
miasm2.jitter.jitcore_tcc module

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import os
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from miasm2.jitter import Jittcc
from miasm2.jitter.jitcore_cc_base import JitCore_Cc_Base, gen_core

class JitCore_Tcc(JitCore_Cc_Base):

    "JiT management, using LibTCC as backend"

    def __init__(self, ir_arch, bs=None):
        super(JitCore_Tcc, self).__init__(ir_arch, bs)
        self.exec_wrapper = Jittcc.tcc_exec_bloc

    def deleteCB(self, offset):
        "Free the TCCState corresponding to @offset"
        if offset in self.states:
            del self.states[offset]

    def load(self):
        super(JitCore_Tcc, self).load()
        libs = ';'.join(self.libs)
        jittcc_path = Jittcc.__file__
        include_dir = os.path.dirname(jittcc_path)
        include_dir += ";" + os.path.join(include_dir, "arch")

        # XXX HACK
        # As debian/ubuntu have moved some include files using arch directory,
        # TCC doesn't know them, so we get the info from CC
        # For example /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu which contains limits.h
        p = Popen(["cc", "-Wp,-v", "-E", "-"],
                  stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
        include_files ='\n')
        include_files = [x[1:]
                         for x in include_files if x.startswith(' /usr/include')]
        include_files += self.include_files
        include_files = ";".join(include_files)
        Jittcc.tcc_set_emul_lib_path(include_files, libs)

    def __del__(self):
        for tcc_state in self.states.values():

    def jit_tcc_compil(self, func_name, func_code):
        return Jittcc.tcc_compil(func_name, func_code)

    def compil_code(self, block, func_code):
        Compil the C code of @func_code from @block
        @block: original asm_block
        @func_code: C code of the block
        label = block.label
        self.jitcount += 1
        tcc_state, mcode = self.jit_tcc_compil(self.label2fname(label), func_code)
        self.lbl2jitbloc[label.offset] = mcode
        self.states[label.offset] = tcc_state

    def add_bloc(self, block):
        """Add a bloc to JiT and JiT it.
        @block: block to jit
        block_hash = self.hash_block(block)
        fname_out = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "%s.c" % block_hash)

        if os.access(fname_out, os.R_OK):
            func_code = open(fname_out, "rb").read()
            func_code = self.gen_c_code(block.label, block)

            # Create unique C file
            fdesc, fname_tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".c")
            os.write(fdesc, func_code)
            os.rename(fname_tmp, fname_out)

        self.compil_code(block, func_code)

    def gen_C_source(ir_arch, func_code):
        c_source = ""
        c_source += "\n".join(func_code)

        c_source = gen_core(ir_arch.arch, ir_arch.attrib) + c_source

        c_source = """
     #ifdef __x86_64__
     #ifndef __LP64__
      for ubuntu ?!? XXX TODO
      /!\ force 64 bit system using 64 bits libc
      change this to __ILP32__ to do so.
     #define __LP64__
     """ + "#include <Python.h>\n" + c_source

        return c_source

Module variables

var PIPE


class JitCore_Tcc

JiT management, using LibTCC as backend

class JitCore_Tcc(JitCore_Cc_Base):

    "JiT management, using LibTCC as backend"

    def __init__(self, ir_arch, bs=None):
        super(JitCore_Tcc, self).__init__(ir_arch, bs)
        self.exec_wrapper = Jittcc.tcc_exec_bloc

    def deleteCB(self, offset):
        "Free the TCCState corresponding to @offset"
        if offset in self.states:
            del self.states[offset]

    def load(self):
        super(JitCore_Tcc, self).load()
        libs = ';'.join(self.libs)
        jittcc_path = Jittcc.__file__
        include_dir = os.path.dirname(jittcc_path)
        include_dir += ";" + os.path.join(include_dir, "arch")

        # XXX HACK
        # As debian/ubuntu have moved some include files using arch directory,
        # TCC doesn't know them, so we get the info from CC
        # For example /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu which contains limits.h
        p = Popen(["cc", "-Wp,-v", "-E", "-"],
                  stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
        include_files ='\n')
        include_files = [x[1:]
                         for x in include_files if x.startswith(' /usr/include')]
        include_files += self.include_files
        include_files = ";".join(include_files)
        Jittcc.tcc_set_emul_lib_path(include_files, libs)

    def __del__(self):
        for tcc_state in self.states.values():

    def jit_tcc_compil(self, func_name, func_code):
        return Jittcc.tcc_compil(func_name, func_code)

    def compil_code(self, block, func_code):
        Compil the C code of @func_code from @block
        @block: original asm_block
        @func_code: C code of the block
        label = block.label
        self.jitcount += 1
        tcc_state, mcode = self.jit_tcc_compil(self.label2fname(label), func_code)
        self.lbl2jitbloc[label.offset] = mcode
        self.states[label.offset] = tcc_state

    def add_bloc(self, block):
        """Add a bloc to JiT and JiT it.
        @block: block to jit
        block_hash = self.hash_block(block)
        fname_out = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "%s.c" % block_hash)

        if os.access(fname_out, os.R_OK):
            func_code = open(fname_out, "rb").read()
            func_code = self.gen_c_code(block.label, block)

            # Create unique C file
            fdesc, fname_tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".c")
            os.write(fdesc, func_code)
            os.rename(fname_tmp, fname_out)

        self.compil_code(block, func_code)

    def gen_C_source(ir_arch, func_code):
        c_source = ""
        c_source += "\n".join(func_code)

        c_source = gen_core(ir_arch.arch, ir_arch.attrib) + c_source

        c_source = """
     #ifdef __x86_64__
     #ifndef __LP64__
      for ubuntu ?!? XXX TODO
      /!\ force 64 bit system using 64 bits libc
      change this to __ILP32__ to do so.
     #define __LP64__
     """ + "#include <Python.h>\n" + c_source

        return c_source

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • JitCore_Tcc
  • miasm2.jitter.jitcore_cc_base.JitCore_Cc_Base
  • miasm2.jitter.jitcore.JitCore
  • __builtin__.object

Class variables


var jitted_block_delete_cb

var jitted_block_max_size

Static methods

def gen_C_source(

ir_arch, func_code)

def gen_C_source(ir_arch, func_code):
    c_source = ""
    c_source += "\n".join(func_code)
    c_source = gen_core(ir_arch.arch, ir_arch.attrib) + c_source
    c_source = """
 #ifdef __x86_64__
 #ifndef __LP64__
  for ubuntu ?!? XXX TODO
  /!\ force 64 bit system using 64 bits libc
  change this to __ILP32__ to do so.
 #define __LP64__
 """ + "#include <Python.h>\n" + c_source
    return c_source

Instance variables

var disasm_cb

var exec_wrapper


def __init__(

self, ir_arch, bs=None)

def __init__(self, ir_arch, bs=None):
    super(JitCore_Tcc, self).__init__(ir_arch, bs)
    self.exec_wrapper = Jittcc.tcc_exec_bloc

def add_bloc(

self, block)

Add a bloc to JiT and JiT it. @block: block to jit

def add_bloc(self, block):
    """Add a bloc to JiT and JiT it.
    @block: block to jit
    block_hash = self.hash_block(block)
    fname_out = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "%s.c" % block_hash)
    if os.access(fname_out, os.R_OK):
        func_code = open(fname_out, "rb").read()
        func_code = self.gen_c_code(block.label, block)
        # Create unique C file
        fdesc, fname_tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".c")
        os.write(fdesc, func_code)
        os.rename(fname_tmp, fname_out)
    self.compil_code(block, func_code)

def add_block(

self, block)

Add a block to JiT and JiT it. @block: asm_bloc to add

def add_block(self, block):
    """Add a block to JiT and JiT it.
    @block: asm_bloc to add
    irblocks = self.ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, self.ircfg, gen_pc_updt = True)
    block.blocks = irblocks
    self.jit_irblocks(block.loc_key, irblocks)

def add_block_to_mem_interval(

self, vm, block)

Update vm to include block addresses in its memory range

def add_block_to_mem_interval(self, vm, block):
    "Update vm to include block addresses in its memory range"
    self.blocks_mem_interval += interval([(block.ad_min, block.ad_max - 1)])
    for a, b in self.blocks_mem_interval:
        vm.add_code_bloc(a, b + 1)

def add_disassembly_splits(

self, *args)

The disassembly engine will stop on address in args if they are not at the block beginning

def add_disassembly_splits(self, *args):
    """The disassembly engine will stop on address in args if they
    are not at the block beginning"""

def blocks_to_memrange(

self, blocks)

Return an interval instance standing for blocks addresses @blocks: list of AsmBlock instances

def blocks_to_memrange(self, blocks):
    """Return an interval instance standing for blocks addresses
    @blocks: list of AsmBlock instances
    mem_range = interval()
    for block in blocks:
        mem_range += interval([(block.ad_min, block.ad_max - 1)])
    return mem_range

def clear_jitted_blocks(


Reset all jitted blocks

def clear_jitted_blocks(self):
    "Reset all jitted blocks"
    self.blocks_mem_interval = interval()

def compil_code(

self, block, func_code)

Compil the C code of @func_code from @block @block: original asm_block @func_code: C code of the block

def compil_code(self, block, func_code):
    Compil the C code of @func_code from @block
    @block: original asm_block
    @func_code: C code of the block
    label = block.label
    self.jitcount += 1
    tcc_state, mcode = self.jit_tcc_compil(self.label2fname(label), func_code)
    self.lbl2jitbloc[label.offset] = mcode
    self.states[label.offset] = tcc_state

def del_block_in_range(

self, ad1, ad2)

Find and remove jitted block in range [ad1, ad2]. Return the list of block removed. @ad1: First address @ad2: Last address

def del_block_in_range(self, ad1, ad2):
    """Find and remove jitted block in range [ad1, ad2].
    Return the list of block removed.
    @ad1: First address
    @ad2: Last address
    # Find concerned blocks
    modified_blocks = set()
    for block in self.loc_key_to_block.values():
        if not block.lines:
        if block.ad_max <= ad1 or block.ad_min >= ad2:
            # Block not modified
            # Modified blocks
    # Generate interval to delete
    del_interval = self.blocks_to_memrange(modified_blocks)
    # Remove interval from monitored interval list
    self.blocks_mem_interval -= del_interval
    # Remove modified blocks
    for block in modified_blocks:
            for irblock in block.blocks:
                # Remove offset -> jitted block link
                offset = self.ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(irblock.loc_key)
                if offset in self.offset_to_jitted_func:
        except AttributeError:
            # The block has never been translated in IR
            offset = self.ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(block.loc_key)
            if offset in self.offset_to_jitted_func:
        # Remove label -> block link
    return modified_blocks

def deleteCB(

self, offset)

Free the TCCState corresponding to @offset

def deleteCB(self, offset):
    "Free the TCCState corresponding to @offset"
    if offset in self.states:
        del self.states[offset]

def disasm_and_jit_block(

self, addr, vm)

Disassemble a new block and JiT it @addr: address of the block to disassemble (LocKey or int) @vm: VmMngr instance

def disasm_and_jit_block(self, addr, vm):
    """Disassemble a new block and JiT it
    @addr: address of the block to disassemble (LocKey or int)
    @vm: VmMngr instance
    # Get the block
    if isinstance(addr, LocKey):
        addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(addr)
        if addr is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown offset for LocKey")
    # Prepare disassembler
    self.mdis.lines_wd = self.options["jit_maxline"]
    # Disassemble it
    cur_block = self.mdis.dis_block(addr)
    if isinstance(cur_block, AsmBlockBad):
        return cur_block
    # Logging
    if self.log_newbloc:
        print cur_block.to_string(self.mdis.loc_db)
    # Update label -> block
    self.loc_key_to_block[cur_block.loc_key] = cur_block
    # Store min/max block address needed in jit automod code
    # JiT it
    # Update jitcode mem range
    self.add_block_to_mem_interval(vm, cur_block)
    return cur_block

def gen_c_code(

self, block)

Return the C code corresponding to the @irblocks @irblocks: list of irblocks

def gen_c_code(self, block):
    Return the C code corresponding to the @irblocks
    @irblocks: list of irblocks
    f_declaration = 'int %s(block_id * BlockDst, JitCpu* jitcpu)' % self.FUNCNAME
    out = self.codegen.gen_c(block, log_mn=self.log_mn, log_regs=self.log_regs)
    out = [f_declaration + '{'] + out + ['}\n']
    c_code = out
    return self.gen_C_source(self.ir_arch, c_code)

def hash_block(

self, block)

Build a hash of the block @block @block: asmblock

def hash_block(self, block):
    Build a hash of the block @block
    @block: asmblock
    block_raw = "".join(line.b for line in block.lines)
    offset = self.ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(block.loc_key)
    block_hash = md5("%X_%s_%s_%s_%s" % (offset,
    return block_hash

def init_codegen(

self, codegen)

Get the code generator @codegen @codegen: an CGen instance

def init_codegen(self, codegen):
    Get the code generator @codegen
    @codegen: an CGen instance
    self.codegen = codegen

def jit_irblocks(

self, label, irblocks)

JiT a group of irblocks. @label: the label of the irblocks @irblocks: a group of irblocks

def jit_irblocks(self, label, irblocks):
    """JiT a group of irblocks.
    @label: the label of the irblocks
    @irblocks: a group of irblocks
    raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class")

def jit_tcc_compil(

self, func_name, func_code)

def jit_tcc_compil(self, func_name, func_code):
    return Jittcc.tcc_compil(func_name, func_code)

def load(


def load(self):
    super(JitCore_Tcc, self).load()
    libs = ';'.join(self.libs)
    jittcc_path = Jittcc.__file__
    include_dir = os.path.dirname(jittcc_path)
    include_dir += ";" + os.path.join(include_dir, "arch")
    # XXX HACK
    # As debian/ubuntu have moved some include files using arch directory,
    # TCC doesn't know them, so we get the info from CC
    # For example /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu which contains limits.h
    p = Popen(["cc", "-Wp,-v", "-E", "-"],
              stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
    include_files ='\n')
    include_files = [x[1:]
                     for x in include_files if x.startswith(' /usr/include')]
    include_files += self.include_files
    include_files = ";".join(include_files)
    Jittcc.tcc_set_emul_lib_path(include_files, libs)

def remove_disassembly_splits(

self, *args)

The disassembly engine will no longer stop on address in args

def remove_disassembly_splits(self, *args):
    """The disassembly engine will no longer stop on address in args"""

def run_at(

self, cpu, offset, stop_offsets)

Run from the starting address @offset. Execution will stop if: - max_exec_per_call option is reached - a new, yet unknown, block is reached after the execution of block at address @offset - an address in @stop_offsets is reached @cpu: JitCpu instance @offset: starting address (int) @stop_offsets: set of address on which the jitter must stop

def run_at(self, cpu, offset, stop_offsets):
    """Run from the starting address @offset.
    Execution will stop if:
    - max_exec_per_call option is reached
    - a new, yet unknown, block is reached after the execution of block at
      address @offset
    - an address in @stop_offsets is reached
    @cpu: JitCpu instance
    @offset: starting address (int)
    @stop_offsets: set of address on which the jitter must stop
    if offset is None:
        offset = getattr(cpu,
    if offset not in self.offset_to_jitted_func:
        # Need to JiT the block
        cur_block = self.disasm_and_jit_block(offset, cpu.vmmngr)
        if isinstance(cur_block, AsmBlockBad):
            errno = cur_block.errno
            if errno == AsmBlockBad.ERROR_IO:
            elif errno == AsmBlockBad.ERROR_CANNOT_DISASM:
                raise RuntimeError("Unhandled disasm result %r" % errno)
            return offset
    # Run the block and update cpu/vmmngr state
    return self.exec_wrapper(offset, cpu,,

def set_block_min_max(

self, cur_block)

Update cur_block to set min/max address

def set_block_min_max(self, cur_block):
    "Update cur_block to set min/max address"
    if cur_block.lines:
        cur_block.ad_min = cur_block.lines[0].offset
        cur_block.ad_max = cur_block.lines[-1].offset + cur_block.lines[-1].l
        # 1 byte block for unknown mnemonic
        offset = ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(cur_block.loc_key)
        cur_block.ad_min = offset
        cur_block.ad_max = offset+1

def set_options(

self, **kwargs)

Set options relative to the backend

def set_options(self, **kwargs):
    "Set options relative to the backend"

def updt_automod_code(

self, vm)

Remove jitted code updated by memory write @vm: VmMngr instance

def updt_automod_code(self, vm):
    """Remove jitted code updated by memory write
    @vm: VmMngr instance
    mem_range = []
    for addr_start, addr_stop in vm.get_memory_write():
        mem_range.append((addr_start, addr_stop))
    self.updt_automod_code_range(vm, mem_range)

def updt_automod_code_range(

self, vm, mem_range)

Remove jitted code in range @mem_range @vm: VmMngr instance @mem_range: list of start/stop addresses

def updt_automod_code_range(self, vm, mem_range):
    """Remove jitted code in range @mem_range
    @vm: VmMngr instance
    @mem_range: list of start/stop addresses
    for addr_start, addr_stop in mem_range:
        self.del_block_in_range(addr_start, addr_stop)