest_ptr

Then, get the key: value (with value being sometime a pointer)

for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems(): ...

class AuxVec(object):
    """Auxiliary vector abstraction, filled with default values
    (mainly based on

    # Standard usage
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(elf_base_addr, cont_target.entry_point, linux_env)

    # Enable AT_SECURE
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(..., AuxVec.AT_SECURE=1)
    # Modify AT_RANDOM
    >>> auxv = AuxVec(..., AuxVec.AT_RANDOM="\x00"*0x10)

    # Using AuxVec instance for stack preparation
    # First, fill memory with vectors data
    >>> for AT_number, data in auxv.data_to_map():
            dest_ptr = ...
            copy_to_dest(data, dest_ptr)
            auxv.ptrs[AT_number] = dest_ptr
    # Then, get the key: value (with value being sometime a pointer)
    >>> for auxid, auxval in auxv.iteritems():

    AT_PHDR = 3
    AT_PHNUM = 5
    AT_PAGESZ = 6
    AT_ENTRY = 9
    AT_UID = 11
    AT_EUID = 12
    AT_GID = 13
    AT_EGID = 14
    AT_PLATFORM = 15
    AT_HWCAP = 16
    AT_SECURE = 23
    AT_RANDOM = 25

    def __init__(self, elf_phdr_vaddr, entry_point, linux_env, **kwargs):
        """Instanciate an AuxVec, with required elements:
        - elf_phdr_vaddr: virtual address of the ELF's PHDR in memory
        - entry_point: virtual address of the ELF entry point
        - linux_env: LinuxEnvironment instance, used to provides some of the
          option values

        Others options can be overrided by named arguments

        """ = {
            self.AT_PHDR: elf_phdr_vaddr,
            self.AT_PHNUM: 9,
            self.AT_PAGESZ: 0x1000,
            self.AT_ENTRY: entry_point,
            self.AT_UID: linux_env.user_uid,
            self.AT_EUID: linux_env.user_euid,
            self.AT_GID: linux_env.user_gid,
            self.AT_EGID: linux_env.user_egid,
            self.AT_PLATFORM: linux_env.platform_arch,
            self.AT_HWCAP: 0,
            self.AT_SECURE: 0,
            self.AT_RANDOM: "\x00" * 0x10,
            # vDSO is not mandatory
            self.AT_SYSINFO_EHDR: None,
        self.ptrs = {} # info key -> corresponding virtual address

    def data_to_map(self):
        """Iterator on (AT_number, data)
        Once the data has been mapped, the corresponding ptr must be set in
        for AT_number in [self.AT_PLATFORM, self.AT_RANDOM]:
            yield (AT_number,[AT_number])

    def iteritems(self):
        """Iterator on auxiliary vector id and values"""
        for AT_number, value in
            if AT_number in self.ptrs:
                value = self.ptrs[AT_number]
            if value is None:
                # AT to ignore
            yield (AT_number, value)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables




var AT_GID









var AT_UID

Instance variables

var info

var ptrs


def __init__(

self, elf_phdr_vaddr, entry_point, linux_env, **kwargs)

Instanciate an AuxVec, with required elements: - elf_phdr_vaddr: virtual address of the ELF's PHDR in memory - entry_point: virtual address of the ELF entry point - linux_env: LinuxEnvironment instance, used to provides some of the option values

Others options can be overrided by named arguments

def __init__(self, elf_phdr_vaddr, entry_point, linux_env, **kwargs):
    """Instanciate an AuxVec, with required elements:
    - elf_phdr_vaddr: virtual address of the ELF's PHDR in memory
    - entry_point: virtual address of the ELF entry point
    - linux_env: LinuxEnvironment instance, used to provides some of the
      option values
    Others options can be overrided by named arguments
    """ = {
        self.AT_PHDR: elf_phdr_vaddr,
        self.AT_PHNUM: 9,
        self.AT_PAGESZ: 0x1000,
        self.AT_ENTRY: entry_point,
        self.AT_UID: linux_env.user_uid,
        self.AT_EUID: linux_env.user_euid,
        self.AT_GID: linux_env.user_gid,
        self.AT_EGID: linux_env.user_egid,
        self.AT_PLATFORM: linux_env.platform_arch,
        self.AT_HWCAP: 0,
        self.AT_SECURE: 0,
        self.AT_RANDOM: "\x00" * 0x10,
        # vDSO is not mandatory
        self.AT_SYSINFO_EHDR: None,
    self.ptrs = {} # info key -> corresponding virtual address

def data_to_map(


Iterator on (AT_number, data) Once the data has been mapped, the corresponding ptr must be set in 'self.ptrs[AT_number]'

def data_to_map(self):
    """Iterator on (AT_number, data)
    Once the data has been mapped, the corresponding ptr must be set in
    for AT_number in [self.AT_PLATFORM, self.AT_RANDOM]:
        yield (AT_number,[AT_number])

def iteritems(


Iterator on auxiliary vector id and values

def iteritems(self):
    """Iterator on auxiliary vector id and values"""
    for AT_number, value in
        if AT_number in self.ptrs:
            value = self.ptrs[AT_number]
        if value is None:
            # AT to ignore
        yield (AT_number, value)

class FileDescriptor

Stand for a file descriptor on a system

According to inode(7), following types are possibles: - socket - symbolic link - regular file - block device - directory - character device - FIFO

class FileDescriptor(object):
    """Stand for a file descriptor on a system

    According to inode(7), following types are possibles:
     - socket
     - symbolic link
     - regular file
     - block device
     - directory
     - character device
     - FIFO

    # st_mode's file type
    file_type = None
    # st_mode's file mode (9 least bits are file permission bits)
    file_mode = 0o0777
    # st_dev / st_rdev
    cont_device_id = None
    device_id = 0
    # inode number (st_ino)
    inode = None
    # Number of hardlink (st_nlink)
    nlink = 0
    # Owner / group
    uid = None
    gid = None
    # Size (st_size / st_blksize / st_blocks)
    size = 0
    blksize = 0
    blocks = 0
    # Times
    atime = 0
    atimensec = 0
    mtime = 0
    mtimensec = 0
    ctime = 0
    ctimensec = 0

    def __init__(self, number):
        self.number = number
        self.is_closed = False

    def stat(self):
        mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
        return StatInfo(
            st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
            st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
            st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
            st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
            st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
            st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
            st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
            st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

    def close(self):
        self.is_closed = True

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

var atimensec

var blksize

var blocks

var cont_device_id

var ctime

var ctimensec

var device_id

var file_mode

var file_type

var gid

var inode

var mtime

var mtimensec

var size

var uid

Instance variables

var is_closed

var number


def __init__(

self, number)

def __init__(self, number):
    self.number = number
    self.is_closed = False

def close(


def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def stat(


def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

class FileDescriptorCharDevice

class FileDescriptorCharDevice(FileDescriptor):
    file_type = 0o0020000 # S_IFCHR
    file_mode = 0o0620
    cont_device_id = 1
    device_id = 1

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.uid

Instance variables

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.number


def __init__(

self, number)

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.__init__

def __init__(self, number):
    self.number = number
    self.is_closed = False

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.close

def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

class FileDescriptorDirectory

FileDescription designing a directory

class FileDescriptorDirectory(FileDescriptor):
    """FileDescription designing a directory"""

    file_type = 0o0040000 # S_IFDIR

    def __init__(self, number, flags, filesystem, real_path):
        super(FileDescriptorDirectory, self).__init__(number)
        self.filesystem = filesystem
        self.real_path = real_path
        self.cur_listdir = None
        self.flags = flags

    def listdir(self):
        if self.cur_listdir is None:
            self.cur_listdir = os.listdir(self.real_path)
        while self.cur_listdir:
            yield self.cur_listdir.pop()

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.uid

Instance variables

var cur_listdir

var filesystem

var flags

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.number

var real_path


def __init__(

self, number, flags, filesystem, real_path)

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.__init__

def __init__(self, number, flags, filesystem, real_path):
    super(FileDescriptorDirectory, self).__init__(number)
    self.filesystem = filesystem
    self.real_path = real_path
    self.cur_listdir = None
    self.flags = flags

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.close

def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def listdir(


def listdir(self):
    if self.cur_listdir is None:
        self.cur_listdir = os.listdir(self.real_path)
    while self.cur_listdir:
        yield self.cur_listdir.pop()

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

class FileDescriptorRegularFile

FileDescriptor designing a regular file

class FileDescriptorRegularFile(FileDescriptor):
    """FileDescriptor designing a regular file"""

    file_type = 0o0100000 # S_IFREG

    def __init__(self, number, flags, filesystem, real_fd):
        super(FileDescriptorRegularFile, self).__init__(number)
        self.flags = flags
        self.filesystem = filesystem
        self.real_fd = real_fd

    def write(self, data):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

    def read(self, count):
        return, count)

    def close(self):
        super(FileDescriptorRegularFile, self).close()
        return os.close(self.real_fd)

    def lseek(self, offset, whence):
        return os.lseek(self.real_fd, offset, whence) # SEEK_SET

    def tell(self):
        return self.lseek(0, 1) # SEEK_CUR

    def seek(self, offset):
        return self.lseek(offset, 0) # SEEK_SET

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.uid

Instance variables

var filesystem

var flags

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.number

var real_fd


def __init__(

self, number, flags, filesystem, real_fd)

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.__init__

def __init__(self, number, flags, filesystem, real_fd):
    super(FileDescriptorRegularFile, self).__init__(number)
    self.flags = flags
    self.filesystem = filesystem
    self.real_fd = real_fd

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.close

def close(self):
    super(FileDescriptorRegularFile, self).close()
    return os.close(self.real_fd)

def lseek(

self, offset, whence)

def lseek(self, offset, whence):
    return os.lseek(self.real_fd, offset, whence) # SEEK_SET

def read(

self, count)

def read(self, count):
    return, count)

def seek(

self, offset)

def seek(self, offset):
    return self.lseek(offset, 0) # SEEK_SET

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

def tell(


def tell(self):
    return self.lseek(0, 1) # SEEK_CUR

def write(

self, data)

def write(self, data):
    raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

class FileDescriptorSTDERR

Special file descriptor standinf for STDERR

class FileDescriptorSTDERR(FileDescriptorCharDevice):
    """Special file descriptor standinf for STDERR"""
    inode = 2

    def write(self, data):
        print "[STDERR] %s" % data.rstrip()

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.uid

Instance variables

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.number


def __init__(

self, number)

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.__init__

def __init__(self, number):
    self.number = number
    self.is_closed = False

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.close

def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

def write(

self, data)

def write(self, data):
    print "[STDERR] %s" % data.rstrip()

class FileDescriptorSTDIN

Special file descriptor standinf for STDIN

class FileDescriptorSTDIN(FileDescriptorCharDevice):
    """Special file descriptor standinf for STDIN"""
    inode = 0

    def read(self, count):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.uid

Instance variables

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.number


def __init__(

self, number)

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.__init__

def __init__(self, number):
    self.number = number
    self.is_closed = False

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.close

def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def read(

self, count)

def read(self, count):
    raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

class FileDescriptorSTDOUT

Special file descriptor standinf for STDOUT

class FileDescriptorSTDOUT(FileDescriptorCharDevice):
    """Special file descriptor standinf for STDOUT"""
    inode = 1

    def write(self, data):
        print "[STDOUT] %s" % data.rstrip()

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.uid

Instance variables

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.number


def __init__(

self, number)

Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.__init__

def __init__(self, number):
    self.number = number
    self.is_closed = False

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.close

def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptorCharDevice.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

def write(

self, data)

def write(self, data):
    print "[STDOUT] %s" % data.rstrip()

class FileDescriptorSocket

FileDescription standing for a socket

class FileDescriptorSocket(FileDescriptor):
    """FileDescription standing for a socket"""

    file_type = 0o0140000 # S_IFSOCK

    def __init__(self, number, family, type_, protocol):
        super(FileDescriptorSocket, self).__init__(number) = family
        self.type_ = type_
        self.protocol = protocol

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var atime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atime

var atimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.atimensec

var blksize

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blksize

var blocks

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.blocks

var cont_device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.cont_device_id

var ctime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctime

var ctimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.ctimensec

var device_id

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.device_id

var file_mode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_mode

var file_type

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.file_type

var gid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.gid

var inode

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.inode

var mtime

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtime

var mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.mtimensec

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.nlink

var size

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.size

var uid

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.uid

Instance variables

var family

var is_closed

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.is_closed

var number

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.number

var protocol

var type_


def __init__(

self, number, family, type_, protocol)

Inheritance: FileDescriptor.__init__

def __init__(self, number, family, type_, protocol):
    super(FileDescriptorSocket, self).__init__(number) = family
    self.type_ = type_
    self.protocol = protocol

def close(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.close

def close(self):
    self.is_closed = True

def stat(


Inheritance: FileDescriptor.stat

def stat(self):
    mode = self.file_type | self.file_mode
    return StatInfo(
        st_dev=self.cont_device_id, st_ino=self.inode,
        st_nlink=self.nlink, st_mode=mode,
        st_uid=self.uid, st_gid=self.gid,
        st_rdev=self.device_id, st_size=self.size,
        st_blksize=self.blksize, st_blocks=self.blocks,
        st_atime=self.atime, st_atimensec=self.atimensec,
        st_mtime=self.mtime, st_mtimensec=self.mtimensec,
        st_ctime=self.ctime, st_ctimensec=self.ctimensec

class FileSystem

File system abstraction Provides standard operations on the filesystem, (a bit like FUSE)

API using FileSystem only used sandbox-side path. FileSystem should be the only object able to interact with real path, outside the sandbox.

Thus, if resolve_path is correctly implemented and used, it should not be possible to modify files outside the sandboxed path

class FileSystem(object):
    """File system abstraction
    Provides standard operations on the filesystem, (a bit like FUSE)

    API using FileSystem only used sandbox-side path. FileSystem should be the
    only object able to interact with real path, outside the sandbox.

    Thus, if `resolve_path` is correctly implemented and used, it should not be
    possible to modify files outside the sandboxed path

    device_id = 0x1234 # ID of device containing file (stat.st_dev)
    blocksize = 0x1000 # Size of block on this filesystem
    f_type = 0xef53 # (Type of filesystem) EXT4_SUPER_MAGIC
    nb_total_block = 0x1000
    nb_free_block = 0x100
    nb_avail_block = nb_free_block # Available to unprivileged user
    nb_total_fnode = 100 # Total file nodes in filesystem
    nb_free_fnode = 50
    max_filename_len = 256
    fragment_size = 0
    mount_flags = 0

    def __init__(self, base_path, linux_env):
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.linux_env = linux_env
        self.passthrough = []
        self.path_to_inode = {} # Real path (post-resolution) -> inode number

    def resolve_path(self, path, follow_link=True):
        """Resolve @path to the corresponding sandboxed path"""
        # Remove '../', etc.
        path = os.path.normpath(path)

        # Passthrough
        for passthrough in self.passthrough:
            if hasattr(passthrough, "match"):
                if passthrough.match(path):
                    return path
            elif passthrough == path:
                return path

        # Remove leading '/' if any (multiple '//' are handled by 'abspath'
        if path.startswith(os.path.sep):
            path = path[1:]

        base_path = os.path.abspath(self.base_path)
        out_path = os.path.join(base_path, path)
        assert out_path.startswith(base_path + os.path.sep)
        if os.path.islink(out_path):
            link_target = os.readlink(out_path)
            # Link can be absolute or relative -> absolute
            link = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), link_target))
            if follow_link:
                out_path = self.resolve_path(link)
                out_path = link
        return out_path

    def get_path_inode(self, real_path):
        inode = self.path_to_inode.setdefault(real_path, len(self.path_to_inode))
        return inode

    def exists(self, path):
        sb_path = self.resolve_path(path)
        return os.path.exists(sb_path)

    def readlink(self, path):
        sb_path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=False)
        if not os.path.islink(sb_path):
            return None
        return os.path.readlink(sb_path)

    def statfs(self):
        return StatFSInfo(
            f_type=self.f_type, f_bsize=self.blocksize,
            f_blocks=self.nb_total_block, f_bfree=self.nb_free_block,
            f_bavail=self.nb_avail_block, f_files=self.nb_total_fnode,
            f_ffree=self.nb_free_fnode, f_fsid=self.device_id,
            f_frsize=self.fragment_size, f_flags=self.mount_flags, f_spare=0)

    def getattr_(self, path, follow_link=True):
        sb_path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=follow_link)
        flags = self.linux_env.O_RDONLY
        if os.path.isdir(sb_path):
            flags |= self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY

        fd = self.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)
        info = self.linux_env.fstat(fd)
        return info

    def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
        path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=follow_link)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            # ENOENT (No such file or directory)
            return -1
        fd = self.linux_env.next_fd()
        acc_mode = flags & self.linux_env.O_ACCMODE

        if os.path.isdir(path):
            assert flags & self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY == self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY
            if acc_mode == self.linux_env.O_RDONLY:
                fdesc = FileDescriptorDirectory(fd, flags, self, path)
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        elif os.path.isfile(path):
            if acc_mode == os.O_RDONLY:
                # Read only
                real_fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
            fdesc = FileDescriptorRegularFile(fd, flags, self, real_fd)

        elif os.path.islink(path):
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown file type for %r" % path)

        self.linux_env.file_descriptors[fd] = fdesc
        # Set stat info
        fdesc.cont_device_id = self.device_id
        fdesc.inode = self.get_path_inode(path)
        fdesc.uid = self.linux_env.user_uid
        fdesc.gid = self.linux_env.user_gid
        size = os.path.getsize(path)
        fdesc.size = size
        fdesc.blksize = self.blocksize
        fdesc.blocks = (size + ((512 - (size % 512)) % 512)) / 512
        return fd

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables

var blocksize

var device_id

var f_type

var fragment_size

var max_filename_len

var mount_flags

var nb_avail_block

var nb_free_block

var nb_free_fnode

var nb_total_block

var nb_total_fnode

Instance variables

var base_path

var linux_env

var passthrough

var path_to_inode


def __init__(

self, base_path, linux_env)

def __init__(self, base_path, linux_env):
    self.base_path = base_path
    self.linux_env = linux_env
    self.passthrough = []
    self.path_to_inode = {} # Real path (post-resolution) -> inode number

def exists(

self, path)

def exists(self, path):
    sb_path = self.resolve_path(path)
    return os.path.exists(sb_path)

def get_path_inode(

self, real_path)

def get_path_inode(self, real_path):
    inode = self.path_to_inode.setdefault(real_path, len(self.path_to_inode))
    return inode

def getattr_(

self, path, follow_link=True)

def getattr_(self, path, follow_link=True):
    sb_path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=follow_link)
    flags = self.linux_env.O_RDONLY
    if os.path.isdir(sb_path):
        flags |= self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY
    fd = self.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)
    info = self.linux_env.fstat(fd)
    return info

def open_(

self, path, flags, follow_link=True)

def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
    path = self.resolve_path(path, follow_link=follow_link)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        # ENOENT (No such file or directory)
        return -1
    fd = self.linux_env.next_fd()
    acc_mode = flags & self.linux_env.O_ACCMODE
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        assert flags & self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY == self.linux_env.O_DIRECTORY
        if acc_mode == self.linux_env.O_RDONLY:
            fdesc = FileDescriptorDirectory(fd, flags, self, path)
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    elif os.path.isfile(path):
        if acc_mode == os.O_RDONLY:
            # Read only
            real_fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        fdesc = FileDescriptorRegularFile(fd, flags, self, real_fd)
    elif os.path.islink(path):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        raise RuntimeError("Unknown file type for %r" % path)
    self.linux_env.file_descriptors[fd] = fdesc
    # Set stat info
    fdesc.cont_device_id = self.device_id
    fdesc.inode = self.get_path_inode(path)
    fdesc.uid = self.linux_env.user_uid
    fdesc.gid = self.linux_env.user_gid
    size = os.path.getsize(path)
    fdesc.size = size
    fdesc.blksize = self.blocksize
    fdesc.blocks = (size + ((512 - (size % 512)) % 512)) / 512
    return fd

def resolve_path(

self, path, follow_link=True)

Resolve @path to the corresponding sandboxed path

def resolve_path(self, path, follow_link=True):
    """Resolve @path to the corresponding sandboxed path"""
    # Remove '../', etc.
    path = os.path.normpath(path)
    # Passthrough
    for passthrough in self.passthrough:
        if hasattr(passthrough, "match"):
            if passthrough.match(path):
                return path
        elif passthrough == path:
            return path
    # Remove leading '/' if any (multiple '//' are handled by 'abspath'
    if path.startswith(os.path.sep):
        path = path[1:]
    base_path = os.path.abspath(self.base_path)
    out_path = os.path.join(base_path, path)
    assert out_path.startswith(base_path + os.path.sep)
    if os.path.islink(out_path):
        link_target = os.readlink(out_path)
        # Link can be absolute or relative -> absolute
        link = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), link_target))
        if follow_link:
            out_path = self.resolve_path(link)
            out_path = link
    return out_path

def statfs(


def statfs(self):
    return StatFSInfo(
        f_type=self.f_type, f_bsize=self.blocksize,
        f_blocks=self.nb_total_block, f_bfree=self.nb_free_block,
        f_bavail=self.nb_avail_block, f_files=self.nb_total_fnode,
        f_ffree=self.nb_free_fnode, f_fsid=self.device_id,
        f_frsize=self.fragment_size, f_flags=self.mount_flags, f_spare=0)

class LinuxEnvironment

A LinuxEnvironment regroups information to simulate a Linux-like environment

class LinuxEnvironment(object):
    """A LinuxEnvironment regroups information to simulate a Linux-like

    # To be overrided
    platform_arch = None

    # User information
    user_uid = 1000
    user_euid = 1000
    user_gid = 1000
    user_egid = 1000
    user_name = "user"

    # Memory mapping information
    brk_current = 0x74000000
    mmap_current = 0x75000000

    # System information
    sys_sysname = "Linux"
    sys_nodename = "user-pc"
    sys_release = "4.13.0-19-generic"
    sys_version = "#22-Ubuntu"
    sys_machine = None

    # Filesystem
    filesystem_base = "file_sb"
    file_descriptors = None

    # Current process
    process_tid = 1000
    process_pid = 1000

    # Syscall restrictions
    ioctl_allowed = None # list of (fd, cmd), None value for wildcard
    ioctl_disallowed = None # list of (fd, cmd), None value for wildcard

    # Time
    base_time = 1531900000

    # Arch specific constant
    O_ACCMODE = None
    O_CLOEXEC = None
    O_DIRECTORY = None
    O_LARGEFILE = None
    O_NONBLOCK = None
    O_RDONLY = None

    def __init__(self):
        stdin = FileDescriptorSTDIN(0)
        stdout = FileDescriptorSTDOUT(1)
        stderr = FileDescriptorSTDERR(2)
        for std in [stdin, stdout, stderr]:
            std.uid = self.user_uid
            std.gid = self.user_gid
        self.file_descriptors = {
            0: stdin,
            1: stdout,
            2: stderr,
        self.ioctl_allowed = [
            (0, termios.TCGETS),
            (0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
            (0, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
            (1, termios.TCGETS),
            (1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
            (1, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
        self.ioctl_disallowed = [
            (2, termios.TCGETS),
            (0, termios.TCSETSW),
        self.filesystem = FileSystem(self.filesystem_base, self) = Networking(self)

    def next_fd(self):
        return len(self.file_descriptors)

    def clock_gettime(self):
        out = self.base_time
        self.base_time += 1
        return out

    def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
        """Stub for 'open' syscall"""
        return self.filesystem.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)

    def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
        """Stub for 'socket' syscall"""
        return, type_, protocol)

    def fstat(self, fd):
        """Get file status through fd"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None
        return fdesc.stat()

    def stat(self, path):
        """Get file status through path"""
        return self.filesystem.getattr_(path)

    def lstat(self, path):
        """Get file status through path (not following links)"""
        return self.filesystem.getattr_(path, follow_link=False)

    def close(self, fd):
        """Stub for 'close' syscall"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None
        return fdesc.close()

    def write(self, fd, data):
        """Stub for 'write' syscall"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None
        return len(data)

    def read(self, fd, count):
        """Stub for 'read' syscall"""
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
        if fdesc is None:
            return None

    def getdents(self, fd, count, packing_callback):
        """Stub for 'getdents' syscall

        'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is

        @fd: getdents' fd argument
        @count: getdents' count argument
        @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
        if not isinstance(fdesc, FileDescriptorDirectory):
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

        out = ""
        # fdesc.listdir continues from where it stopped
        for name in fdesc.listdir():
            d_ino = 1 # Not the real one
            d_type = 0 # DT_UNKNOWN (getdents(2) "All applications must properly
                       # handle a return of DT_UNKNOWN.")
            entry = packing_callback(len(out), d_ino, d_type, name)

            if len(out) + len(entry) > count:
                # Report to a further call
            out = out + entry
        return out

    def ioctl(self, fd, cmd, arg):
        """Stub for 'ioctl' syscall
        Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl
        If the ioctl is disallowed, return False
        allowed = False
        disallowed = False
        for test in [(fd, cmd), (None, cmd), (fd, None)]:
            if test in self.ioctl_allowed:
                allowed = True
            if test in self.ioctl_disallowed:
                disallowed = True

        if allowed and disallowed:
            raise ValueError("fd: %x, cmd: %x is allowed and disallowed" % (fd, cmd))

        if allowed:
            if cmd == termios.TCGETS:
                return 0, 0, 0, 0
            elif cmd == termios.TIOCGWINSZ:
                # struct winsize
                # {
                #   unsigned short ws_row;	/* rows, in characters */
                #   unsigned short ws_col;	/* columns, in characters */
                #   unsigned short ws_xpixel;	/* horizontal size, pixels */
                #   unsigned short ws_ypixel;	/* vertical size, pixels */
                # };
                return 1000, 360, 1000, 1000
            elif cmd == termios.TIOCSWINSZ:
                # Ignore it
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

        elif disallowed:
            return False

            raise KeyError("Unknown ioctl fd:%x cmd:%x" % (fd, cmd))

    def mmap(self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr):
        """Stub for 'mmap' syscall

        'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096
        if addr == 0:
            addr = self.mmap_current
            self.mmap_current += (len_ + 0x1000) & ~0xfff

        all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
        mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                           for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])

        MAP_FIXED = 0x10
        if flags & MAP_FIXED:
            # Alloc missing and override
            missing = interval([(addr, addr + len_ - 1)]) - mapped
            for start, stop in missing:
                vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                          "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
                                          "mmap allocated")
            # Find first candidate segment nearby addr
            for start, stop in mapped:
                if stop < addr:
                rounded = (stop + 1 + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
                if (interval([(rounded, rounded + len_)]) & mapped).empty:
                    addr = rounded
                assert (interval([(addr, addr + len_)]) & mapped).empty

            vmmngr.add_memory_page(addr, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE, "\x00" * len_,
                                      "mmap allocated")

        if fd == 0xffffffff:
            if off != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
            data = "\x00" * len_
            fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
            cur_pos = fdesc.tell()
            data =

        vmmngr.set_mem(addr, data)
        return addr

    def brk(self, addr, vmmngr):
        """Stub for 'brk' syscall"""
        if addr == 0:
            addr = self.brk_current
            all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
            mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                               for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])

            # Alloc missing and override
            missing = interval([(self.brk_current, addr)]) - mapped
            for start, stop in missing:
                vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                       "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),

            self.brk_current = addr
        return addr

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables







var base_time

var brk_current

var file_descriptors

var filesystem_base

var ioctl_allowed

var ioctl_disallowed

var mmap_current

var platform_arch

var process_pid

var process_tid

var sys_machine

var sys_nodename

var sys_release

var sys_sysname

var sys_version

var user_egid

var user_euid

var user_gid

var user_name

var user_uid

Instance variables

var file_descriptors

var filesystem

var ioctl_allowed

var ioctl_disallowed

var network


def __init__(


def __init__(self):
    stdin = FileDescriptorSTDIN(0)
    stdout = FileDescriptorSTDOUT(1)
    stderr = FileDescriptorSTDERR(2)
    for std in [stdin, stdout, stderr]:
        std.uid = self.user_uid
        std.gid = self.user_gid
    self.file_descriptors = {
        0: stdin,
        1: stdout,
        2: stderr,
    self.ioctl_allowed = [
        (0, termios.TCGETS),
        (0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
        (0, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
        (1, termios.TCGETS),
        (1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
        (1, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
    self.ioctl_disallowed = [
        (2, termios.TCGETS),
        (0, termios.TCSETSW),
    self.filesystem = FileSystem(self.filesystem_base, self) = Networking(self)

def brk(

self, addr, vmmngr)

Stub for 'brk' syscall

def brk(self, addr, vmmngr):
    """Stub for 'brk' syscall"""
    if addr == 0:
        addr = self.brk_current
        all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
        mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                           for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])
        # Alloc missing and override
        missing = interval([(self.brk_current, addr)]) - mapped
        for start, stop in missing:
            vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                   "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
        self.brk_current = addr
    return addr

def clock_gettime(


def clock_gettime(self):
    out = self.base_time
    self.base_time += 1
    return out

def close(

self, fd)

Stub for 'close' syscall

def close(self, fd):
    """Stub for 'close' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return fdesc.close()

def fstat(

self, fd)

Get file status through fd

def fstat(self, fd):
    """Get file status through fd"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return fdesc.stat()

def getdents(

self, fd, count, packing_callback)

Stub for 'getdents' syscall

'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is modified)

@fd: getdents' fd argument @count: getdents' count argument @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry

def getdents(self, fd, count, packing_callback):
    """Stub for 'getdents' syscall
    'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is
    @fd: getdents' fd argument
    @count: getdents' count argument
    @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
    if not isinstance(fdesc, FileDescriptorDirectory):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    out = ""
    # fdesc.listdir continues from where it stopped
    for name in fdesc.listdir():
        d_ino = 1 # Not the real one
        d_type = 0 # DT_UNKNOWN (getdents(2) "All applications must properly
                   # handle a return of DT_UNKNOWN.")
        entry = packing_callback(len(out), d_ino, d_type, name)
        if len(out) + len(entry) > count:
            # Report to a further call
        out = out + entry
    return out

def ioctl(

self, fd, cmd, arg)

Stub for 'ioctl' syscall Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl If the ioctl is disallowed, return False

def ioctl(self, fd, cmd, arg):
    """Stub for 'ioctl' syscall
    Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl
    If the ioctl is disallowed, return False
    allowed = False
    disallowed = False
    for test in [(fd, cmd), (None, cmd), (fd, None)]:
        if test in self.ioctl_allowed:
            allowed = True
        if test in self.ioctl_disallowed:
            disallowed = True
    if allowed and disallowed:
        raise ValueError("fd: %x, cmd: %x is allowed and disallowed" % (fd, cmd))
    if allowed:
        if cmd == termios.TCGETS:
            return 0, 0, 0, 0
        elif cmd == termios.TIOCGWINSZ:
            # struct winsize
            # {
            #   unsigned short ws_row;	/* rows, in characters */
            #   unsigned short ws_col;	/* columns, in characters */
            #   unsigned short ws_xpixel;	/* horizontal size, pixels */
            #   unsigned short ws_ypixel;	/* vertical size, pixels */
            # };
            return 1000, 360, 1000, 1000
        elif cmd == termios.TIOCSWINSZ:
            # Ignore it
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    elif disallowed:
        return False
        raise KeyError("Unknown ioctl fd:%x cmd:%x" % (fd, cmd))

def lstat(

self, path)

Get file status through path (not following links)

def lstat(self, path):
    """Get file status through path (not following links)"""
    return self.filesystem.getattr_(path, follow_link=False)

def mmap(

self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr)

Stub for 'mmap' syscall

'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096

def mmap(self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr):
    """Stub for 'mmap' syscall
    'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096
    if addr == 0:
        addr = self.mmap_current
        self.mmap_current += (len_ + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
    all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
    mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                       for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])
    MAP_FIXED = 0x10
    if flags & MAP_FIXED:
        # Alloc missing and override
        missing = interval([(addr, addr + len_ - 1)]) - mapped
        for start, stop in missing:
            vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                      "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
                                      "mmap allocated")
        # Find first candidate segment nearby addr
        for start, stop in mapped:
            if stop < addr:
            rounded = (stop + 1 + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
            if (interval([(rounded, rounded + len_)]) & mapped).empty:
                addr = rounded
            assert (interval([(addr, addr + len_)]) & mapped).empty
        vmmngr.add_memory_page(addr, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE, "\x00" * len_,
                                  "mmap allocated")
    if fd == 0xffffffff:
        if off != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        data = "\x00" * len_
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
        cur_pos = fdesc.tell()
        data =
    vmmngr.set_mem(addr, data)
    return addr

def next_fd(


def next_fd(self):
    return len(self.file_descriptors)

def open_(

self, path, flags, follow_link=True)

Stub for 'open' syscall

def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
    """Stub for 'open' syscall"""
    return self.filesystem.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)

def read(

self, fd, count)

Stub for 'read' syscall

def read(self, fd, count):
    """Stub for 'read' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None

def socket(

self, family, type_, protocol)

Stub for 'socket' syscall

def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
    """Stub for 'socket' syscall"""
    return, type_, protocol)

def stat(

self, path)

Get file status through path

def stat(self, path):
    """Get file status through path"""
    return self.filesystem.getattr_(path)

def write(

self, fd, data)

Stub for 'write' syscall

def write(self, fd, data):
    """Stub for 'write' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return len(data)

class LinuxEnvironment_arml

class LinuxEnvironment_arml(LinuxEnvironment):
    platform_arch = "arml"
    sys_machine = "arml"

    O_ACCMODE = 0x3
    O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000
    O_DIRECTORY = 0x4000
    O_LARGEFILE = 0x20000
    O_NONBLOCK = 0x800
    O_RDONLY = 0

    # ARM specific
    tls = 0
    # get_tls: __kuser_helper_version >= 1
    # cmpxchg: __kuser_helper_version >= 2
    # memory_barrier: __kuser_helper_version >= 3
    kuser_helper_version = 3

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_ACCMODE


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_CLOEXEC


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_DIRECTORY


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_LARGEFILE


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_NONBLOCK


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_RDONLY

var base_time

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.base_time

var brk_current

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.brk_current

var file_descriptors

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.file_descriptors

var filesystem_base

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.filesystem_base

var ioctl_allowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_allowed

var ioctl_disallowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_disallowed

var kuser_helper_version

var mmap_current

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.mmap_current

var platform_arch

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.platform_arch

var process_pid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.process_pid

var process_tid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.process_tid

var sys_machine

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_machine

var sys_nodename

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_nodename

var sys_release

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_release

var sys_sysname

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_sysname

var sys_version

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_version

var tls

var user_egid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_egid

var user_euid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_euid

var user_gid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_gid

var user_name

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_name

var user_uid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_uid

Instance variables

var file_descriptors

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.file_descriptors

var filesystem

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.filesystem

var ioctl_allowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_allowed

var ioctl_disallowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_disallowed

var network



def __init__(


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.__init__

def __init__(self):
    stdin = FileDescriptorSTDIN(0)
    stdout = FileDescriptorSTDOUT(1)
    stderr = FileDescriptorSTDERR(2)
    for std in [stdin, stdout, stderr]:
        std.uid = self.user_uid
        std.gid = self.user_gid
    self.file_descriptors = {
        0: stdin,
        1: stdout,
        2: stderr,
    self.ioctl_allowed = [
        (0, termios.TCGETS),
        (0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
        (0, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
        (1, termios.TCGETS),
        (1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
        (1, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
    self.ioctl_disallowed = [
        (2, termios.TCGETS),
        (0, termios.TCSETSW),
    self.filesystem = FileSystem(self.filesystem_base, self) = Networking(self)

def brk(

self, addr, vmmngr)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.brk

Stub for 'brk' syscall

def brk(self, addr, vmmngr):
    """Stub for 'brk' syscall"""
    if addr == 0:
        addr = self.brk_current
        all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
        mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                           for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])
        # Alloc missing and override
        missing = interval([(self.brk_current, addr)]) - mapped
        for start, stop in missing:
            vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                   "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
        self.brk_current = addr
    return addr

def clock_gettime(


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.clock_gettime

def clock_gettime(self):
    out = self.base_time
    self.base_time += 1
    return out

def close(

self, fd)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.close

Stub for 'close' syscall

def close(self, fd):
    """Stub for 'close' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return fdesc.close()

def fstat(

self, fd)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.fstat

Get file status through fd

def fstat(self, fd):
    """Get file status through fd"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return fdesc.stat()

def getdents(

self, fd, count, packing_callback)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.getdents

Stub for 'getdents' syscall

'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is modified)

@fd: getdents' fd argument @count: getdents' count argument @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry

def getdents(self, fd, count, packing_callback):
    """Stub for 'getdents' syscall
    'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is
    @fd: getdents' fd argument
    @count: getdents' count argument
    @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
    if not isinstance(fdesc, FileDescriptorDirectory):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    out = ""
    # fdesc.listdir continues from where it stopped
    for name in fdesc.listdir():
        d_ino = 1 # Not the real one
        d_type = 0 # DT_UNKNOWN (getdents(2) "All applications must properly
                   # handle a return of DT_UNKNOWN.")
        entry = packing_callback(len(out), d_ino, d_type, name)
        if len(out) + len(entry) > count:
            # Report to a further call
        out = out + entry
    return out

def ioctl(

self, fd, cmd, arg)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl

Stub for 'ioctl' syscall Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl If the ioctl is disallowed, return False

def ioctl(self, fd, cmd, arg):
    """Stub for 'ioctl' syscall
    Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl
    If the ioctl is disallowed, return False
    allowed = False
    disallowed = False
    for test in [(fd, cmd), (None, cmd), (fd, None)]:
        if test in self.ioctl_allowed:
            allowed = True
        if test in self.ioctl_disallowed:
            disallowed = True
    if allowed and disallowed:
        raise ValueError("fd: %x, cmd: %x is allowed and disallowed" % (fd, cmd))
    if allowed:
        if cmd == termios.TCGETS:
            return 0, 0, 0, 0
        elif cmd == termios.TIOCGWINSZ:
            # struct winsize
            # {
            #   unsigned short ws_row;	/* rows, in characters */
            #   unsigned short ws_col;	/* columns, in characters */
            #   unsigned short ws_xpixel;	/* horizontal size, pixels */
            #   unsigned short ws_ypixel;	/* vertical size, pixels */
            # };
            return 1000, 360, 1000, 1000
        elif cmd == termios.TIOCSWINSZ:
            # Ignore it
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    elif disallowed:
        return False
        raise KeyError("Unknown ioctl fd:%x cmd:%x" % (fd, cmd))

def lstat(

self, path)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.lstat

Get file status through path (not following links)

def lstat(self, path):
    """Get file status through path (not following links)"""
    return self.filesystem.getattr_(path, follow_link=False)

def mmap(

self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.mmap

Stub for 'mmap' syscall

'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096

def mmap(self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr):
    """Stub for 'mmap' syscall
    'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096
    if addr == 0:
        addr = self.mmap_current
        self.mmap_current += (len_ + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
    all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
    mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                       for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])
    MAP_FIXED = 0x10
    if flags & MAP_FIXED:
        # Alloc missing and override
        missing = interval([(addr, addr + len_ - 1)]) - mapped
        for start, stop in missing:
            vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                      "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
                                      "mmap allocated")
        # Find first candidate segment nearby addr
        for start, stop in mapped:
            if stop < addr:
            rounded = (stop + 1 + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
            if (interval([(rounded, rounded + len_)]) & mapped).empty:
                addr = rounded
            assert (interval([(addr, addr + len_)]) & mapped).empty
        vmmngr.add_memory_page(addr, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE, "\x00" * len_,
                                  "mmap allocated")
    if fd == 0xffffffff:
        if off != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        data = "\x00" * len_
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
        cur_pos = fdesc.tell()
        data =
    vmmngr.set_mem(addr, data)
    return addr

def next_fd(


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.next_fd

def next_fd(self):
    return len(self.file_descriptors)

def open_(

self, path, flags, follow_link=True)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.open_

Stub for 'open' syscall

def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
    """Stub for 'open' syscall"""
    return self.filesystem.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)

def read(

self, fd, count)


Stub for 'read' syscall

def read(self, fd, count):
    """Stub for 'read' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None

def socket(

self, family, type_, protocol)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.socket

Stub for 'socket' syscall

def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
    """Stub for 'socket' syscall"""
    return, type_, protocol)

def stat(

self, path)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.stat

Get file status through path

def stat(self, path):
    """Get file status through path"""
    return self.filesystem.getattr_(path)

def write(

self, fd, data)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.write

Stub for 'write' syscall

def write(self, fd, data):
    """Stub for 'write' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return len(data)

class LinuxEnvironment_x86_64

class LinuxEnvironment_x86_64(LinuxEnvironment):
    platform_arch = "x86_64"
    sys_machine = "x86_64"

    O_ACCMODE = 0x3
    O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000
    O_DIRECTORY = 0x10000
    O_LARGEFILE = 0x8000
    O_NONBLOCK = 0x800
    O_RDONLY = 0

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_ACCMODE


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_CLOEXEC


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_DIRECTORY


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_LARGEFILE


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_NONBLOCK


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.O_RDONLY

var base_time

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.base_time

var brk_current

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.brk_current

var file_descriptors

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.file_descriptors

var filesystem_base

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.filesystem_base

var ioctl_allowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_allowed

var ioctl_disallowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_disallowed

var mmap_current

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.mmap_current

var platform_arch

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.platform_arch

var process_pid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.process_pid

var process_tid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.process_tid

var sys_machine

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_machine

var sys_nodename

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_nodename

var sys_release

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_release

var sys_sysname

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_sysname

var sys_version

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.sys_version

var user_egid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_egid

var user_euid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_euid

var user_gid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_gid

var user_name

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_name

var user_uid

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.user_uid

Instance variables

var file_descriptors

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.file_descriptors

var filesystem

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.filesystem

var ioctl_allowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_allowed

var ioctl_disallowed

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl_disallowed

var network



def __init__(


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.__init__

def __init__(self):
    stdin = FileDescriptorSTDIN(0)
    stdout = FileDescriptorSTDOUT(1)
    stderr = FileDescriptorSTDERR(2)
    for std in [stdin, stdout, stderr]:
        std.uid = self.user_uid
        std.gid = self.user_gid
    self.file_descriptors = {
        0: stdin,
        1: stdout,
        2: stderr,
    self.ioctl_allowed = [
        (0, termios.TCGETS),
        (0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
        (0, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
        (1, termios.TCGETS),
        (1, termios.TIOCGWINSZ),
        (1, termios.TIOCSWINSZ),
    self.ioctl_disallowed = [
        (2, termios.TCGETS),
        (0, termios.TCSETSW),
    self.filesystem = FileSystem(self.filesystem_base, self) = Networking(self)

def brk(

self, addr, vmmngr)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.brk

Stub for 'brk' syscall

def brk(self, addr, vmmngr):
    """Stub for 'brk' syscall"""
    if addr == 0:
        addr = self.brk_current
        all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
        mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                           for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])
        # Alloc missing and override
        missing = interval([(self.brk_current, addr)]) - mapped
        for start, stop in missing:
            vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                   "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
        self.brk_current = addr
    return addr

def clock_gettime(


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.clock_gettime

def clock_gettime(self):
    out = self.base_time
    self.base_time += 1
    return out

def close(

self, fd)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.close

Stub for 'close' syscall

def close(self, fd):
    """Stub for 'close' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return fdesc.close()

def fstat(

self, fd)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.fstat

Get file status through fd

def fstat(self, fd):
    """Get file status through fd"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return fdesc.stat()

def getdents(

self, fd, count, packing_callback)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.getdents

Stub for 'getdents' syscall

'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is modified)

@fd: getdents' fd argument @count: getdents' count argument @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry

def getdents(self, fd, count, packing_callback):
    """Stub for 'getdents' syscall
    'getdents64' must be handled by caller (only the structure layout is
    @fd: getdents' fd argument
    @count: getdents' count argument
    @packing_callback(cur_len, d_ino, d_type, name) -> entry
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
    if not isinstance(fdesc, FileDescriptorDirectory):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    out = ""
    # fdesc.listdir continues from where it stopped
    for name in fdesc.listdir():
        d_ino = 1 # Not the real one
        d_type = 0 # DT_UNKNOWN (getdents(2) "All applications must properly
                   # handle a return of DT_UNKNOWN.")
        entry = packing_callback(len(out), d_ino, d_type, name)
        if len(out) + len(entry) > count:
            # Report to a further call
        out = out + entry
    return out

def ioctl(

self, fd, cmd, arg)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.ioctl

Stub for 'ioctl' syscall Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl If the ioctl is disallowed, return False

def ioctl(self, fd, cmd, arg):
    """Stub for 'ioctl' syscall
    Return the list of element to pack back depending on target ioctl
    If the ioctl is disallowed, return False
    allowed = False
    disallowed = False
    for test in [(fd, cmd), (None, cmd), (fd, None)]:
        if test in self.ioctl_allowed:
            allowed = True
        if test in self.ioctl_disallowed:
            disallowed = True
    if allowed and disallowed:
        raise ValueError("fd: %x, cmd: %x is allowed and disallowed" % (fd, cmd))
    if allowed:
        if cmd == termios.TCGETS:
            return 0, 0, 0, 0
        elif cmd == termios.TIOCGWINSZ:
            # struct winsize
            # {
            #   unsigned short ws_row;	/* rows, in characters */
            #   unsigned short ws_col;	/* columns, in characters */
            #   unsigned short ws_xpixel;	/* horizontal size, pixels */
            #   unsigned short ws_ypixel;	/* vertical size, pixels */
            # };
            return 1000, 360, 1000, 1000
        elif cmd == termios.TIOCSWINSZ:
            # Ignore it
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
    elif disallowed:
        return False
        raise KeyError("Unknown ioctl fd:%x cmd:%x" % (fd, cmd))

def lstat(

self, path)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.lstat

Get file status through path (not following links)

def lstat(self, path):
    """Get file status through path (not following links)"""
    return self.filesystem.getattr_(path, follow_link=False)

def mmap(

self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.mmap

Stub for 'mmap' syscall

'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096

def mmap(self, addr, len_, prot, flags, fd, off, vmmngr):
    """Stub for 'mmap' syscall
    'mmap2' must be implemented by calling this function with off * 4096
    if addr == 0:
        addr = self.mmap_current
        self.mmap_current += (len_ + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
    all_mem = vmmngr.get_all_memory()
    mapped = interval([(start, start + info["size"] - 1)
                       for start, info in all_mem.iteritems()])
    MAP_FIXED = 0x10
    if flags & MAP_FIXED:
        # Alloc missing and override
        missing = interval([(addr, addr + len_ - 1)]) - mapped
        for start, stop in missing:
            vmmngr.add_memory_page(start, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE,
                                      "\x00" * (stop - start + 1),
                                      "mmap allocated")
        # Find first candidate segment nearby addr
        for start, stop in mapped:
            if stop < addr:
            rounded = (stop + 1 + 0x1000) & ~0xfff
            if (interval([(rounded, rounded + len_)]) & mapped).empty:
                addr = rounded
            assert (interval([(addr, addr + len_)]) & mapped).empty
        vmmngr.add_memory_page(addr, PAGE_READ|PAGE_WRITE, "\x00" * len_,
                                  "mmap allocated")
    if fd == 0xffffffff:
        if off != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")
        data = "\x00" * len_
        fdesc = self.file_descriptors[fd]
        cur_pos = fdesc.tell()
        data =
    vmmngr.set_mem(addr, data)
    return addr

def next_fd(


Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.next_fd

def next_fd(self):
    return len(self.file_descriptors)

def open_(

self, path, flags, follow_link=True)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.open_

Stub for 'open' syscall

def open_(self, path, flags, follow_link=True):
    """Stub for 'open' syscall"""
    return self.filesystem.open_(path, flags, follow_link=follow_link)

def read(

self, fd, count)


Stub for 'read' syscall

def read(self, fd, count):
    """Stub for 'read' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None

def socket(

self, family, type_, protocol)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.socket

Stub for 'socket' syscall

def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
    """Stub for 'socket' syscall"""
    return, type_, protocol)

def stat(

self, path)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.stat

Get file status through path

def stat(self, path):
    """Get file status through path"""
    return self.filesystem.getattr_(path)

def write(

self, fd, data)

Inheritance: LinuxEnvironment.write

Stub for 'write' syscall

def write(self, fd, data):
    """Stub for 'write' syscall"""
    fdesc = self.file_descriptors.get(fd)
    if fdesc is None:
        return None
    return len(data)

class Networking

Network abstraction

class Networking(object):
    """Network abstraction"""

    def __init__(self, linux_env):
        self.linux_env = linux_env

    def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
        fd = self.linux_env.next_fd()
        fdesc = FileDescriptorSocket(fd, family, type_, protocol)
        self.linux_env.file_descriptors[fd] = fdesc
        return fd

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var linux_env


def __init__(

self, linux_env)

def __init__(self, linux_env):
    self.linux_env = linux_env

def socket(

self, family, type_, protocol)

def socket(self, family, type_, protocol):
    fd = self.linux_env.next_fd()
    fdesc = FileDescriptorSocket(fd, family, type_, protocol)
    self.linux_env.file_descriptors[fd] = fdesc
    return fd

class StatFSInfo

StatFSInfo(f_type, f_bsize, f_blocks, f_bfree, f_bavail, f_files, f_ffree, f_fsid, f_namelen, f_frsize, f_flags, f_spare)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var f_bavail

Alias for field number 4

var f_bfree

Alias for field number 3

var f_blocks

Alias for field number 2

var f_bsize

Alias for field number 1

var f_ffree

Alias for field number 6

var f_files

Alias for field number 5

var f_flags

Alias for field number 10

var f_frsize

Alias for field number 9

var f_fsid

Alias for field number 7

var f_namelen

Alias for field number 8

var f_spare

Alias for field number 11

var f_type

Alias for field number 0

class StatInfo

StatInfo(st_dev, st_ino, st_nlink, st_mode, st_uid, st_gid, st_rdev, st_size, st_blksize, st_blocks, st_atime, st_atimensec, st_mtime, st_mtimensec, st_ctime, st_ctimensec)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • StatInfo
  • __builtin__.tuple
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var st_atime

Alias for field number 10

var st_atimensec

Alias for field number 11

var st_blksize

Alias for field number 8

var st_blocks

Alias for field number 9

var st_ctime

Alias for field number 14

var st_ctimensec

Alias for field number 15

var st_dev

Alias for field number 0

var st_gid

Alias for field number 5

var st_ino

Alias for field number 1

var st_mode

Alias for field number 3

var st_mtime

Alias for field number 12

var st_mtimensec

Alias for field number 13

Alias for field number 2

var st_rdev

Alias for field number 6

var st_size

Alias for field number 7

var st_uid

Alias for field number 4