
miasm2.arch.mep.sem module

# Toshiba MeP-c4 - miasm instructions side effects
# Guillaume Valadon <>

from miasm2.core.sembuilder import SemBuilder
from import IntermediateRepresentation
from miasm2.arch.mep.arch import mn_mep
from miasm2.arch.mep.regs import PC, SP, LP, SAR, TP, RPB, RPE, RPC, EPC, NPC, \
    take_jmp, in_erepeat
from miasm2.arch.mep.regs import EXC, HI, LO, PSW, DEPC, DBG
from miasm2.expression.expression import ExprId, ExprInt, ExprOp
from miasm2.expression.expression import ExprAff, ExprCond, ExprMem
from miasm2.core.cpu import sign_ext
from miasm2.jitter.csts import EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO

from miasm2.arch.mep.regs import exception_flags

def compute_s_inf(arg1, arg2):
    """Signed comparison operator"""
    return ((arg1 - arg2) ^ ((arg1 ^ arg2) & ((arg1 - arg2) ^ arg1))).msb()

def compute_u_inf(x, y):
    """Unsigned comparison operator"""
    result = (((x - y) ^ ((x ^ y) & ((x - y) ^ x))) ^ x ^ y).msb()
    return result

# SemBuilder context
ctx = {"PC": PC, "SP": SP, "LP": LP, "SAR": SAR, "TP": TP,
       "RPB": RPB, "RPE": RPE, "RPC": RPC, "EPC": EPC, "NPC": NPC,
       "EXC": EXC, "HI": HI, "LO": LO, "PSW": PSW, "DEPC": DEPC, "DBG": DBG,
       "exception_flags": exception_flags, "compute_s_inf": compute_s_inf,
       "compute_u_inf": compute_u_inf, "take_jmp": take_jmp,
       "in_erepeat": in_erepeat, "EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO": EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO}
sbuild = SemBuilder(ctx)

# Functions used to get an instruction IR
manual_functions = dict()

def mep_nop():
    """Dummy instruction"""

def mep_nop_2_args(arg1, arg2):
    """Dummy instruction with two arguments"""

### Load/Store instructions

# Register indirect addressing mode

def sb(reg_src, deref_dst):
    """SB - Store Byte into memory"""

    # MemByte(Rm31..0) <- Rn7..0
    # MemByte((ZeroExt(disp7)+TP)31..0)) <- Rn7..0
    # MemByte((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..0) <- Rn7..0
    mem8[deref_dst.arg] = reg_src[:8]

def sh(reg_src, deref_dst):
    """SH - Store Halfword into memory"""

    # MemHword(Rm31..1||0) <- Rn15..0
    # MemHword((ZeroExt((disp7)6..1||0)+TP)31..1||0)) <- Rn15..0
    # MemHword((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..1||0) <- Rn15..0
    mem16[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFE)] = reg_src[:16]

def sw(reg_src, deref_dst):
    """SW - Store Word into memory"""

    # MemWord(Rm31..2||00) <- Rn31..0
    # MemWord((ZeroExt((disp7)6..2||00)+SP)31..2||00)) <- Rn31..0
    # MemWord((ZeroExt((disp7)6..2||00)+TP)31..2||00)) <- Rn31..0
    # MemWord((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..2||00) <- Rn31..0
    # MemWord(ZeroExt((abs24)23..2||00)) - Rn31..0

    mem32[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFC)] = reg_src

# Without the sembuilder
#def sw(ir, instr, reg_src, deref_reg_or_imm, deref_reg=None):
#    """SW - store Word into memory.
#       Note: there are three variants to get the memory address:
#            - from a register
#            - relatively to SP
#            - relatively to TP"""
#    if isinstance(deref_reg_or_imm, ExprMem):
#        # MemWord(Rm31..2||00) <- Rn31..0
#        dst = deref_reg_or_imm
#    elif isinstance(deref_reg_or_imm, ExprInt) and deref_reg:
#        # MemWord((ZeroExt((disp7)6..2||00)+SP)31..2||00)) <- Rn31..0
#        # MemWord((ZeroExt((disp7)6..2||00)+TP)31..2||00)) <- Rn31..0
#        imm = deref_reg_or_imm.zeroExtend(32)
#        dst = ExprMem(ExprOp("+", imm, deref_reg.arg))
#    return [ExprAff(dst, reg_src)], []

def lb(reg_dst, deref_dst):
    """LB - Load Byte from memory"""

    # Rn <- SignExt(MemByte(Rm31..0))
    # Rn <- SignExt(MemByte((ZeroExt(disp7)+TP)31..0))
    # Rn <- SignExt(MemByte((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..0)
    reg_dst = mem8[deref_dst.arg].signExtend(32)

def lh(reg_dst, deref_dst):
    """LH - Load Halfword from memory"""

    # Rn <- SignExt(MemHword(Rm31..1||0))
    # Rn <- SignExt(MemHword((ZeroExt((disp7)6..1||0)+TP)31..1||0)
    # Rn <- SignExt(MemHword((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..1||0))
    reg_dst = mem16[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFE)].signExtend(32)

def lw(reg_dst, deref_dst):
    """LW - Load Word from memory"""

    # Rn <- MemWord(Rm31..2||00)
    # Rn <- MemWord((ZeroExt((disp7)6..2||00)+TP)31..2||00)
    # Rn <- MemWord((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..2||00)
    # Rn <- MemWord(ZeroExt((abs24)23..2||00))
    reg_dst = mem32[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFC)]

def lbu(reg_dst, deref_dst):
    """LBU - Load an unsigned Byte from memory"""

    # Rn <- ZeroExt(MemByte(Rm31..0))
    # Rn <- ZeroExt(MemByte((ZeroExt(disp7)+TP)31..0))
    # Rn <- ZeroExt(MemByte((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..0))
    reg_dst = mem8[deref_dst.arg].zeroExtend(32)

def lhu(reg_dst, deref_dst):
    """LHU - Load an unsigned Halfword from memory"""

    # Rn <- ZeroExt(MemHword(Rm31..1||0))
    # Rn <- ZeroExt(MemHword((SignExt(disp16)+Rm)31..1||0))
    # Rn <- ZeroExt(MemHword((ZeroExt((disp7)6..1||0)+TP)31..1||0))
    reg_dst = mem16[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFE)].zeroExtend(32)

### Byte/Halfword extension instructions

def extb(reg):
    """EXTB - Sign extend a byte"""

    # Rn <- SignExt(Rn7..0)
    reg = reg[:8].signExtend(32)

def exth(reg):
    """EXTH - Sign extend a word"""

    # Rn <- ZeroExt(Rn15..0)
    reg = reg[:16].signExtend(32)

def extub(reg):
    """EXUTB - Zero extend a byte"""

    # Rn <- SignExt(Rn7..0)
    reg = reg[:8].zeroExtend(32)

def extuh(reg):
    """EXTUH - Zero extend a word"""

    # Rn <- ZeroExt(Rn15..0)
    reg = reg[:16].zeroExtend(32)

### Shift amount manipulation instructions

#def ssarb(deref_reg):

### Move instructions

def mov(reg, value):
    """MOV - Copy 'value' to a register. The three alternatives are handled."""

    # Rn <- Rm
    # Rn <- SignExt(imm8)
    # Rn <- SignExt(imm16)
    reg = value.signExtend(32)

def movu(reg, value):
    """MOV - Copy 'value' to a register. The two alternatives are handled."""

    # Rn[0-7] <- ZeroExt(imm24)
    # Rn <- ZeroExt(imm16)
    reg = value.zeroExtend(32)

def movh(reg, imm16):
    """MOVH - Copy a shifted imm16 to a register."""

    # Rn <- imm16 <<16
    reg = imm16.zeroExtend(32) << i32(16)

### Arithmetic instructions

def add3(ir, instr, reg_dst, reg_src, reg_or_imm):
    """ADD3 - Add two register and store the result to a register, or
              add a register and an immediate and store the result to a register"""

    if isinstance(reg_or_imm, ExprId):
        # Rl <- Rn + Rm
        result = ExprOp("+", reg_src, reg_or_imm)
        # Rn <- Rm + SignExt(imm16)
        value = int(reg_or_imm.arg)
        result = ExprOp("+", reg_src, ExprInt(value, 32))

    return [ExprAff(reg_dst, result)], []

manual_functions["add3"] = add3

def add(arg1, arg2):
    """ADD - Add a register and an immediate."""

    # Rn <- Rn + SignExt(imm6)
    arg1 = arg1 + arg2.signExtend(32)

def advck3(r0, rn, rm):
    """ADVCK3 - Check addition overflow."""

    # if(Overflow(Rn+Rm)) R0<-1 else R0<-0 (Signed)
    r0 = i32(1) if compute_u_inf(i64(0xFFFFFFFF), rn.zeroExtend(64) + rm.zeroExtend(64)) else i32(0)

def sub(reg1, reg2):
    """SUB - Substract one register to another."""

    # Rn <- Rn - Rm
    reg1 = reg1 - reg2

def sbvck3(ir, instr, r0, rn, rm):
    """SBVCK3 - Check substraction overflow"""

    # if(Overflow(Rn-Rm)) R0<-1 else R0<-0 (Signed)

    # Substract registers
    reg_sub = ExprOp("+", rn, rm)

    # Get the register storing the highest value
    max_rn_rm = ExprCond(ExprOp(">", rn, rm), rn, rm)

    # Check for an overflow
    overflow_test = ExprOp(">", reg_sub, max_rn_rm)

    # Return the result
    condition = ExprCond(overflow_test, ExprInt(1, 32), ExprInt(0, 32))
    return [ExprAff(r0, condition)], []

manual_functions["sbvck3"] = sbvck3

def neg(reg1, reg2):
    """NEG - Negate one register."""

    # Rn <- - Rm
    reg1 = - reg2

def slt3(r0, rn, rm_or_imm5):
    """SLT3 - Set on less than (signed)."""

    # if (Rn<Rm) R0<-1 else R0<-0 (Signed)
    # if (Rn<ZeroExt(imm5)) R0<-1 else R0<-0(Signed)
    r0 = i32(1) if compute_s_inf(rn, rm_or_imm5.signExtend(32)) else i32(0)

if False:
    rm_ext = rm_or_imm5

    # Mask sign bits
    sign_mask = i32(0x80000000)
    sign_rn = rn & sign_mask
    sign_rm = rm_ext & sign_mask

    # Check if both numbers are positive or negative
    are_both_neg = sign_rn & sign_rm
    are_both_pos = ~(sign_rn & sign_rm) >> i32(31)

    # rn is positive and rm negative, return 1
    r0_mixed = i32(1) if sign_rn else i32(0)

    # rn & rm are both positives, test and return 1 or 0
    r0_pos = (i32(1) if "<"(rn, rm_ext) else i32(0)) if are_both_pos else r0_mixed

    # rn & rm are both negatives, test and return 0 or 1
    r0 = (i32(0) if "<"(rn, rm_ext) else i32(1)) if are_both_neg else r0_pos

def sltu3(r0, rn, rm_or_imm5):
    """SLTU3 - Set on less than (unsigned)."""

    # if (Rn<Rm) R0<-1 else R0<-0 (Unigned)
    # if (Rn<ZeroExt(imm5)) R0<-1 else R0<-0(Unsigned)
    r0 = i32(1) if compute_u_inf(rn, rm_or_imm5) else i32(0)

def sl1ad3(r0, rn, rm):
    """SL1AD3 - Shift a register one bit left, then add another one."""

    # R0 <- (Rn<<1) + Rm
    r0 = (rn << i32(1)) + rm

def sl2ad3(r0, rn, rm):
    """SL2AD3 - Shift a register two bits left, then add another one."""

    # R0 <- (Rn<<2) + Rm
    r0 = (rn << i32(2)) + rm

### Logical instructions

def logical_or(rn, rm):
    """OR - Logical OR between two registers."""

    # Rn <- Rn or Rm
    rn = rn | rm

manual_functions["or"] = logical_or

def logical_and(rn, rm):
    """AND - Logical AND between two registers."""

    # Rn <- Rn and Rm
    rn = rn & rm

manual_functions["and"] = logical_and

def xor(rn, rm):
    """XOR - Logical XOR between two registers."""

    # Rn <- Rn xor Rm
    rn = rn ^ rm

def nor(rn, rm):
    """NOR - Logical NOR between two registers."""

    # Rn <- Rn nor Rm
    rn = ~ (rn | rm)

def or3(rn, rm, imm16):
    """OR3 - Logical OR between a register and an immediate"""

    # Rn <- Rm or ZeroExt(imm16)
    rn = rm | imm16

def and3(rn, rm, imm16):
    """AND3 - Logical AND between a register and an immediate"""

    # Rn <- Rm and ZeroExt(imm16)
    rn = rm & imm16

def xor3(rn, rm, imm16):
    """XOR3 - Logical XOR between a register and an immediate"""

    # Rn <- Rm xor ZeroExt(imm16)
    rn = rm ^ imm16

### Shift instruction

def sra(rn, rm_or_imm5):
    """SRA - Shift Right signed"""

    # Rn <- (Signed) Rn >> Rm4..0
    # Rn <- (Signed) Rn >> imm5

    # Unsigned result
    shift_u = rn >> rm_or_imm5

    # Signed result
    shift_mask = i32(32) - rm_or_imm5
    mask = (i32(0xFFFFFFFF) >> shift_mask) << shift_mask
    shift_s = shift_u | mask

    rn = shift_s if rn.msb() else shift_u

def srl(rn, rm_or_imm5):
    """SRL - Shift Right unsigned."""

    # Rn <- (Unsigned) Rn >> Rm4..0
    # Rn <- (Unsigned) Rn >> imm5
    rn = rn >> rm_or_imm5

def sll(rn, rm_or_imm5):
    """SLL - Shift Left unsigned."""

    # Rn <- (Unsigned) Rn >> Rm4..0
    # Rn <- (Unsigned) Rn << imm5
    rn = rn << rm_or_imm5

def sll3(r0, rn, imm5):
    """SLL3 - Shift Left unsigned, with 3 arguments."""

    # R0 <- (Unsigned) Rn << imm5
    r0 = rn << imm5

def fsft(rn, rm):
    "FSFT - Funnel shift."""

    # Rn <- ((Rn||Rm)<<SAR5..0)63..32
    # Note: lowest Rm bits are discarded

    sar = SAR[:5].zeroExtend(32)
    tmp_rn = rn << sar  # Shift Rn
    tmp_rm = rm >> (i32(32) - sar)  # Shift Rm in the reverse order
    rn = tmp_rn | tmp_rm  # Concatenate registers

## Branch/Jump instructions

def bra(disp12):
    """BRA - Branch to an address."""

    # PC <- PC + SignExt((disp12)11..1||0)
    dst = disp12
    PC = dst
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32)
    ir.IRDst = dst

def beqz(reg_test, disp8):
    """BEQZ - Branch if the register stores zero."""

    # if(Rn==0) PC <- PC +SignExt((disp8)7..1||0)
    dst = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32) if reg_test else disp8
    take_jmp = ExprInt(0, 32) if reg_test else ExprInt(1, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bnez(reg_test, disp8):
    """BNEZ - Branch if the register does not store zero."""

    # if(Rn!=0) PC <- PC + SignExt((disp8)7..1||0)
    dst = disp8 if "-"(reg_test, i32(0)) else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32) if "-"(reg_test, i32(0)) else ExprInt(0, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def beqi(reg_test, imm4, disp16):
    """BEQI - Branch if the register stores imm4."""

    # if(Rn==ZeroExt(imm4)) PC <- PC +SignExt((disp17)16..1||0)
    dst = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32) if "-"(reg_test, imm4) else disp16
    take_jmp = ExprInt(0, 32) if "-"(reg_test, imm4) else ExprInt(1, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bnei(reg_test, imm4, disp16):
    """BNEI - Branch if the register does not store imm4."""

    # if(Rn!=ZeroExt(imm4)) PC <- PC+SignExt((disp17)16..1||0)
    dst = disp16 if "-"(reg_test, imm4) else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32) if "-"(reg_test, imm4) else ExprInt(0, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def blti(reg_test, imm4, disp16):
    """BLTI - Branch if the register is lower than imm4."""

    # if(Rn< ZeroExt(imm4)) PC <- PC +SignExt((disp17)16..1||0) - (Signed comparison)
    dst = disp16 if compute_s_inf(reg_test, imm4) else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32) if compute_s_inf(reg_test, imm4) else ExprInt(0, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bgei(reg_test, imm4, disp16):
    """BGEI - Branch if the register is greater or equal to imm4."""

    # if(Rn>=ZeroExt(imm4)) PC <- PC +SignExt((disp17)16..1||0) - (Signed comparison)
    dst = disp16 if ">="(reg_test, imm4) else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32) if ">="(reg_test, imm4) else ExprInt(0, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def beq(rn, rm, disp16):
    """BEQ - Branch if the two registers are equal."""

    # if(Rn==Rm) PC <- PC +SignExt((disp17)16..1||0)
    dst = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32) if "-"(rn, rm) else disp16
    take_jmp = ExprInt(0, 32) if "-"(rn, rm) else ExprInt(1, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bne(rn, rm, disp16):
    """BNE - Branch if the two registers are not equal."""

    # if(Rn!=Rm) PC <- PC +SignExt((disp17)16..1||0)
    dst = disp16 if "-"(rn, rm) else ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32) if "-"(rn, rm) else ExprInt(0, 32)
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def bsr(disp):
    """BSR - Branch to an address, and store the return address."""

    # 16-bit variant: LP <- PC + 2; PC <- PC +SignExt((disp12)11..1||0)
    # 32-bit variant: LP <- PC + 4; PC <- PC +SignExt((disp24)23..1||0)

    # Set LP
    LP = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32)

    # Set PC according to the immediate size
    dst = disp
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

def jmp(ir, instr, reg_or_imm):
    """JMP - Change PC to a register content or an immediate.
       Note: the behavior in VLIW mode is not implemented"""

    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32)

    if isinstance(reg_or_imm, ExprId):
        # PC <- Rm31..1||0
        new_PC = ExprAff(PC, reg_or_imm)
        # PC <- PC31..28||0000||(target24)23..1||0
        new_PC = ExprAff(PC, ExprOp("+", ExprOp("&", PC, ExprInt(0xF0000000, 32)), reg_or_imm))

    return [new_PC, ExprAff(ir.IRDst, new_PC)], []

manual_functions["jmp"] = jmp

def jsr(reg):
    """JSR - Jump to the register, and store the return address."""

    # LP <- PC + 2; PC <- Rm31..1||0
    LP = ExprLoc(ir.get_next_break_loc_key(instr), 32)
    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32)
    PC = reg
    ir.IRDst = reg

def ret():
    """RET - Return from a function call.
       Note: the behavior in VLIW mode is not implemented"""

    # PC <- LP31..1||0
    dst = LP
    PC = dst
    ir.IRDst = dst

# Repeat instructions

def repeat(rn, disp17):
    """REPEAT - This instruction repeats an instruction block. It sets the RPB,
       RPE and RPC control registers."""

    # RPB <- pc+4 // Repeat Begin
    RPB = PC + i32(4)
    # RPE <- pc+SignExt((disp17)16..1||0)) // Repeat End
    RPE = PC + i32(disp17.arg & 0xFFFFFFFE)
    # RPC <- Rn
    RPC = rn
    in_erepeat = ExprInt(0, 32)

def erepeat(disp17):
    """EREPEAT - This instruction repeats an instruction block. It sets the RPB
       and RPE control registers. To distinguish from the repeat instruction,
       the least significant bit in the RPE register (ELR) is set to 1."""

    # RPB <- pc+4 // Repeat Begin
    RPB = PC + i32(4)
    # RPE <- pc+SignExt((disp17)16..1||1)) (EREPEAT)
    RPE = PC + i32(disp17.arg + 1)
    # RPC <- undefined
    in_erepeat = ExprInt(1, 32)

## Control Instructions

def stc(reg, control_reg):
    """STC - Copy a general-purpose register into a control register."""

    # ControlReg(imm5) <- Rn
    control_reg = reg

def ldc(reg, control_reg):
    """LDC - Copy a control register into a general-purpose register."""

    # Rn <- ControlReg(imm5)
    reg = control_reg

def di():
    """DI - Disable Interrupt"""

    # PSW.IEC<-0
    PSW = PSW & i32(0xFFFFFFFE)  # PSW.IEC: bit 0

def ei():
    """EI - Enable Interrupt"""

    # PSW.IEC<-1
    PSW = PSW ^ i32(0b1)  # PSW.IEC: bit 0

def reti():
    """RETI - Return from the exception/interrupt handler.
       Note: the behavior in VLIW mode is not implemented"""

    #if (PSW.NMI==1) {
    #   PC <- NPC31..1 || 0; PSW.NMI<-0;
    #} else {
    #   PC <- EPC31..1 || 0;

    # PSW.NMI == bit 9
    NMI_mask = i32(1 << 9)

    # PSW.UMP == bit 3
    # PSW.IEP == bit 1
    UMP_IEP_mask = i32((1 << 3) ^ (1 << 1))

    # PSW.UMC == bit 2
    # PSW.IEC == bit 0
    UMC_IEC_mask = (PSW & UMP_IEP_mask) >> i32(1)

    # Get PSW.NMI
    PSW_NMI = (PSW & NMI_mask) >> i32(9)

    # Set PC
    dst = NPC & i32(0xFFFFFFFE) if PSW_NMI else EPC & i32(0xFFFFFFFE)
    PC = dst

    # Set flags
    PSW = PSW ^ NMI_mask if PSW_NMI else PSW ^ UMC_IEC_mask

    ir.IRDst = dst

def swi(imm2):
    """SWI - Software Interrupt"""

    # if(imm2==0) EXC.SIP0 <- 1
    # else if (imm2==1) EXC.SIP1 <- 1
    # else if (imm2==2) EXC.SIP2 <- 1
    # else if (imm2==3) EXC.SIP3 <- 1

    # EXC.SIP0 == bit 4
    # EXC.SIP1 == bit 5
    # EXC.SIP2 == bit 6
    # EXC.SIP3 == bit 7

    EXC = EXC ^ (i32(1) << (i32(4) + imm2))

# Note: the following instructions can't be implemented
manual_functions["halt"] = mep_nop
manual_functions["sleep"] = mep_nop
manual_functions["break"] = mep_nop
manual_functions["syncm"] = mep_nop
manual_functions["stcb"] = mep_nop_2_args
manual_functions["ldcb"] = mep_nop_2_args

### Bit manipulation instruction option

def bsetm(rm_deref, imm3):
    """BSETM - Bit Set Memory"""

    # MemByte(Rm) <- MemByte(Rm) or (1<<imm3)
    mem8[rm_deref.arg] = ExprOp("|", mem8[rm_deref.arg], (i8(1) << imm3[:8]))

def bclrm(rm_deref, imm3):
    """BCLRM - Bit Clear Memory"""

    # MemByte(Rm) <- MemByte(Rm) and ~(1<<imm3)
    shift = ExprOp("<<", i8(1), imm3[:8])
    mem8[rm_deref.arg] = ExprOp("&", mem8[rm_deref.arg], shift.__invert__())

def bnotm(rm_deref, imm3):
    """BNOTM - Bit Not Memory"""

    # MemByte(Rm) <- MemByte(Rm) xor (1<<imm3)
    mem8[rm_deref.arg] = ExprOp("^", mem8[rm_deref.arg], (i8(1) << imm3[:8]))

def btstm(r0, rm_deref, imm3):
    """BTSTM - Bit Test Memory"""

    # R0 <- ZeroExt( MemByte(Rm) and (1<<imm3) )
    r0 = ExprOp("&", mem8[rm_deref.arg], i8(1) << imm3[:8]).zeroExtend(32)

def tas(rn, rm_deref):
    """TAS - Load And Set"""

    # temp <- Rm; Rn <- ZeroExt(MemByte(temp)); MemByte(temp) <- 1
    temp = rm_deref
    rn = mem8[temp.arg].zeroExtend(32)
    mem8[temp.arg] = i8(1)

### Data cache option

# Note: the following instruction can't be implemented
manual_functions["cache"] = mep_nop_2_args

### 32-bit multiply instruction option

def mul(rn, rm):
    """MUL - Signed 32-bit multiplication"""

    # HI||LO <- Rn * Rm (Signed)
    result = rn.signExtend(64) * rm.signExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]

def mulu(rn, rm):
    """MUL - Unsigned 32-bit multiplication"""

    # HI||LO <- Rn * Rm (Unsigned)
    result = rn.zeroExtend(64) * rm.zeroExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[0:32]

def mulr(rn, rm):
    """MULR - Signed 32-bit multiplication & store LO in Rn"""

    # HI||LO <- Rn * Rm; Rn <- LO (Signed)
    result = rn.signExtend(64) * rm.signExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]
    rn = result[:32]

def mulru(rn, rm):
    """MULRU - Unsigned 32-bit multiplication & store LO in Rn"""

    # HI||LO <- Rn * Rm; Rn <- LO (Unsigned)
    result = rn.zeroExtend(64) * rm.zeroExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]
    rn = result[:32]

def madd(rn, rm):
    """MADD - Signed 32-bit multiplication, adding results to HI & LO registers"""

    # HI||LO <- HI||LO + Rn*Rm (Signed)
    result = (HI << i32(32)).signExtend(64) + LO.signExtend(64) + rn.signExtend(64) * rm.signExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]

def maddu(rn, rm):
    """MADDU - Unsigned 32-bit multiplication, adding results to HI & LO registers"""

    # HI||LO <- HI||LO + Rn*Rm (Unsigned)
    result = (HI << i32(32)).zeroExtend(64) + LO.zeroExtend(64) + rn.zeroExtend(64) * rm.zeroExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]

def maddr(rn, rm):
    """MADDR - Signed 32-bit multiplication, adding results to HI & LO registers & storing LO in Rn"""

    # HI||LO <- HI||LO + Rn*Rm; Rn <- LO (Signed)
    result = (HI << i32(32)).signExtend(64) + LO.signExtend(64) + rn.signExtend(64) * rm.signExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]
    rn = result[:32]

def maddru(rn, rm):
    """MADDRU - Unsigned 32-bit multiplication, adding results to HI & LO registers & storing LO in Rn"""

    # HI||LO <- HI||LO + Rn*Rm; Rn <- LO (Unsigned)
    result = (HI << i32(32)).zeroExtend(64) + LO.zeroExtend(64) + rn.zeroExtend(64) * rm.zeroExtend(64)  # expand registers size
    HI = result[32:64]
    LO = result[:32]
    rn = result[:32]

### 32-bit divide instruction option

def div(rn, rm):
    """DIV - Signed division"""

    # LO <- Rn / Rm, HI <- Rn % Rm (Signed)

    # Mask sign bits
    sign_mask = i32(0x80000000)
    sign_rn = rn & sign_mask
    sign_rm = rm & sign_mask

    # Check if both numbers are positive or negative
    are_both_neg = sign_rn & sign_rm
    are_both_pos = "=="(are_both_neg, sign_mask)

    # Invert both numbers
    rn_inv = ~rn + i32(1)
    rm_inv = ~rm + i32(1)

    # Used to delay the arithmetic computations
    tmp_rm = rm if rm else i32(1)
    tmp_rm_inv = rm_inv if rm_inv else i32(1)

    # Results if only rn, or rm is negative
    LO_rn_neg = (~(rn_inv / tmp_rm) + i32(1)) if sign_rn else (~(rn / tmp_rm_inv) + i32(1))
    HI_rn_neg = (~(rn_inv % tmp_rm) + i32(1)) if sign_rn else (~(rn % tmp_rm_inv) + i32(1))

    # Results if both numbers are positive
    LO_pos = rn / tmp_rm if are_both_pos else LO_rn_neg
    HI_pos = rn % tmp_rm if are_both_pos else HI_rn_neg

    # Results if both numbers are negative
    LO_neg = rn_inv / tmp_rm_inv if are_both_neg else LO_pos
    HI_neg = rn_inv % tmp_rm_inv if are_both_neg else HI_pos

    # Results if rm is equal to zero
    LO = LO_neg if rm else LO
    HI = HI_neg if rm else HI

    exception_flags = i32(0) if rm else i32(EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO)

def divu(rn, rm):
    """DIVU - Unsigned division"""

    # LO <- Rn / Rm, HI <- Rn % Rm (Unsigned)

    tmp_rm = rm if rm else i32(1)  # used to delay the arithmetic computations
    LO = rn / tmp_rm if rm else LO
    HI = rn % tmp_rm if rm else HI

    exception_flags = i32(0) if rm else i32(EXCEPT_DIV_BY_ZERO)

### Debug function option

def dret():
    """DRET - Debug Exception Return"""

    # PC <- DEPC; DBG.DM <- 0
    PC = DEPC
    DBG = DBG & i32(0xFFFFBFFF)  # DBG.DM: bit 15

def dbreak():
    """DBREAK - Debug break"""

    # The DBG.DBP bit becomes 1
    DBG = DBG ^ i32(0b10)  # DBG.DBP: bit 2

### Leading zero instruction option

def ldz(rn, rm):
    """LDZ - Count Leading Zeroes

       Note: this implementation is readable, yet slow. Each bit are tested
       individually, and the results are propagated to other bits.

       Here is the commented implementation for 4-bit integers:
       rm = 0b0001

       # Invert the value
       reversed_rm = ~rm
      -> reversed_rm = 0b1110

       # Test bits individually
       b3 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**3)) >> i32(3) if reversed_rm else i32(0)
      -> b3 = (0b1110 & 0b1000 >> 3) = 1

       b2 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**2)) >> i32(2) if b3 else i32(0)
      -> b2 = (0b1110 & 0b0100 >> 2) = 1

       b1 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**1)) >> i32(1) if b2 else i32(0)
      -> b1 = (0b1110 & 0b0010 >> 1) = 1

       b0 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**0)) >> i32(0) if b1 else i32(0)
      -> b0 = (0b1110 & 0b0001 >> 0) = 0

       # Sum all partial results
       rn = b3 + b2 + b1 + b0
      -> rn = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3

    # Rn <- LeadingZeroDetect(Rm)

    # Invert the value
    reversed_rm = ~rm

    # Test bits individually
    b31 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**31)) >> i32(31) if reversed_rm else i32(0)
    b30 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**30)) >> i32(30) if b31 else i32(0)
    b29 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**29)) >> i32(29) if b30 else i32(0)
    b28 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**28)) >> i32(28) if b29 else i32(0)
    b27 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**27)) >> i32(27) if b28 else i32(0)
    b26 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**26)) >> i32(26) if b27 else i32(0)
    b25 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**25)) >> i32(25) if b26 else i32(0)
    b24 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**24)) >> i32(24) if b25 else i32(0)
    b23 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**23)) >> i32(23) if b24 else i32(0)
    b22 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**22)) >> i32(22) if b23 else i32(0)
    b21 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**21)) >> i32(21) if b22 else i32(0)
    b20 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**20)) >> i32(20) if b21 else i32(0)
    b19 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**19)) >> i32(19) if b20 else i32(0)
    b18 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**18)) >> i32(18) if b19 else i32(0)
    b17 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**17)) >> i32(17) if b18 else i32(0)
    b16 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**16)) >> i32(16) if b17 else i32(0)
    b15 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**15)) >> i32(15) if b16 else i32(0)
    b14 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**14)) >> i32(14) if b15 else i32(0)
    b13 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**13)) >> i32(13) if b14 else i32(0)
    b12 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**12)) >> i32(12) if b13 else i32(0)
    b11 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**11)) >> i32(11) if b12 else i32(0)
    b10 = (reversed_rm & i32(2**10)) >> i32(10) if b11 else i32(0)
    b09 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 9)) >> i32(9) if b10 else i32(0)
    b08 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 8)) >> i32(8) if b09 else i32(0)
    b07 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 7)) >> i32(7) if b08 else i32(0)
    b06 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 6)) >> i32(6) if b07 else i32(0)
    b05 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 5)) >> i32(5) if b06 else i32(0)
    b04 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 4)) >> i32(4) if b05 else i32(0)
    b03 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 3)) >> i32(3) if b04 else i32(0)
    b02 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 2)) >> i32(2) if b03 else i32(0)
    b01 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 1)) >> i32(1) if b02 else i32(0)
    b00 = (reversed_rm & i32(2 ** 0)) >> i32(0) if b01 else i32(0)

    # Sum all partial results
    rn = b31 + b30 + b29 + b28 + b27 + b26 + b25 + b24 + b23 + b22 + b21 + b20 \
        + b19 + b18 + b17 + b16 + b15 + b14 + b13 + b12 + b11 + b10 + b09 + b08 \
        + b07 + b06 + b05 + b04 + b03 + b02 + b01 + b00

### Coprocessor option

# Note: these instructions are implemented when needed

# SWCP - Store Word to memory from a coprocessor register
#        MemWord(Rm31..2||00) <- CRn 31..0
manual_functions["swcp"] = sw

# LWCP - Load Word from memory to a coprocessor register
#        CRn <- MemWord(Rm31..2||00)
manual_functions["lwcp"] = lw

def smcp(reg_src, deref_dst):
    """SMCP - Store Word to memory from a coprocessor register"""

    # MemDword(Rm31..3||000) <- CRn
    mem32[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFF8)] = reg_src

def lmcp(reg_dst, deref_src):
    """LMCP - Load Word from memory to a coprocessor register"""

    # CRn <- MemDword(Rm31..3||000)
    reg_dst = mem32[deref_src.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFF8)]

def swcpi(reg_src, deref_dst):
    """SWCPI - Store Word to memory, and increment the address"""

    # MemWord(Rm31..2||00) <- CRn 31..0; Rm<-Rm+4
    mem32[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFC)] = reg_src
    deref_dst.arg = deref_dst.arg + i32(4)

def lwcpi(reg_dst, deref_src):
    """LWCPI - Load Word from memory, and increment the address"""

    # CRn <- MemWord(Rm31..2||00); Rm<-Rm+4
    reg_dst = mem32[deref_src.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFC)]
    deref_src.arg = deref_src.arg + i32(4)

def smcpi(reg_src, deref_dst):
    """SMCPI - Store Word to memory, and increment the address"""

    # MemDword(Rm31..3||000) <- CRn; Rm<-Rm+8
    mem32[deref_dst.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFF8)] = reg_src
    deref_dst.arg = deref_dst.arg + i32(8)

def lmcpi(reg_dst, deref_src):
    """LMCPI - Load Word from memory, and increment the address"""

    # CRn <- MemDword(Rm31..3||000); Rm<-Rm+8
    reg_dst = mem32[deref_src.arg & i32(0xFFFFFFFC)]
    deref_src.arg = deref_src.arg + i32(8)

### IR MeP definitions

def get_mnemo_expr(ir, instr, *args):
    """Simplify getting the IR from a miasm instruction."""

    if in sbuild.functions:
        mnemo_func = sbuild.functions[]
        mnemo_func = manual_functions[]

    ir, extra_ir = mnemo_func(ir, instr, *args)
    return ir, extra_ir

class ir_mepb(IntermediateRepresentation):
    """Toshiba MeP miasm IR - Big Endian

       It transforms an instructon into an IR.

    addrsize = 32

    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mep, "b", loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mep.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mep.getsp()
        self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32)

    def get_ir(self, instr):
        """Get the IR from a miasm instruction."""

        instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *instr.args)

        return instr_ir, extra_ir

    def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
        """Returns a new label that identifies where the instuction is going.

           Note: it eases linking IR blocs

        l = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
        return l

class ir_mepl(ir_mepb):
    """Toshiba MeP miasm IR - Little Endian"""

    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mep, "l", loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mep.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mep.getsp()
        self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32)

Module variables


var ctx

var manual_functions

var sbuild


def add3(

ir, instr, reg_dst, reg_src, reg_or_imm)

ADD3 - Add two register and store the result to a register, or add a register and an immediate and store the result to a register

def add3(ir, instr, reg_dst, reg_src, reg_or_imm):
    """ADD3 - Add two register and store the result to a register, or
              add a register and an immediate and store the result to a register"""

    if isinstance(reg_or_imm, ExprId):
        # Rl <- Rn + Rm
        result = ExprOp("+", reg_src, reg_or_imm)
        # Rn <- Rm + SignExt(imm16)
        value = int(reg_or_imm.arg)
        result = ExprOp("+", reg_src, ExprInt(value, 32))

    return [ExprAff(reg_dst, result)], []

def compute_s_inf(

arg1, arg2)

Signed comparison operator

def compute_s_inf(arg1, arg2):
    """Signed comparison operator"""
    return ((arg1 - arg2) ^ ((arg1 ^ arg2) & ((arg1 - arg2) ^ arg1))).msb()

def compute_u_inf(

x, y)

Unsigned comparison operator

def compute_u_inf(x, y):
    """Unsigned comparison operator"""
    result = (((x - y) ^ ((x ^ y) & ((x - y) ^ x))) ^ x ^ y).msb()
    return result

def get_mnemo_expr(

ir, instr, *args)

Simplify getting the IR from a miasm instruction.

def get_mnemo_expr(ir, instr, *args):
    """Simplify getting the IR from a miasm instruction."""

    if in sbuild.functions:
        mnemo_func = sbuild.functions[]
        mnemo_func = manual_functions[]

    ir, extra_ir = mnemo_func(ir, instr, *args)
    return ir, extra_ir

def jmp(

ir, instr, reg_or_imm)

JMP - Change PC to a register content or an immediate. Note: the behavior in VLIW mode is not implemented

def jmp(ir, instr, reg_or_imm):
    """JMP - Change PC to a register content or an immediate.
       Note: the behavior in VLIW mode is not implemented"""

    take_jmp = ExprInt(1, 32)

    if isinstance(reg_or_imm, ExprId):
        # PC <- Rm31..1||0
        new_PC = ExprAff(PC, reg_or_imm)
        # PC <- PC31..28||0000||(target24)23..1||0
        new_PC = ExprAff(PC, ExprOp("+", ExprOp("&", PC, ExprInt(0xF0000000, 32)), reg_or_imm))

    return [new_PC, ExprAff(ir.IRDst, new_PC)], []

def sbvck3(

ir, instr, r0, rn, rm)

SBVCK3 - Check substraction overflow

def sbvck3(ir, instr, r0, rn, rm):
    """SBVCK3 - Check substraction overflow"""

    # if(Overflow(Rn-Rm)) R0<-1 else R0<-0 (Signed)

    # Substract registers
    reg_sub = ExprOp("+", rn, rm)

    # Get the register storing the highest value
    max_rn_rm = ExprCond(ExprOp(">", rn, rm), rn, rm)

    # Check for an overflow
    overflow_test = ExprOp(">", reg_sub, max_rn_rm)

    # Return the result
    condition = ExprCond(overflow_test, ExprInt(1, 32), ExprInt(0, 32))
    return [ExprAff(r0, condition)], []


class ir_mepb

Toshiba MeP miasm IR - Big Endian

It transforms an instructon into an IR.

class ir_mepb(IntermediateRepresentation):
    """Toshiba MeP miasm IR - Big Endian

       It transforms an instructon into an IR.

    addrsize = 32

    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mep, "b", loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mep.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mep.getsp()
        self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32)

    def get_ir(self, instr):
        """Get the IR from a miasm instruction."""

        instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *instr.args)

        return instr_ir, extra_ir

    def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
        """Returns a new label that identifies where the instuction is going.

           Note: it eases linking IR blocs

        l = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
        return l

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ir_mepb
  • __builtin__.object

Class variables

var addrsize

Instance variables

var IRDst

var pc

var sp


def __init__(

self, loc_db=None)

def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
    IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mep, "b", loc_db)
    self.pc = mn_mep.getpc()
    self.sp = mn_mep.getsp()
    self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32)

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False)

Add a native block to the current IR @block: native assembly block @ircfg: IRCFG instance @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add a native block to the current IR
    @block: native assembly block
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    loc_key = block.loc_key
    ir_blocks_all = []
    assignments = []
    for instr in block.lines:
        if loc_key is None:
            assignments = []
            loc_key = self.get_loc_key_for_instr(instr)
        split = self.add_instr_to_current_state(
            instr, block, assignments,
            ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt
        if split:
            ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
            loc_key = None
            assignments = []
    if loc_key is not None:
        ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
    new_ir_blocks_all = self.post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, ir_blocks_all)
    for irblock in new_ir_blocks_all:
    return new_ir_blocks_all

def add_bloc(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_bloc(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    self.add_block(block, gen_pc_updt)

def add_block(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_block(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    warnings.warn("""DEPRECATION WARNING
    ircfg is now out of IntermediateRepresentation
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg()
    ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    raise RuntimeError("API Deprecated")

def add_instr_to_current_state(

self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt)

Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.

Returns a bool: True if the current assignments list must be split False in other cases.

@instr: native instruction @block: native block source @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_current_state(self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt):
    Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.
    Returns a bool:
    * True if the current assignments list must be split
    * False in other cases.
    @instr: native instruction
    @block: native block source
    @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks
    @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if gen_pc_updt is not False:
        self.gen_pc_update(assignments, instr)
    assignblk, ir_blocks_extra = self.instr2ir(instr)
    ir_blocks_all += ir_blocks_extra
    if ir_blocks_extra:
        return True
    return False

def add_instr_to_ircfg(

self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False)

Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg @instr: instruction instance @ircfg: IRCFG instance @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_ircfg(self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg
    @instr: instruction instance
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if loc_key is None:
        offset = getattr(instr, "offset", None)
        loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location(offset=offset)
    block = AsmBlock(loc_key)
    block.lines = [instr]
    self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt)
    return loc_key

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(

self, size)

Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc @size: size of expression

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(self, size):
    Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc
    @size: size of expression
    loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
    return loc_key, m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, size)

def gen_pc_update(

self, assignments, instr)

def gen_pc_update(self, assignments, instr):
    offset = m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset, self.pc.size)
    assignments.append(AssignBlock({self.pc:offset}, instr))

def get_ir(

self, instr)

Get the IR from a miasm instruction.

def get_ir(self, instr):
    """Get the IR from a miasm instruction."""
    instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *instr.args)
    return instr_ir, extra_ir

def get_loc_key_for_instr(

self, instr)

Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction @instr: current instruction

def get_loc_key_for_instr(self, instr):
    """Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction
    @instr: current instruction"""
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset)

def get_next_break_loc_key(

self, instr)

Returns a new label that identifies where the instuction is going.

Note: it eases linking IR blocs

def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
    """Returns a new label that identifies where the instuction is going.
       Note: it eases linking IR blocs
    l = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
    return l

def get_next_loc_key(

self, instr)

def get_next_loc_key(self, instr):
    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
    return loc_key

def instr2ir(

self, instr)

def instr2ir(self, instr):
    ir_bloc_cur, extra_irblocks = self.get_ir(instr)
    for index, irb in enumerate(extra_irblocks):
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            irs.append(AssignBlock(assignblk, instr))
        extra_irblocks[index] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)
    assignblk = AssignBlock(ir_bloc_cur, instr)
    return assignblk, extra_irblocks

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, irblock, *args, **kwargs)

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(self, irblock, *args, **kwargs):
    return irblock

def is_pc_written(

self, block)

Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written @block: IRBlock instance

def is_pc_written(self, block):
    """Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written
    @block: IRBlock instance"""
    all_pc = self.arch.pc.values()
    for assignblk in block:
        if assignblk.dst in all_pc:
            return assignblk
    return None

def new_ircfg(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Return a new instance of IRCFG

def new_ircfg(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG
    return IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(

self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs)

Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg
    @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance
    ircfg = IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)
    for block in asmcfg.blocks:
        self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    return ircfg

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks)

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks):
    self.set_empty_dst_to_next(block, ir_blocks)
    new_irblocks = []
    for irblock in ir_blocks:
        new_irblock = self.irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(irblock, self.attrib)
    return new_irblocks

def set_empty_dst_to_next(

self, block, ir_blocks)

def set_empty_dst_to_next(self, block, ir_blocks):
    for index, irblock in enumerate(ir_blocks):
        if irblock.dst is not None:
        next_loc_key = block.get_next()
        if next_loc_key is None:
            loc_key = None
            if block.lines:
                line = block.lines[-1]
                if line.offset is not None:
                    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(line.offset + line.l)
            if loc_key is None:
                loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
            block.add_cst(loc_key, AsmConstraint.c_next)
            loc_key = next_loc_key
        dst = m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, self.pc.size)
        if irblock.assignblks:
            instr = irblock.assignblks[-1].instr
            instr = None
        assignblk = AssignBlock({self.IRDst: dst}, instr)
        ir_blocks[index] = IRBlock(irblock.loc_key, list(irblock.assignblks) + [assignblk])

class ir_mepl

Toshiba MeP miasm IR - Little Endian

class ir_mepl(ir_mepb):
    """Toshiba MeP miasm IR - Little Endian"""

    def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
        IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mep, "l", loc_db)
        self.pc = mn_mep.getpc()
        self.sp = mn_mep.getsp()
        self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ir_mepl
  • ir_mepb
  • __builtin__.object

Class variables

var addrsize

Inheritance: ir_mepb.addrsize

Instance variables

var IRDst

Inheritance: ir_mepb.IRDst

var pc

Inheritance: ir_mepb.pc

var sp

Inheritance: ir_mepb.sp


def __init__(

self, loc_db=None)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.__init__

def __init__(self, loc_db=None):
    IntermediateRepresentation.__init__(self, mn_mep, "l", loc_db)
    self.pc = mn_mep.getpc()
    self.sp = mn_mep.getsp()
    self.IRDst = ExprId("IRDst", 32)

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.add_asmblock_to_ircfg

Add a native block to the current IR @block: native assembly block @ircfg: IRCFG instance @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add a native block to the current IR
    @block: native assembly block
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    loc_key = block.loc_key
    ir_blocks_all = []
    assignments = []
    for instr in block.lines:
        if loc_key is None:
            assignments = []
            loc_key = self.get_loc_key_for_instr(instr)
        split = self.add_instr_to_current_state(
            instr, block, assignments,
            ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt
        if split:
            ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
            loc_key = None
            assignments = []
    if loc_key is not None:
        ir_blocks_all.append(IRBlock(loc_key, assignments))
    new_ir_blocks_all = self.post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, ir_blocks_all)
    for irblock in new_ir_blocks_all:
    return new_ir_blocks_all

def add_bloc(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.add_bloc

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_bloc(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    self.add_block(block, gen_pc_updt)

def add_block(

self, block, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.add_block

DEPRECATED function Use add_block instead of add_block

def add_block(self, block, gen_pc_updt=False):
    DEPRECATED function
    Use add_block instead of add_block
    warnings.warn("""DEPRECATION WARNING
    ircfg is now out of IntermediateRepresentation
    ircfg = ir_arch.new_ircfg()
    ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    raise RuntimeError("API Deprecated")

def add_instr_to_current_state(

self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.add_instr_to_current_state

Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.

Returns a bool: True if the current assignments list must be split False in other cases.

@instr: native instruction @block: native block source @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_current_state(self, instr, block, assignments, ir_blocks_all, gen_pc_updt):
    Add the IR effects of an instruction to the current state.
    Returns a bool:
    * True if the current assignments list must be split
    * False in other cases.
    @instr: native instruction
    @block: native block source
    @assignments: list of current AssignBlocks
    @ir_blocks_all: list of additional effects
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if gen_pc_updt is not False:
        self.gen_pc_update(assignments, instr)
    assignblk, ir_blocks_extra = self.instr2ir(instr)
    ir_blocks_all += ir_blocks_extra
    if ir_blocks_extra:
        return True
    return False

def add_instr_to_ircfg(

self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.add_instr_to_ircfg

Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg @instr: instruction instance @ircfg: IRCFG instance @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions

def add_instr_to_ircfg(self, instr, ircfg, loc_key=None, gen_pc_updt=False):
    Add the native instruction @instr to the @ircfg
    @instr: instruction instance
    @ircfg: IRCFG instance
    @loc_key: loc_key instance of the instruction destination
    @gen_pc_updt: insert PC update effects between instructions
    if loc_key is None:
        offset = getattr(instr, "offset", None)
        loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location(offset=offset)
    block = AsmBlock(loc_key)
    block.lines = [instr]
    self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg, gen_pc_updt)
    return loc_key

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.expr_fix_regs_for_mode

def expr_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, expr, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.expraff_fix_regs_for_mode

def expraff_fix_regs_for_mode(self, expr, *args, **kwargs):
    return expr

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(

self, size)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.gen_loc_key_and_expr

Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc @size: size of expression

def gen_loc_key_and_expr(self, size):
    Return a loc_key and it's corresponding ExprLoc
    @size: size of expression
    loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
    return loc_key, m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, size)

def gen_pc_update(

self, assignments, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.gen_pc_update

def gen_pc_update(self, assignments, instr):
    offset = m2_expr.ExprInt(instr.offset, self.pc.size)
    assignments.append(AssignBlock({self.pc:offset}, instr))

def get_ir(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.get_ir

Get the IR from a miasm instruction.

def get_ir(self, instr):
    """Get the IR from a miasm instruction."""
    instr_ir, extra_ir = get_mnemo_expr(self, instr, *instr.args)
    return instr_ir, extra_ir

def get_loc_key_for_instr(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.get_loc_key_for_instr

Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction @instr: current instruction

def get_loc_key_for_instr(self, instr):
    """Returns the loc_key associated to an instruction
    @instr: current instruction"""
    return self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset)

def get_next_break_loc_key(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.get_next_break_loc_key

Returns a new label that identifies where the instuction is going.

Note: it eases linking IR blocs

def get_next_break_loc_key(self, instr):
    """Returns a new label that identifies where the instuction is going.
       Note: it eases linking IR blocs
    l = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
    return l

def get_next_loc_key(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.get_next_loc_key

def get_next_loc_key(self, instr):
    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(instr.offset + instr.l)
    return loc_key

def instr2ir(

self, instr)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.instr2ir

def instr2ir(self, instr):
    ir_bloc_cur, extra_irblocks = self.get_ir(instr)
    for index, irb in enumerate(extra_irblocks):
        irs = []
        for assignblk in irb:
            irs.append(AssignBlock(assignblk, instr))
        extra_irblocks[index] = IRBlock(irb.loc_key, irs)
    assignblk = AssignBlock(ir_bloc_cur, instr)
    return assignblk, extra_irblocks

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(

self, irblock, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode

def irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(self, irblock, *args, **kwargs):
    return irblock

def is_pc_written(

self, block)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.is_pc_written

Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written @block: IRBlock instance

def is_pc_written(self, block):
    """Return the first Assignblk of the @blockin which PC is written
    @block: IRBlock instance"""
    all_pc = self.arch.pc.values()
    for assignblk in block:
        if assignblk.dst in all_pc:
            return assignblk
    return None

def new_ircfg(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.new_ircfg

Return a new instance of IRCFG

def new_ircfg(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG
    return IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(

self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.new_ircfg_from_asmcfg

Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance

def new_ircfg_from_asmcfg(self, asmcfg, *args, **kwargs):
    Return a new instance of IRCFG from an @asmcfg
    @asmcfg: AsmCFG instance
    ircfg = IRCFG(self.IRDst, self.loc_db, *args, **kwargs)
    for block in asmcfg.blocks:
        self.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(block, ircfg)
    return ircfg

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(

self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg

def post_add_asmblock_to_ircfg(self, block, ircfg, ir_blocks):
    self.set_empty_dst_to_next(block, ir_blocks)
    new_irblocks = []
    for irblock in ir_blocks:
        new_irblock = self.irbloc_fix_regs_for_mode(irblock, self.attrib)
    return new_irblocks

def set_empty_dst_to_next(

self, block, ir_blocks)

Inheritance: ir_mepb.set_empty_dst_to_next

def set_empty_dst_to_next(self, block, ir_blocks):
    for index, irblock in enumerate(ir_blocks):
        if irblock.dst is not None:
        next_loc_key = block.get_next()
        if next_loc_key is None:
            loc_key = None
            if block.lines:
                line = block.lines[-1]
                if line.offset is not None:
                    loc_key = self.loc_db.get_or_create_offset_location(line.offset + line.l)
            if loc_key is None:
                loc_key = self.loc_db.add_location()
            block.add_cst(loc_key, AsmConstraint.c_next)
            loc_key = next_loc_key
        dst = m2_expr.ExprLoc(loc_key, self.pc.size)
        if irblock.assignblks:
            instr = irblock.assignblks[-1].instr
            instr = None
        assignblk = AssignBlock({self.IRDst: dst}, instr)
        ir_blocks[index] = IRBlock(irblock.loc_key, list(irblock.assignblks) + [assignblk])