
miasm2.core.locationdb module

import warnings

from miasm2.expression.expression import LocKey, ExprLoc
from miasm2.expression.modint import moduint, modint

def is_int(a):
    return isinstance(a, (int, long, moduint, modint))

class LocationDB(object):
    LocationDB is a "database" of information associated to location.

    An entry in a LocationDB is uniquely identified with a LocKey.
    Additionnal information which can be associated with a LocKey are:
    - an offset (uniq per LocationDB)
    - several names (each are uniqs per LocationDB)

    As a schema:
    loc_key  1 <-> 0..1  offset
             1 <-> 0..n  name

    >>> loc_db = LocationDB()
    # Add a location with no additionnal information
    >>> loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
    # Add a location with an offset
    >>> loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
    # Add a location with several names
    >>> loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
    >>> loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
    # Associate an offset to an existing location
    >>> loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
    # Remove a name from an existing location
    >>> loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

    # Get back offset
    >>> loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1)
    >>> loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2)
    >>> loc_db.get_location_offset("first_name")

    # Display a location
    >>> loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1)
    >>> loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2)
    >>> loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3)

    def __init__(self):
        # Known LocKeys
        self._loc_keys = set()

        # Association tables
        self._loc_key_to_offset = {}
        self._loc_key_to_names = {}
        self._name_to_loc_key = {}
        self._offset_to_loc_key = {}

        # Counter for new LocKey generation
        self._loc_key_num = 0

    def get_location_offset(self, loc_key):
        Return the offset of @loc_key if any, None otherwise.
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
        return self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)

    def get_location_names(self, loc_key):
        Return the frozenset of names associated to @loc_key
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
        return frozenset(self._loc_key_to_names.get(loc_key, set()))

    def get_name_location(self, name):
        Return the LocKey of @name if any, None otherwise.
        @name: target name
        return self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)

    def get_or_create_name_location(self, name):
        Return the LocKey of @name if any, create one otherwise.
        @name: target name
        loc_key = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
        if loc_key is not None:
            return loc_key
        return self.add_location(name=name)

    def get_offset_location(self, offset):
        Return the LocKey of @offset if any, None otherwise.
        @name: target offset
        return self._offset_to_loc_key.get(offset)

    def get_or_create_offset_location(self, offset):
        Return the LocKey of @offset if any, create one otherwise.
        @offset: target offset
        loc_key = self._offset_to_loc_key.get(offset)
        if loc_key is not None:
            return loc_key
        return self.add_location(offset=offset)

    def get_name_offset(self, name):
        Return the offset of @name if any, None otherwise.
        @name: target name
        loc_key = self.get_name_location(name)
        if loc_key is None:
            return None
        return self.get_location_offset(loc_key)

    def add_location_name(self, loc_key, name):
        """Associate a name @name to a given @loc_key
        @name: str instance
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_loc = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
        if already_existing_loc is not None and already_existing_loc != loc_key:
            raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                           "(%r)" % (name, already_existing_loc))
        self._loc_key_to_names.setdefault(loc_key, set()).add(name)
        self._name_to_loc_key[name] = loc_key

    def remove_location_name(self, loc_key, name):
        """Disassociate a name @name from a given @loc_key
        Fail if @name is not already associated to @loc_key
        @name: str instance
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_loc = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
        if already_existing_loc is None:
            raise KeyError("%r is not already associated" % name)
        if already_existing_loc != loc_key:
            raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                           "(%r)" % (name, already_existing_loc))
        del self._name_to_loc_key[name]

    def set_location_offset(self, loc_key, offset, force=False):
        """Associate the offset @offset to an LocKey @loc_key

        If @force is set, override silently. Otherwise, if an offset is already
        associated to @loc_key, an error will be raised
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_loc = self.get_offset_location(offset)
        if already_existing_loc is not None and already_existing_loc != loc_key:
            raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                           "(%r)" % (offset, already_existing_loc))
        already_existing_off = self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)
        if (already_existing_off is not None and
            already_existing_off != offset):
            if not force:
                raise ValueError(
                    "%r already has an offset (0x%x). Use 'force=True'"
                    " for silent overriding" % (
                        loc_key, already_existing_off
        self._offset_to_loc_key[offset] = loc_key
        self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key] = offset

    def unset_location_offset(self, loc_key):
        """Disassociate LocKey @loc_key's offset

        Fail if there is already no offset associate with it
        @loc_key: LocKey
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_off = self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)
        if already_existing_off is None:
            raise ValueError("%r already has no offset" % (loc_key))
        del self._offset_to_loc_key[already_existing_off]
        del self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key]

    def consistency_check(self):
        """Ensure internal structures are consistent with each others"""
        assert set(self._loc_key_to_names).issubset(self._loc_keys)
        assert set(self._loc_key_to_offset).issubset(self._loc_keys)
        assert self._loc_key_to_offset == {v: k for k, v in self._offset_to_loc_key.iteritems()}
        assert reduce(
            lambda x, y:x.union(y),
        ) == set(self._name_to_loc_key)
        for name, loc_key in self._name_to_loc_key.iteritems():
            assert name in self._loc_key_to_names[loc_key]

    def add_location(self, name=None, offset=None, strict=True):
        """Add a new location in the locationDB. Returns the corresponding LocKey.
        If @name is set, also associate a name to this new location.
        If @offset is set, also associate an offset to this new location.

        Strict mode (set by @strict, default):
          If a location with @offset or @name already exists, an error will be
          If a location with @offset or @name already exists, the corresponding
        LocKey will be returned.

        # Deprecation handling
        if is_int(name):
            assert offset is None or offset == name
            warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location(offset=)' instead."
                          " An additionnal 'name=' can be provided to also "
                          "associate a name (there is no more default name)")
            offset = name
            name = None

        # Argument cleaning
        offset_loc_key = None
        if offset is not None:
            offset = int(offset)
            offset_loc_key = self.get_offset_location(offset)

        # Test for collisions
        name_loc_key = None
        if name is not None:
            name_loc_key = self.get_name_location(name)

        if strict:
            if name_loc_key is not None:
                raise ValueError("An entry for %r already exists (%r), and "
                                 "strict mode is enabled" % (
                                     name, name_loc_key
            if offset_loc_key is not None:
                raise ValueError("An entry for 0x%x already exists (%r), and "
                                 "strict mode is enabled" % (
                                     offset, offset_loc_key
            # Non-strict mode
            if name_loc_key is not None:
                known_offset = self.get_offset_location(name_loc_key)
                if known_offset != offset:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Location with name '%s' already have an offset: 0x%x "
                        "(!= 0x%x)" % (name, offset, known_offset)
                # Name already known, same offset -> nothing to do
                return name_loc_key

            elif offset_loc_key is not None:
                if name is not None:
                    # This is an error. Check for already known name are checked above
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Location with offset 0x%x already exists."
                        "To add a name to this location, use the dedicated API"
                        "'add_location_name(%r, %r)'" % (
                # Offset already known, no name specified
                return offset_loc_key

        # No collision, this is a brand new location
        loc_key = LocKey(self._loc_key_num)
        self._loc_key_num += 1

        if offset is not None:
            assert offset not in self._offset_to_loc_key
            self._offset_to_loc_key[offset] = loc_key
            self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key] = offset

        if name is not None:
            self._name_to_loc_key[name] = loc_key
            self._loc_key_to_names[loc_key] = set([name])

        return loc_key

    def remove_location(self, loc_key):
        Delete the location corresponding to @loc_key
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
        if loc_key not in self._loc_keys:
            raise KeyError("Unknown loc_key %r" % loc_key)
        names = self._loc_key_to_names.pop(loc_key, [])
        for name in names:
            del self._name_to_loc_key[name]
        offset = self._loc_key_to_offset.pop(loc_key, None)
        self._offset_to_loc_key.pop(offset, None)

    def pretty_str(self, loc_key):
        """Return a human readable version of @loc_key, according to information
        available in this LocationDB instance"""
        names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
        if names:
            return ",".join(names)
        offset = self.get_location_offset(loc_key)
        if offset is not None:
            return "loc_%x" % offset
        return str(loc_key)

    def loc_keys(self):
        """Return all loc_keys"""
        return self._loc_keys

    def names(self):
        """Return all known names"""
        return self._name_to_loc_key.keys()

    def offsets(self):
        """Return all known offsets"""
        return self._offset_to_loc_key.keys()

    def __str__(self):
        out = []
        for loc_key in self._loc_keys:
            names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
            offset = self.get_location_offset(loc_key)
            out.append("%s: %s - %s" % (
                "0x%x" % offset if offset is not None else None,
        return "\n".join(out)

    def merge(self, location_db):
        """Merge with another LocationDB @location_db

        WARNING: old reference to @location_db information (such as LocKeys)
        must be retrieved from the updated version of this instance. The
        dedicated "get_*" APIs may be used for this task
        # A simple merge is not doable here, because LocKey will certainly
        # collides

        for foreign_loc_key in location_db.loc_keys:
            foreign_names = location_db.get_location_names(foreign_loc_key)
            foreign_offset = location_db.get_location_offset(foreign_loc_key)
            if foreign_names:
                init_name = list(foreign_names)[0]
                init_name = None
            loc_key = self.add_location(offset=foreign_offset, name=init_name,
            cur_names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
            for name in foreign_names:
                if name not in cur_names and name != init_name:
                    self.add_location_name(loc_key, name=name)

    def canonize_to_exprloc(self, expr):
        If expr is ExprInt, return ExprLoc with corresponding loc_key
        Else, return expr

        @expr: Expr instance
        if expr.is_int():
            loc_key = self.get_or_create_offset_location(int(expr))
            ret = ExprLoc(loc_key, expr.size)
            return ret
        return expr

    # Deprecated APIs
    def items(self):
        """Return all loc_keys"""
        warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "loc_keys" instead of "items"')
        return list(self._loc_keys)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "get_name_location" or '
        if item in self._name_to_loc_key:
            return self._name_to_loc_key[item]
        if item in self._offset_to_loc_key:
            return self._offset_to_loc_key[item]
        raise KeyError('unknown symbol %r' % item)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "get_name_location" or '
                      '"get_offset_location", or ".offsets" or ".names"')
        return item in self._name_to_loc_key or item in self._offset_to_loc_key

    def loc_key_to_name(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_names'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_location_names'")
        return sorted(self.get_location_names(loc_key))[0]

    def loc_key_to_offset(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_offset'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_location_offset'")
        return self.get_location_offset(loc_key)

    def remove_loc_key(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'remove_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'remove_location'")

    def del_loc_key_offset(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'unset_location_offset'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'unset_location_offset'")

    def getby_offset(self, offset):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_offset_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_offset_location'")
        return self.get_offset_location(offset)

    def getby_name(self, name):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_name_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_name_location'")
        return self.get_name_location(name)

    def getby_offset_create(self, offset):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_offset_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_or_create_offset_location'")
        return self.get_or_create_offset_location(offset)

    def getby_name_create(self, name):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_name_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_or_create_name_location'")
        return self.get_or_create_name_location(name)

    def rename_location(self, loc_key, newname):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_name_location' and 'remove_location_name'
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location_name' and "
        for name in self.get_location_names(loc_key):
            self.remove_location_name(loc_key, name)
        self.add_location_name(loc_key, name)

    def set_offset(self, loc_key, offset):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'set_location_offset'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'set_location_offset'")
        self.set_location_offset(loc_key, offset, force=True)

    def gen_loc_key(self):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location'")
        return self.add_location()

    def str_loc_key(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'pretty_str'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'pretty_str'")
        return self.pretty_str(loc_key)


def is_int(


def is_int(a):
    return isinstance(a, (int, long, moduint, modint))


class LocationDB

LocationDB is a "database" of information associated to location.

An entry in a LocationDB is uniquely identified with a LocKey. Additionnal information which can be associated with a LocKey are: - an offset (uniq per LocationDB) - several names (each are uniqs per LocationDB)

As a schema: loc_key 1 <-> 0..1 offset 1 <-> 0..n name

loc_db = LocationDB()

Add a location with no additionnal information

loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()

Add a location with an offset

loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)

Add a location with several names

loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name") loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

Associate an offset to an existing location

loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)

Remove a name from an existing location

loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

Get back offset

loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1) None loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2) 0x1234 loc_db.get_location_offset("first_name") 0x5678

Display a location

loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1) loc_key_1 loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2) loc_1234 loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3) first_name

class LocationDB(object):
    LocationDB is a "database" of information associated to location.

    An entry in a LocationDB is uniquely identified with a LocKey.
    Additionnal information which can be associated with a LocKey are:
    - an offset (uniq per LocationDB)
    - several names (each are uniqs per LocationDB)

    As a schema:
    loc_key  1 <-> 0..1  offset
             1 <-> 0..n  name

    >>> loc_db = LocationDB()
    # Add a location with no additionnal information
    >>> loc_key1 = loc_db.add_location()
    # Add a location with an offset
    >>> loc_key2 = loc_db.add_location(offset=0x1234)
    # Add a location with several names
    >>> loc_key3 = loc_db.add_location(name="first_name")
    >>> loc_db.add_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")
    # Associate an offset to an existing location
    >>> loc_db.set_location_offset(loc_key3, 0x5678)
    # Remove a name from an existing location
    >>> loc_db.remove_location_name(loc_key3, "second_name")

    # Get back offset
    >>> loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key1)
    >>> loc_db.get_location_offset(loc_key2)
    >>> loc_db.get_location_offset("first_name")

    # Display a location
    >>> loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key1)
    >>> loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key2)
    >>> loc_db.pretty_str(loc_key3)

    def __init__(self):
        # Known LocKeys
        self._loc_keys = set()

        # Association tables
        self._loc_key_to_offset = {}
        self._loc_key_to_names = {}
        self._name_to_loc_key = {}
        self._offset_to_loc_key = {}

        # Counter for new LocKey generation
        self._loc_key_num = 0

    def get_location_offset(self, loc_key):
        Return the offset of @loc_key if any, None otherwise.
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
        return self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)

    def get_location_names(self, loc_key):
        Return the frozenset of names associated to @loc_key
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
        return frozenset(self._loc_key_to_names.get(loc_key, set()))

    def get_name_location(self, name):
        Return the LocKey of @name if any, None otherwise.
        @name: target name
        return self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)

    def get_or_create_name_location(self, name):
        Return the LocKey of @name if any, create one otherwise.
        @name: target name
        loc_key = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
        if loc_key is not None:
            return loc_key
        return self.add_location(name=name)

    def get_offset_location(self, offset):
        Return the LocKey of @offset if any, None otherwise.
        @name: target offset
        return self._offset_to_loc_key.get(offset)

    def get_or_create_offset_location(self, offset):
        Return the LocKey of @offset if any, create one otherwise.
        @offset: target offset
        loc_key = self._offset_to_loc_key.get(offset)
        if loc_key is not None:
            return loc_key
        return self.add_location(offset=offset)

    def get_name_offset(self, name):
        Return the offset of @name if any, None otherwise.
        @name: target name
        loc_key = self.get_name_location(name)
        if loc_key is None:
            return None
        return self.get_location_offset(loc_key)

    def add_location_name(self, loc_key, name):
        """Associate a name @name to a given @loc_key
        @name: str instance
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_loc = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
        if already_existing_loc is not None and already_existing_loc != loc_key:
            raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                           "(%r)" % (name, already_existing_loc))
        self._loc_key_to_names.setdefault(loc_key, set()).add(name)
        self._name_to_loc_key[name] = loc_key

    def remove_location_name(self, loc_key, name):
        """Disassociate a name @name from a given @loc_key
        Fail if @name is not already associated to @loc_key
        @name: str instance
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_loc = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
        if already_existing_loc is None:
            raise KeyError("%r is not already associated" % name)
        if already_existing_loc != loc_key:
            raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                           "(%r)" % (name, already_existing_loc))
        del self._name_to_loc_key[name]

    def set_location_offset(self, loc_key, offset, force=False):
        """Associate the offset @offset to an LocKey @loc_key

        If @force is set, override silently. Otherwise, if an offset is already
        associated to @loc_key, an error will be raised
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_loc = self.get_offset_location(offset)
        if already_existing_loc is not None and already_existing_loc != loc_key:
            raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                           "(%r)" % (offset, already_existing_loc))
        already_existing_off = self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)
        if (already_existing_off is not None and
            already_existing_off != offset):
            if not force:
                raise ValueError(
                    "%r already has an offset (0x%x). Use 'force=True'"
                    " for silent overriding" % (
                        loc_key, already_existing_off
        self._offset_to_loc_key[offset] = loc_key
        self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key] = offset

    def unset_location_offset(self, loc_key):
        """Disassociate LocKey @loc_key's offset

        Fail if there is already no offset associate with it
        @loc_key: LocKey
        assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
        already_existing_off = self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)
        if already_existing_off is None:
            raise ValueError("%r already has no offset" % (loc_key))
        del self._offset_to_loc_key[already_existing_off]
        del self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key]

    def consistency_check(self):
        """Ensure internal structures are consistent with each others"""
        assert set(self._loc_key_to_names).issubset(self._loc_keys)
        assert set(self._loc_key_to_offset).issubset(self._loc_keys)
        assert self._loc_key_to_offset == {v: k for k, v in self._offset_to_loc_key.iteritems()}
        assert reduce(
            lambda x, y:x.union(y),
        ) == set(self._name_to_loc_key)
        for name, loc_key in self._name_to_loc_key.iteritems():
            assert name in self._loc_key_to_names[loc_key]

    def add_location(self, name=None, offset=None, strict=True):
        """Add a new location in the locationDB. Returns the corresponding LocKey.
        If @name is set, also associate a name to this new location.
        If @offset is set, also associate an offset to this new location.

        Strict mode (set by @strict, default):
          If a location with @offset or @name already exists, an error will be
          If a location with @offset or @name already exists, the corresponding
        LocKey will be returned.

        # Deprecation handling
        if is_int(name):
            assert offset is None or offset == name
            warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location(offset=)' instead."
                          " An additionnal 'name=' can be provided to also "
                          "associate a name (there is no more default name)")
            offset = name
            name = None

        # Argument cleaning
        offset_loc_key = None
        if offset is not None:
            offset = int(offset)
            offset_loc_key = self.get_offset_location(offset)

        # Test for collisions
        name_loc_key = None
        if name is not None:
            name_loc_key = self.get_name_location(name)

        if strict:
            if name_loc_key is not None:
                raise ValueError("An entry for %r already exists (%r), and "
                                 "strict mode is enabled" % (
                                     name, name_loc_key
            if offset_loc_key is not None:
                raise ValueError("An entry for 0x%x already exists (%r), and "
                                 "strict mode is enabled" % (
                                     offset, offset_loc_key
            # Non-strict mode
            if name_loc_key is not None:
                known_offset = self.get_offset_location(name_loc_key)
                if known_offset != offset:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Location with name '%s' already have an offset: 0x%x "
                        "(!= 0x%x)" % (name, offset, known_offset)
                # Name already known, same offset -> nothing to do
                return name_loc_key

            elif offset_loc_key is not None:
                if name is not None:
                    # This is an error. Check for already known name are checked above
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Location with offset 0x%x already exists."
                        "To add a name to this location, use the dedicated API"
                        "'add_location_name(%r, %r)'" % (
                # Offset already known, no name specified
                return offset_loc_key

        # No collision, this is a brand new location
        loc_key = LocKey(self._loc_key_num)
        self._loc_key_num += 1

        if offset is not None:
            assert offset not in self._offset_to_loc_key
            self._offset_to_loc_key[offset] = loc_key
            self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key] = offset

        if name is not None:
            self._name_to_loc_key[name] = loc_key
            self._loc_key_to_names[loc_key] = set([name])

        return loc_key

    def remove_location(self, loc_key):
        Delete the location corresponding to @loc_key
        @loc_key: LocKey instance
        assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
        if loc_key not in self._loc_keys:
            raise KeyError("Unknown loc_key %r" % loc_key)
        names = self._loc_key_to_names.pop(loc_key, [])
        for name in names:
            del self._name_to_loc_key[name]
        offset = self._loc_key_to_offset.pop(loc_key, None)
        self._offset_to_loc_key.pop(offset, None)

    def pretty_str(self, loc_key):
        """Return a human readable version of @loc_key, according to information
        available in this LocationDB instance"""
        names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
        if names:
            return ",".join(names)
        offset = self.get_location_offset(loc_key)
        if offset is not None:
            return "loc_%x" % offset
        return str(loc_key)

    def loc_keys(self):
        """Return all loc_keys"""
        return self._loc_keys

    def names(self):
        """Return all known names"""
        return self._name_to_loc_key.keys()

    def offsets(self):
        """Return all known offsets"""
        return self._offset_to_loc_key.keys()

    def __str__(self):
        out = []
        for loc_key in self._loc_keys:
            names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
            offset = self.get_location_offset(loc_key)
            out.append("%s: %s - %s" % (
                "0x%x" % offset if offset is not None else None,
        return "\n".join(out)

    def merge(self, location_db):
        """Merge with another LocationDB @location_db

        WARNING: old reference to @location_db information (such as LocKeys)
        must be retrieved from the updated version of this instance. The
        dedicated "get_*" APIs may be used for this task
        # A simple merge is not doable here, because LocKey will certainly
        # collides

        for foreign_loc_key in location_db.loc_keys:
            foreign_names = location_db.get_location_names(foreign_loc_key)
            foreign_offset = location_db.get_location_offset(foreign_loc_key)
            if foreign_names:
                init_name = list(foreign_names)[0]
                init_name = None
            loc_key = self.add_location(offset=foreign_offset, name=init_name,
            cur_names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
            for name in foreign_names:
                if name not in cur_names and name != init_name:
                    self.add_location_name(loc_key, name=name)

    def canonize_to_exprloc(self, expr):
        If expr is ExprInt, return ExprLoc with corresponding loc_key
        Else, return expr

        @expr: Expr instance
        if expr.is_int():
            loc_key = self.get_or_create_offset_location(int(expr))
            ret = ExprLoc(loc_key, expr.size)
            return ret
        return expr

    # Deprecated APIs
    def items(self):
        """Return all loc_keys"""
        warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "loc_keys" instead of "items"')
        return list(self._loc_keys)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "get_name_location" or '
        if item in self._name_to_loc_key:
            return self._name_to_loc_key[item]
        if item in self._offset_to_loc_key:
            return self._offset_to_loc_key[item]
        raise KeyError('unknown symbol %r' % item)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "get_name_location" or '
                      '"get_offset_location", or ".offsets" or ".names"')
        return item in self._name_to_loc_key or item in self._offset_to_loc_key

    def loc_key_to_name(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_names'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_location_names'")
        return sorted(self.get_location_names(loc_key))[0]

    def loc_key_to_offset(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_offset'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_location_offset'")
        return self.get_location_offset(loc_key)

    def remove_loc_key(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'remove_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'remove_location'")

    def del_loc_key_offset(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'unset_location_offset'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'unset_location_offset'")

    def getby_offset(self, offset):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_offset_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_offset_location'")
        return self.get_offset_location(offset)

    def getby_name(self, name):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_name_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_name_location'")
        return self.get_name_location(name)

    def getby_offset_create(self, offset):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_offset_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_or_create_offset_location'")
        return self.get_or_create_offset_location(offset)

    def getby_name_create(self, name):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_name_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_or_create_name_location'")
        return self.get_or_create_name_location(name)

    def rename_location(self, loc_key, newname):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_name_location' and 'remove_location_name'
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location_name' and "
        for name in self.get_location_names(loc_key):
            self.remove_location_name(loc_key, name)
        self.add_location_name(loc_key, name)

    def set_offset(self, loc_key, offset):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'set_location_offset'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'set_location_offset'")
        self.set_location_offset(loc_key, offset, force=True)

    def gen_loc_key(self):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_location'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location'")
        return self.add_location()

    def str_loc_key(self, loc_key):
        """[DEPRECATED API], see 'pretty_str'"""
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'pretty_str'")
        return self.pretty_str(loc_key)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var items

Return all loc_keys

var loc_keys

Return all loc_keys

var names

Return all known names

var offsets

Return all known offsets


def __init__(


def __init__(self):
    # Known LocKeys
    self._loc_keys = set()
    # Association tables
    self._loc_key_to_offset = {}
    self._loc_key_to_names = {}
    self._name_to_loc_key = {}
    self._offset_to_loc_key = {}
    # Counter for new LocKey generation
    self._loc_key_num = 0

def add_location(

self, name=None, offset=None, strict=True)

Add a new location in the locationDB. Returns the corresponding LocKey. If @name is set, also associate a name to this new location. If @offset is set, also associate an offset to this new location.

Strict mode (set by @strict, default): If a location with @offset or @name already exists, an error will be raised. Otherwise: If a location with @offset or @name already exists, the corresponding LocKey will be returned.

def add_location(self, name=None, offset=None, strict=True):
    """Add a new location in the locationDB. Returns the corresponding LocKey.
    If @name is set, also associate a name to this new location.
    If @offset is set, also associate an offset to this new location.
    Strict mode (set by @strict, default):
      If a location with @offset or @name already exists, an error will be
      If a location with @offset or @name already exists, the corresponding
    LocKey will be returned.
    # Deprecation handling
    if is_int(name):
        assert offset is None or offset == name
        warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location(offset=)' instead."
                      " An additionnal 'name=' can be provided to also "
                      "associate a name (there is no more default name)")
        offset = name
        name = None
    # Argument cleaning
    offset_loc_key = None
    if offset is not None:
        offset = int(offset)
        offset_loc_key = self.get_offset_location(offset)
    # Test for collisions
    name_loc_key = None
    if name is not None:
        name_loc_key = self.get_name_location(name)
    if strict:
        if name_loc_key is not None:
            raise ValueError("An entry for %r already exists (%r), and "
                             "strict mode is enabled" % (
                                 name, name_loc_key
        if offset_loc_key is not None:
            raise ValueError("An entry for 0x%x already exists (%r), and "
                             "strict mode is enabled" % (
                                 offset, offset_loc_key
        # Non-strict mode
        if name_loc_key is not None:
            known_offset = self.get_offset_location(name_loc_key)
            if known_offset != offset:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Location with name '%s' already have an offset: 0x%x "
                    "(!= 0x%x)" % (name, offset, known_offset)
            # Name already known, same offset -> nothing to do
            return name_loc_key
        elif offset_loc_key is not None:
            if name is not None:
                # This is an error. Check for already known name are checked above
                raise ValueError(
                    "Location with offset 0x%x already exists."
                    "To add a name to this location, use the dedicated API"
                    "'add_location_name(%r, %r)'" % (
            # Offset already known, no name specified
            return offset_loc_key
    # No collision, this is a brand new location
    loc_key = LocKey(self._loc_key_num)
    self._loc_key_num += 1
    if offset is not None:
        assert offset not in self._offset_to_loc_key
        self._offset_to_loc_key[offset] = loc_key
        self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key] = offset
    if name is not None:
        self._name_to_loc_key[name] = loc_key
        self._loc_key_to_names[loc_key] = set([name])
    return loc_key

def add_location_name(

self, loc_key, name)

Associate a name @name to a given @loc_key @name: str instance @loc_key: LocKey instance

def add_location_name(self, loc_key, name):
    """Associate a name @name to a given @loc_key
    @name: str instance
    @loc_key: LocKey instance
    assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
    already_existing_loc = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
    if already_existing_loc is not None and already_existing_loc != loc_key:
        raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                       "(%r)" % (name, already_existing_loc))
    self._loc_key_to_names.setdefault(loc_key, set()).add(name)
    self._name_to_loc_key[name] = loc_key

def canonize_to_exprloc(

self, expr)

If expr is ExprInt, return ExprLoc with corresponding loc_key Else, return expr

@expr: Expr instance

def canonize_to_exprloc(self, expr):
    If expr is ExprInt, return ExprLoc with corresponding loc_key
    Else, return expr
    @expr: Expr instance
    if expr.is_int():
        loc_key = self.get_or_create_offset_location(int(expr))
        ret = ExprLoc(loc_key, expr.size)
        return ret
    return expr

def consistency_check(


Ensure internal structures are consistent with each others

def consistency_check(self):
    """Ensure internal structures are consistent with each others"""
    assert set(self._loc_key_to_names).issubset(self._loc_keys)
    assert set(self._loc_key_to_offset).issubset(self._loc_keys)
    assert self._loc_key_to_offset == {v: k for k, v in self._offset_to_loc_key.iteritems()}
    assert reduce(
        lambda x, y:x.union(y),
    ) == set(self._name_to_loc_key)
    for name, loc_key in self._name_to_loc_key.iteritems():
        assert name in self._loc_key_to_names[loc_key]

def del_loc_key_offset(

self, loc_key)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'unset_location_offset'

def del_loc_key_offset(self, loc_key):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'unset_location_offset'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'unset_location_offset'")

def gen_loc_key(


[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_location'

def gen_loc_key(self):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_location'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location'")
    return self.add_location()

def get_location_names(

self, loc_key)

Return the frozenset of names associated to @loc_key @loc_key: LocKey instance

def get_location_names(self, loc_key):
    Return the frozenset of names associated to @loc_key
    @loc_key: LocKey instance
    assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
    return frozenset(self._loc_key_to_names.get(loc_key, set()))

def get_location_offset(

self, loc_key)

Return the offset of @loc_key if any, None otherwise. @loc_key: LocKey instance

def get_location_offset(self, loc_key):
    Return the offset of @loc_key if any, None otherwise.
    @loc_key: LocKey instance
    assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
    return self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)

def get_name_location(

self, name)

Return the LocKey of @name if any, None otherwise. @name: target name

def get_name_location(self, name):
    Return the LocKey of @name if any, None otherwise.
    @name: target name
    return self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)

def get_name_offset(

self, name)

Return the offset of @name if any, None otherwise. @name: target name

def get_name_offset(self, name):
    Return the offset of @name if any, None otherwise.
    @name: target name
    loc_key = self.get_name_location(name)
    if loc_key is None:
        return None
    return self.get_location_offset(loc_key)

def get_offset_location(

self, offset)

Return the LocKey of @offset if any, None otherwise. @name: target offset

def get_offset_location(self, offset):
    Return the LocKey of @offset if any, None otherwise.
    @name: target offset
    return self._offset_to_loc_key.get(offset)

def get_or_create_name_location(

self, name)

Return the LocKey of @name if any, create one otherwise. @name: target name

def get_or_create_name_location(self, name):
    Return the LocKey of @name if any, create one otherwise.
    @name: target name
    loc_key = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
    if loc_key is not None:
        return loc_key
    return self.add_location(name=name)

def get_or_create_offset_location(

self, offset)

Return the LocKey of @offset if any, create one otherwise. @offset: target offset

def get_or_create_offset_location(self, offset):
    Return the LocKey of @offset if any, create one otherwise.
    @offset: target offset
    loc_key = self._offset_to_loc_key.get(offset)
    if loc_key is not None:
        return loc_key
    return self.add_location(offset=offset)

def getby_name(

self, name)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_name_location'

def getby_name(self, name):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_name_location'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_name_location'")
    return self.get_name_location(name)

def getby_name_create(

self, name)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_name_location'

def getby_name_create(self, name):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_name_location'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_or_create_name_location'")
    return self.get_or_create_name_location(name)

def getby_offset(

self, offset)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_offset_location'

def getby_offset(self, offset):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_offset_location'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_offset_location'")
    return self.get_offset_location(offset)

def getby_offset_create(

self, offset)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_offset_location'

def getby_offset_create(self, offset):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_or_create_offset_location'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_or_create_offset_location'")
    return self.get_or_create_offset_location(offset)

def loc_key_to_name(

self, loc_key)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_names'

def loc_key_to_name(self, loc_key):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_names'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_location_names'")
    return sorted(self.get_location_names(loc_key))[0]

def loc_key_to_offset(

self, loc_key)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_offset'

def loc_key_to_offset(self, loc_key):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'get_location_offset'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'get_location_offset'")
    return self.get_location_offset(loc_key)

def merge(

self, location_db)

Merge with another LocationDB @location_db

WARNING: old reference to @location_db information (such as LocKeys) must be retrieved from the updated version of this instance. The dedicated "get_*" APIs may be used for this task

def merge(self, location_db):
    """Merge with another LocationDB @location_db
    WARNING: old reference to @location_db information (such as LocKeys)
    must be retrieved from the updated version of this instance. The
    dedicated "get_*" APIs may be used for this task
    # A simple merge is not doable here, because LocKey will certainly
    # collides
    for foreign_loc_key in location_db.loc_keys:
        foreign_names = location_db.get_location_names(foreign_loc_key)
        foreign_offset = location_db.get_location_offset(foreign_loc_key)
        if foreign_names:
            init_name = list(foreign_names)[0]
            init_name = None
        loc_key = self.add_location(offset=foreign_offset, name=init_name,
        cur_names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
        for name in foreign_names:
            if name not in cur_names and name != init_name:
                self.add_location_name(loc_key, name=name)

def pretty_str(

self, loc_key)

Return a human readable version of @loc_key, according to information available in this LocationDB instance

def pretty_str(self, loc_key):
    """Return a human readable version of @loc_key, according to information
    available in this LocationDB instance"""
    names = self.get_location_names(loc_key)
    if names:
        return ",".join(names)
    offset = self.get_location_offset(loc_key)
    if offset is not None:
        return "loc_%x" % offset
    return str(loc_key)

def remove_loc_key(

self, loc_key)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'remove_location'

def remove_loc_key(self, loc_key):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'remove_location'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'remove_location'")

def remove_location(

self, loc_key)

Delete the location corresponding to @loc_key @loc_key: LocKey instance

def remove_location(self, loc_key):
    Delete the location corresponding to @loc_key
    @loc_key: LocKey instance
    assert isinstance(loc_key, LocKey)
    if loc_key not in self._loc_keys:
        raise KeyError("Unknown loc_key %r" % loc_key)
    names = self._loc_key_to_names.pop(loc_key, [])
    for name in names:
        del self._name_to_loc_key[name]
    offset = self._loc_key_to_offset.pop(loc_key, None)
    self._offset_to_loc_key.pop(offset, None)

def remove_location_name(

self, loc_key, name)

Disassociate a name @name from a given @loc_key Fail if @name is not already associated to @loc_key @name: str instance @loc_key: LocKey instance

def remove_location_name(self, loc_key, name):
    """Disassociate a name @name from a given @loc_key
    Fail if @name is not already associated to @loc_key
    @name: str instance
    @loc_key: LocKey instance
    assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
    already_existing_loc = self._name_to_loc_key.get(name)
    if already_existing_loc is None:
        raise KeyError("%r is not already associated" % name)
    if already_existing_loc != loc_key:
        raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                       "(%r)" % (name, already_existing_loc))
    del self._name_to_loc_key[name]

def rename_location(

self, loc_key, newname)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_name_location' and 'remove_location_name'

def rename_location(self, loc_key, newname):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'add_name_location' and 'remove_location_name'
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'add_location_name' and "
    for name in self.get_location_names(loc_key):
        self.remove_location_name(loc_key, name)
    self.add_location_name(loc_key, name)

def set_location_offset(

self, loc_key, offset, force=False)

Associate the offset @offset to an LocKey @loc_key

If @force is set, override silently. Otherwise, if an offset is already associated to @loc_key, an error will be raised

def set_location_offset(self, loc_key, offset, force=False):
    """Associate the offset @offset to an LocKey @loc_key
    If @force is set, override silently. Otherwise, if an offset is already
    associated to @loc_key, an error will be raised
    assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
    already_existing_loc = self.get_offset_location(offset)
    if already_existing_loc is not None and already_existing_loc != loc_key:
        raise KeyError("%r is already associated to a different loc_key "
                       "(%r)" % (offset, already_existing_loc))
    already_existing_off = self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)
    if (already_existing_off is not None and
        already_existing_off != offset):
        if not force:
            raise ValueError(
                "%r already has an offset (0x%x). Use 'force=True'"
                " for silent overriding" % (
                    loc_key, already_existing_off
    self._offset_to_loc_key[offset] = loc_key
    self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key] = offset

def set_offset(

self, loc_key, offset)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'set_location_offset'

def set_offset(self, loc_key, offset):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'set_location_offset'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'set_location_offset'")
    self.set_location_offset(loc_key, offset, force=True)

def str_loc_key(

self, loc_key)

[DEPRECATED API], see 'pretty_str'

def str_loc_key(self, loc_key):
    """[DEPRECATED API], see 'pretty_str'"""
    warnings.warn("Deprecated API: use 'pretty_str'")
    return self.pretty_str(loc_key)

def unset_location_offset(

self, loc_key)

Disassociate LocKey @loc_key's offset

Fail if there is already no offset associate with it @loc_key: LocKey

def unset_location_offset(self, loc_key):
    """Disassociate LocKey @loc_key's offset
    Fail if there is already no offset associate with it
    @loc_key: LocKey
    assert loc_key in self._loc_keys
    already_existing_off = self._loc_key_to_offset.get(loc_key)
    if already_existing_off is None:
        raise ValueError("%r already has no offset" % (loc_key))
    del self._offset_to_loc_key[already_existing_off]
    del self._loc_key_to_offset[loc_key]