
miasm2.arch.mips32.sem module

import miasm2.expression.expression as m2_expr
from import IntermediateRepresentation, IRBlock, AssignBlock
from miasm2.arch.mips32.arch import mn_mips32
from miasm2.arch.mips32.regs import R_LO, R_HI, PC, RA, exception_flags
from miasm2.core.sembuilder import SemBuilder
from miasm2.jitter.csts import EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO

# SemBuilder context
ctx = {"R_LO": R_LO,
       "R_HI": R_HI,
       "PC": PC,
       "RA": RA}
sbuild = SemBuilder(ctx)

def addiu(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Adds a register @arg3 and a sign-extended immediate value @arg2 and
    stores the result in a register @arg1"""
    arg1 = arg2 + arg3

def lw(arg1, arg2):
    "A word is loaded into a register @arg1 from the specified address @arg2."
    arg1 = arg2

def sw(arg1, arg2):
    "The contents of @arg2 is stored at the specified address @arg1."
    arg2 = arg1

def jal(arg1):
    "Jumps to the calculated address @arg1 and stores the return address in $RA"
    PC = arg1
    ir.IRDst = arg1
    RA = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), RA.size)

def jalr(arg1, arg2):
    """Jump to an address stored in a register @arg1, and store the return
    address in another register @arg2"""
    PC = arg1
    ir.IRDst = arg1
    arg2 = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), arg2.size)

def bal(arg1):
    PC = arg1
    ir.IRDst = arg1
    RA = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), RA.size)

def l_b(arg1):
    PC = arg1
    ir.IRDst = arg1

def lbu(arg1, arg2):
    """A byte is loaded (unsigned extended) into a register @arg1 from the
    specified address @arg2."""
    arg1 = mem8[arg2.arg].zeroExtend(32)

def lhu(arg1, arg2):
    """A word is loaded (unsigned extended) into a register @arg1 from the
    specified address @arg2."""
    arg1 = mem16[arg2.arg].zeroExtend(32)

def lb(arg1, arg2):
    "A byte is loaded into a register @arg1 from the specified address @arg2."
    arg1 = mem8[arg2.arg].signExtend(32)

def beq(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    "Branches on @arg3 if the quantities of two registers @arg1, @arg2 are eq"
    dst = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size) if arg1 - arg2 else arg3
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bgez(arg1, arg2):
    """Branches on @arg2 if the quantities of register @arg1 is greater than or
    equal to zero"""
    dst = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size) if arg1.msb() else arg2
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bne(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Branches on @arg3 if the quantities of two registers @arg1, @arg2 are NOT
    dst = arg3 if arg1 - arg2 else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def lui(arg1, arg2):
    """The immediate value @arg2 is shifted left 16 bits and stored in the
    register @arg1. The lower 16 bits are zeroes."""
    arg1 = ExprCompose(i16(0), arg2[:16])

def nop():
    """Do nothing"""

def j(arg1):
    """Jump to an address @arg1"""
    PC = arg1
    ir.IRDst = arg1

def l_or(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Bitwise logical ors two registers @arg2, @arg3 and stores the result in a
    register @arg1"""
    arg1 = arg2 | arg3

def nor(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Bitwise logical Nors two registers @arg2, @arg3 and stores the result in
    a register @arg1"""
    arg1 = (arg2 | arg3) ^ i32(-1)

def l_and(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Bitwise logical ands two registers @arg2, @arg3 and stores the result in
    a register @arg1"""
    arg1 = arg2 & arg3

def ext(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4):
    pos = int(arg3)
    size = int(arg4)
    arg1 = arg2[pos:pos + size].zeroExtend(32)

def mul(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Multiplies @arg2 by $arg3 and stores the result in @arg1."""
    arg1 = 'imul'(arg2, arg3)

def sltu(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """If @arg3 is less than @arg2 (unsigned), @arg1 is set to one. It gets zero
    arg1 = (((arg2 - arg3) ^ ((arg2 ^ arg3) & ((arg2 - arg3) ^ arg2))) ^ arg2 ^ arg3).msb().zeroExtend(32)

def slt(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """If @arg3 is less than @arg2 (signed), @arg1 is set to one. It gets zero
    arg1 = ((arg2 - arg3) ^ ((arg2 ^ arg3) & ((arg2 - arg3) ^ arg2))).msb().zeroExtend(32)

def l_sub(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = arg2 - arg3

def sb(arg1, arg2):
    """The least significant byte of @arg1 is stored at the specified address
    mem8[arg2.arg] = arg1[:8]

def sh(arg1, arg2):
    mem16[arg2.arg] = arg1[:16]

def movn(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    if arg3:
        arg1 = arg2

def movz(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    if not arg3:
        arg1 = arg2

def srl(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Shifts arg1 register value @arg2 right by the shift amount @arg3 and
    places the value in the destination register @arg1.
    Zeroes are shifted in."""
    arg1 = arg2 >> arg3

def sra(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Shifts arg1 register value @arg2 right by the shift amount @arg3 and
    places the value in the destination register @arg1. The sign bit is shifted
    arg1 = 'a>>'(arg2, arg3)

def srav(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = 'a>>'(arg2, arg3 & i32(0x1F))

def sll(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = arg2 << arg3

def srlv(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Shifts a register value @arg2 right by the amount specified in @arg3 and
    places the value in the destination register @arg1.
    Zeroes are shifted in."""
    arg1 = arg2 >> (arg3 & i32(0x1F))

def sllv(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Shifts a register value @arg2 left by the amount specified in @arg3 and
    places the value in the destination register @arg1.
    Zeroes are shifted in."""
    arg1 = arg2 << (arg3 & i32(0x1F))

def l_xor(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    """Exclusive ors two registers @arg2, @arg3 and stores the result in a
    register @arg3"""
    arg1 = arg2 ^ arg3

def seb(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = arg2[:8].signExtend(32)

def seh(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = arg2[:16].signExtend(32)

def bltz(arg1, arg2):
    """Branches on @arg2 if the register @arg1 is less than zero"""
    dst_o = arg2 if arg1.msb() else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size)
    PC = dst_o
    ir.IRDst = dst_o

def blez(arg1, arg2):
    """Branches on @arg2 if the register @arg1 is less than or equal to zero"""
    cond = (i1(1) if arg1 else i1(0)) | arg1.msb()
    dst_o = arg2 if cond else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size)
    PC = dst_o
    ir.IRDst = dst_o

def bgtz(arg1, arg2):
    """Branches on @arg2 if the register @arg1 is greater than zero"""
    cond = (i1(1) if arg1 else i1(0)) | arg1.msb()
    dst_o = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size) if cond else arg2
    PC = dst_o
    ir.IRDst = dst_o

def wsbh(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = ExprCompose(arg2[8:16], arg2[0:8], arg2[24:32], arg2[16:24])

def rotr(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = '>>>'(arg2, arg3)

def add_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    # XXX TODO check
    arg1 = 'fadd'(arg2, arg3)

def sub_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    # XXX TODO check
    arg1 = 'fsub'(arg2, arg3)

def div_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    # XXX TODO check
    arg1 = 'fdiv'(arg2, arg3)

def mul_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    # XXX TODO check
    arg1 = 'fmul'(arg2, arg3)

def mov_d(arg1, arg2):
    # XXX TODO check
    arg1 = arg2

def mfc0(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = arg2

def mfc1(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = arg2

def mtc0(arg1, arg2):
    arg2 = arg1

def mtc1(arg1, arg2):
    arg2 = arg1

def tlbwi():
    "TODO XXX"

def tlbp():
    "TODO XXX"

def ins(ir, instr, a, b, c, d):
    e = []
    pos = int(c)
    l = int(d)

    my_slices = []
    if pos != 0:
        my_slices.append((a[:pos], 0, pos))
    if l != 0:
        my_slices.append((b[:l], pos, pos+l))
    if pos + l != 32:
        my_slices.append((a[pos+l:], pos+l, 32))
    r = m2_expr.ExprCompose(my_slices)
    e.append(m2_expr.ExprAff(a, r))
    return e, []

def lwc1(arg1, arg2):
    arg1 = ('mem_%.2d_to_single' % arg2.size)(arg2)

def swc1(arg1, arg2):
    arg2 = ('single_to_mem_%.2d' % arg1.size)(arg1)

def c_lt_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = 'fcomp_lt'(arg2, arg3)

def c_eq_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = 'fcomp_eq'(arg2, arg3)

def c_le_d(arg1, arg2, arg3):
    arg1 = 'fcomp_le'(arg2, arg3)

def bc1t(arg1, arg2):
    dst_o = arg2 if arg1 else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size)
    PC = dst_o
    ir.IRDst = dst_o

def bc1f(arg1, arg2):
    dst_o = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), ir.IRDst.size) if arg1 else arg2
    PC = dst_o
    ir.IRDst = dst_o

def cvt_d_w(arg1, arg2):
    # TODO XXX
    arg1 = 'flt_d_w'(arg2)

def mult(arg1, arg2):
    """Multiplies (signed) @arg1 by @arg2 and stores the result in $R_HI:$R_LO"""
    size = arg1.size
    result = arg1.signExtend(size * 2) * arg2.signExtend(size * 2)
    R_LO = result[:32]
    R_HI = result[32:]

def multu(arg1, arg2):
    """Multiplies (unsigned) @arg1 by @arg2 and stores the result in $R_HI:$R_LO"""
    size = arg1.size
    result = arg1.zeroExtend(size * 2) * arg2.zeroExtend(size * 2)
    R_LO = result[:32]
    R_HI = result[32:]

def div(arg1, arg2):
    """Divide (signed) @arg1 by @arg2 and stores the remaining/result in $R_HI/$R_LO"""
    R_LO = ExprOp('idiv' ,arg1, arg2)
    R_HI = ExprOp('imod', arg1, arg2)

def divu(arg1, arg2):
    """Divide (unsigned) @arg1 by @arg2 and stores the remaining/result in $R_HI/$R_LO"""
    R_LO = ExprOp('udiv', arg1, arg2)
    R_HI = ExprOp('umod', arg1, arg2)

def mfhi(arg1):
    "The contents of register $R_HI are moved to the specified register @arg1."
    arg1 = R_HI

def mflo(arg1):
    "The contents of register R_LO are moved to the specified register @arg1."
    arg1 = R_LO

def di(arg1):

def ei(arg1):

def ehb(arg1):

def teq(ir, instr, arg1, arg2):
    e = []

    loc_except, loc_except_expr = ir.gen_loc_key_and_expr(ir.IRDst.size)
    loc_next = ir.get_next_loc_key(instr)
    loc_next_expr = m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_next, ir.IRDst.size)

    do_except = []
    do_except.append(m2_expr.ExprAff(exception_flags, m2_expr.ExprInt(
        EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO, exception_flags.size)))
    do_except.append(m2_expr.ExprAff(ir.IRDst, loc_next_expr))
    blk_except = IRBlock(loc_except.index, [AssignBlock(do_except, instr)])

    cond = arg1 - arg2

    e = []
                             m2_expr.ExprCond(cond, loc_next_expr, loc_except_expr)))

    return e, [blk_except]

mnemo_func = sbuild.functions
        'add.d': add_d,
        'addu': addiu,
        'addi': addiu,
        'and': l_and,
        'andi': l_and,
        'b': l_b,
        'c.eq.d': c_eq_d,
        'c.le.d': c_le_d,
        '': c_lt_d,
        'cvt.d.w': cvt_d_w,
        'div.d': div_d,
        'ins': ins,
        'jr': j,
        'mov.d': mov_d,
        'mul.d': mul_d,
        'or': l_or,
        'ori': l_or,
        'slti': slt,
        'sltiu': sltu,
        'sub.d': sub_d,
        'subu': l_sub,
        'xor': l_xor,
        'xori': l_xor,
        'teq': teq,

def get_mnemo_expr(ir, instr, *args):
    instr, extra_ir = mnemo_func[](ir, instr, *args)
    return instr, extra_ir

class ir_mips32l(IntermediateRepresentation):

    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mips32, 'l', loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mips32.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mips32.getsp()
        self.IRDst = m2_expr.ExprId('IRDst', 32)
        self.addrsize = 32

    def get_ir(self, instr):
        args = instr.args
        instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *args)

        pc_fixed = {self.pc: m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset + 4, 32)}

        instr_ir = [m2_expr.ExprAff(expr.dst, expr.src.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                    for expr in instr_ir]

        new_extra_ir = [irblock.modify_exprs(mod_src=lambda expr: expr.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                        for irblock in extra_ir]
        return instr_ir, new_extra_ir

    def get_next_instr(self, instr):
        return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 4)

    def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
        return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 8)

class ir_mips32b(ir_mips32l):
    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mips32, 'b', loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mips32.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mips32.getsp()
        self.IRDst = m2_expr.ExprId('IRDst', 32)

Module variables


var ctx

var mnemo_func

var sbuild


def get_mnemo_expr(

ir, instr, *args)

def get_mnemo_expr(ir, instr, *args):
    instr, extra_ir = mnemo_func[](ir, instr, *args)
    return instr, extra_ir

def ins(

ir, instr, a, b, c, d)

def ins(ir, instr, a, b, c, d):
    e = []
    pos = int(c)
    l = int(d)

    my_slices = []
    if pos != 0:
        my_slices.append((a[:pos], 0, pos))
    if l != 0:
        my_slices.append((b[:l], pos, pos+l))
    if pos + l != 32:
        my_slices.append((a[pos+l:], pos+l, 32))
    r = m2_expr.ExprCompose(my_slices)
    e.append(m2_expr.ExprAff(a, r))
    return e, []

def teq(

ir, instr, arg1, arg2)

def teq(ir, instr, arg1, arg2):
    e = []

    loc_except, loc_except_expr = ir.gen_loc_key_and_expr(ir.IRDst.size)
    loc_next = ir.get_next_loc_key(instr)
    loc_next_expr = m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_next, ir.IRDst.size)

    do_except = []
    do_except.append(m2_expr.ExprAff(exception_flags, m2_expr.ExprInt(
        EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO, exception_flags.size)))
    do_except.append(m2_expr.ExprAff(ir.IRDst, loc_next_expr))
    blk_except = IRBlock(loc_except.index, [AssignBlock(do_except, instr)])

    cond = arg1 - arg2

    e = []
                             m2_expr.ExprCond(cond, loc_next_expr, loc_except_expr)))

    return e, [blk_except]


class ir_mips32b

class ir_mips32b(ir_mips32l):
    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mips32, 'b', loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mips32.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mips32.getsp()
        self.IRDst = m2_expr.ExprId('IRDst', 32)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Instance variables

var IRDst

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.IRDst

var addrsize

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.addrsize

var pc

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.pc

var sp

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.sp


def __init__(

self, loc_db=None)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.__init__

def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
    IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mips32, 'b', loc_db)
    self.pc = mn_mips32.getpc()
    self.sp = mn_mips32.getsp()
    self.IRDst = m2_expr.ExprId('IRDst', 32)

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.add_asmblock_to_ircfg

Add a native block to the current IR @block: native assembly block @ircfg: IRCFG instance @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add a native block to the current IR
    @block: native assembly block
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    loc_key = block.loc_key
    ir_blocks_all = []
    assignments = []
    for instr in block.lines:
        if loc_key is None:
            assignments = []
            loc_key = self.get_loc_key_for_instr(instr)
        split = self.add_instr_to_current_state(
            instr, block, assignments,
            ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt
        if split:
            ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
            loc_key = None
            assignments = []
    if loc_key is not None:
        ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
    new_ir_blocks_all = self.post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, ir_blocks_all)
    for irblock in new_ir_blocks_all:
    return new_ir_blocks_all

def add_bloc(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.add_bloc

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_bloc(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    self.add_block(block, gen_pc_updt)

def add_block(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.add_block

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_block(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    warnings.warn("""DEPRECATION WARNING
    ircfg is now out of IntermediateRepresentation
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg()
    ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    raise RuntimeError("API Deprecated")

def add_instr_to_current_state(

self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.add_instr_to_current_state

Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.

Returns a bool: True if the current assignments list must be split False in other cases.

@instr: native instruction @block: native block source @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_current_state(self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt):
    Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.
    Returns a bool:
    * True if the current assignments list must be split
    * False in other cases.
    @instr: native instruction
    @block: native block source
    @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks
    @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if gen_pc_updt is not False:
        self.gen_pc_update(assignments, instr)
    assignblk, ir_blocks_extra = self.instr2ir(instr)
    ir_blocks_all += ir_blocks_extra
    if ir_blocks_extra:
        return True
    return False

def add_instr_to_ircfg(

self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.add_instr_to_ircfg

Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg @instr: instruction instance @ircfg: IRCFG instance @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_ircfg(self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg
    @instr: instruction instance
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if loc_key is None:
        offset = getattr(instr, "offset", None)
        loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location(offset=offset)
    block = AsmBlock(loc_key)
    block.lines = [instr]
    self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt)
    return loc_key

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.expr_fix_regs_for_mode

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.expraff_fix_regs_for_mode

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(

self, size)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.gen_loc_key_and_expr

Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc @size: size of expression

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(self, size):
    Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc
    @size: size of expression
    loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
    return loc_key, m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, size)

def gen_pc_update(

self, assignments, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.gen_pc_update

def gen_pc_update(self, assignments, instr):
    offset = m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset, self.pc.size)
    assignments.append(AssignBlock({self.pc:offset}, instr))

def get_ir(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.get_ir

def get_ir(self, instr):
    args = instr.args
    instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *args)
    pc_fixed = {self.pc: m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset + 4, 32)}
    instr_ir = [m2_expr.ExprAff(expr.dst, expr.src.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                for expr in instr_ir]
    new_extra_ir = [irblock.modify_exprs(mod_src=lambda expr: expr.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                    for irblock in extra_ir]
    return instr_ir, new_extra_ir

def get_loc_key_for_instr(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.get_loc_key_for_instr

Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction @instr: current instruction

def get_loc_key_for_instr(self, instr):
    """Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction
    @instr: current instruction"""
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset)

def get_next_break_loc_key(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.get_next_break_loc_key

def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 8)

def get_next_instr(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.get_next_instr

def get_next_instr(self, instr):
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 4)

def get_next_loc_key(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.get_next_loc_key

def get_next_loc_key(self, instr):
    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
    return loc_key

def instr2ir(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.instr2ir

def instr2ir(self, instr):
    ir_bloc_cur, extra_irblocks = self.get_ir(instr)
    for index, irb in enumerate(extra_irblocks):
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            irs.append(AssignBlock(assignblk, instr))
        extra_irblocks[index] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)
    assignblk = AssignBlock(ir_bloc_cur, instr)
    return assignblk, extra_irblocks

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, irblock, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(self, irblock, *args, **kwargs):
    return irblock

def is_pc_written(

self, block)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.is_pc_written

Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written @block: IRBlock instance

def is_pc_written(self, block):
    """Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written
    @block: IRBlock instance"""
    all_pc = self.arch.pc.values()
    for assignblk in block:
        if assignblk.dst in all_pc:
            return assignblk
    return None

def new_ircfg(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.new_ircfg

Return a new instance of IRCFG

def new_ircfg(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG
    return IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(

self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg

Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg
    @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance
    ircfg = IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)
    for block in asmcfg.blocks:
        self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    return ircfg

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks):
    self.set_empty_dst_to_next(block, ir_blocks)
    new_irblocks = []
    for irblock in ir_blocks:
        new_irblock = self.irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(irblock, self.attrib)
    return new_irblocks

def set_empty_dst_to_next(

self, block, ir_blocks)

Inheritance: ir_mips32l.set_empty_dst_to_next

def set_empty_dst_to_next(self, block, ir_blocks):
    for index, irblock in enumerate(ir_blocks):
        if irblock.dst is not None:
        next_loc_key = block.get_next()
        if next_loc_key is None:
            loc_key = None
            if block.lines:
                line = block.lines[-1]
                if line.offset is not None:
                    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(line.offset + line.l)
            if loc_key is None:
                loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
            block.add_cst(loc_key, AsmConstraint.c_next)
            loc_key = next_loc_key
        dst = m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, self.pc.size)
        if irblock.assignblks:
            instr = irblock.assignblks[-1].instr
            instr = None
        assignblk = AssignBlock({self.IRDst: dst}, instr)
        ir_blocks[index] = IRBlock(irblock.loc_key, list(irblock.assignblks) + [assignblk])

class ir_mips32l

class ir_mips32l(IntermediateRepresentation):

    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mips32, 'l', loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mips32.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mips32.getsp()
        self.IRDst = m2_expr.ExprId('IRDst', 32)
        self.addrsize = 32

    def get_ir(self, instr):
        args = instr.args
        instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *args)

        pc_fixed = {self.pc: m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset + 4, 32)}

        instr_ir = [m2_expr.ExprAff(expr.dst, expr.src.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                    for expr in instr_ir]

        new_extra_ir = [irblock.modify_exprs(mod_src=lambda expr: expr.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                        for irblock in extra_ir]
        return instr_ir, new_extra_ir

    def get_next_instr(self, instr):
        return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 4)

    def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
        return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 8)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ir_mips32l
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var IRDst

var addrsize

var pc

var sp


def __init__(

self, loc_db=None)

def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
    IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mips32, 'l', loc_db)
    self.pc = mn_mips32.getpc()
    self.sp = mn_mips32.getsp()
    self.IRDst = m2_expr.ExprId('IRDst', 32)
    self.addrsize = 32

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False)

Add a native block to the current IR @block: native assembly block @ircfg: IRCFG instance @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add a native block to the current IR
    @block: native assembly block
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    loc_key = block.loc_key
    ir_blocks_all = []
    assignments = []
    for instr in block.lines:
        if loc_key is None:
            assignments = []
            loc_key = self.get_loc_key_for_instr(instr)
        split = self.add_instr_to_current_state(
            instr, block, assignments,
            ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt
        if split:
            ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
            loc_key = None
            assignments = []
    if loc_key is not None:
        ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
    new_ir_blocks_all = self.post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, ir_blocks_all)
    for irblock in new_ir_blocks_all:
    return new_ir_blocks_all

def add_bloc(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_bloc(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    self.add_block(block, gen_pc_updt)

def add_block(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_block(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    warnings.warn("""DEPRECATION WARNING
    ircfg is now out of IntermediateRepresentation
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg()
    ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    raise RuntimeError("API Deprecated")

def add_instr_to_current_state(

self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt)

Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.

Returns a bool: True if the current assignments list must be split False in other cases.

@instr: native instruction @block: native block source @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_current_state(self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt):
    Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.
    Returns a bool:
    * True if the current assignments list must be split
    * False in other cases.
    @instr: native instruction
    @block: native block source
    @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks
    @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if gen_pc_updt is not False:
        self.gen_pc_update(assignments, instr)
    assignblk, ir_blocks_extra = self.instr2ir(instr)
    ir_blocks_all += ir_blocks_extra
    if ir_blocks_extra:
        return True
    return False

def add_instr_to_ircfg(

self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False)

Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg @instr: instruction instance @ircfg: IRCFG instance @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_ircfg(self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg
    @instr: instruction instance
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if loc_key is None:
        offset = getattr(instr, "offset", None)
        loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location(offset=offset)
    block = AsmBlock(loc_key)
    block.lines = [instr]
    self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt)
    return loc_key

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(

self, size)

Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc @size: size of expression

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(self, size):
    Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc
    @size: size of expression
    loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
    return loc_key, m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, size)

def gen_pc_update(

self, assignments, instr)

def gen_pc_update(self, assignments, instr):
    offset = m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset, self.pc.size)
    assignments.append(AssignBlock({self.pc:offset}, instr))

def get_ir(

self, instr)

def get_ir(self, instr):
    args = instr.args
    instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *args)
    pc_fixed = {self.pc: m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset + 4, 32)}
    instr_ir = [m2_expr.ExprAff(expr.dst, expr.src.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                for expr in instr_ir]
    new_extra_ir = [irblock.modify_exprs(mod_src=lambda expr: expr.replace_expr(pc_fixed))
                    for irblock in extra_ir]
    return instr_ir, new_extra_ir

def get_loc_key_for_instr(

self, instr)

Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction @instr: current instruction

def get_loc_key_for_instr(self, instr):
    """Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction
    @instr: current instruction"""
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset)

def get_next_break_loc_key(

self, instr)

def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 8)

def get_next_instr(

self, instr)

def get_next_instr(self, instr):
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset  + 4)

def get_next_loc_key(

self, instr)

def get_next_loc_key(self, instr):
    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
    return loc_key

def instr2ir(

self, instr)

def instr2ir(self, instr):
    ir_bloc_cur, extra_irblocks = self.get_ir(instr)
    for index, irb in enumerate(extra_irblocks):
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            irs.append(AssignBlock(assignblk, instr))
        extra_irblocks[index] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)
    assignblk = AssignBlock(ir_bloc_cur, instr)
    return assignblk, extra_irblocks

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, irblock, *args, **kwargs)

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(self, irblock, *args, **kwargs):
    return irblock

def is_pc_written(

self, block)

Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written @block: IRBlock instance

def is_pc_written(self, block):
    """Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written
    @block: IRBlock instance"""
    all_pc = self.arch.pc.values()
    for assignblk in block:
        if assignblk.dst in all_pc:
            return assignblk
    return None

def new_ircfg(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Return a new instance of IRCFG

def new_ircfg(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG
    return IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(

self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs)

Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg
    @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance
    ircfg = IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)
    for block in asmcfg.blocks:
        self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    return ircfg

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks)

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks):
    self.set_empty_dst_to_next(block, ir_blocks)
    new_irblocks = []
    for irblock in ir_blocks:
        new_irblock = self.irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(irblock, self.attrib)
    return new_irblocks

def set_empty_dst_to_next(

self, block, ir_blocks)

def set_empty_dst_to_next(self, block, ir_blocks):
    for index, irblock in enumerate(ir_blocks):
        if irblock.dst is not None:
        next_loc_key = block.get_next()
        if next_loc_key is None:
            loc_key = None
            if block.lines:
                line = block.lines[-1]
                if line.offset is not None:
                    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(line.offset + line.l)
            if loc_key is None:
                loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
            block.add_cst(loc_key, AsmConstraint.c_next)
            loc_key = next_loc_key
        dst = m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, self.pc.size)
        if irblock.assignblks:
            instr = irblock.assignblks[-1].instr
            instr = None
        assignblk = AssignBlock({self.IRDst: dst}, instr)
        ir_blocks[index] = IRBlock(irblock.loc_key, list(irblock.assignblks) + [assignblk])