
miasm2.analysis.dse module

Dynamic symbolic execution module.

Offers a way to have a symbolic execution along a concrete one. Basically, this is done through DSEEngine class, with scheme:

dse = DSEEngine(Machine("x86_32")) dse.attach(jitter)

The DSE state can be updated through:

  • .update_state_from_concrete: update the values from the CPU, so the symbolic execution will be completely concrete from this point (until changes)
  • .update_state: inject information, for instance RAX = symbolic_RAX
  • .symbolize_memory: symbolize (using .memory_to_expr) memory areas (ie, reading from an address in one of these areas yield a symbol)

The DSE run can be instrumented through: - .add_handler: register an handler, modifying the state instead of the current execution. Can be used for stubbing external API - .add_lib_handler: register handlers for libraries - .add_instrumentation: register an handler, modifying the state but continuing the current execution. Can be used for logging facilities

On branch, if the decision is symbolic, one can also collect "path constraints" and inverse them to produce new inputs potentially reaching new paths.

Basically, this is done through DSEPathConstraint. In order to produce a new solution, one can extend this class, and override 'handle_solution' to produce a solution which fit its needs. It could avoid computing new solution by overriding 'produce_solution'.

If one is only interested in constraints associated to its path, the option "produce_solution" should be set to False, to speed up emulation. The constraints are accumulated in the .z3_cur z3.Solver object.

Here are a few remainings TODO: - handle endianess in check_state / atomic read: currently, but this is also true for others Miasm2 symbolic engines, the endianness is not take in account, and assumed to be Little Endian

  • too many memory dependencies in constraint tracking: in order to let z3 find new solution, it does need information on memory values (for instance, a lookup in a table with a symbolic index). The estimated possible involved memory location could be too large to pass to the solver (threshold named MAX_MEMORY_INJECT). One possible solution, not yet implemented, is to call the solver for reducing the possible values thanks to its accumulated constraints.
"""Dynamic symbolic execution module.

Offers a way to have a symbolic execution along a concrete one.
Basically, this is done through DSEEngine class, with scheme:

dse = DSEEngine(Machine("x86_32"))

The DSE state can be updated through:

 - .update_state_from_concrete: update the values from the CPU, so the symbolic
   execution will be completely concrete from this point (until changes)
 - .update_state: inject information, for instance RAX = symbolic_RAX
 - .symbolize_memory: symbolize (using .memory_to_expr) memory areas (ie,
   reading from an address in one of these areas yield a symbol)

The DSE run can be instrumented through:
 - .add_handler: register an handler, modifying the state instead of the current
   execution. Can be used for stubbing external API
 - .add_lib_handler: register handlers for libraries
 - .add_instrumentation: register an handler, modifying the state but continuing
   the current execution. Can be used for logging facilities

On branch, if the decision is symbolic, one can also collect "path constraints"
and inverse them to produce new inputs potentially reaching new paths.

Basically, this is done through DSEPathConstraint. In order to produce a new
solution, one can extend this class, and override 'handle_solution' to produce a
solution which fit its needs. It could avoid computing new solution by
overriding 'produce_solution'.

If one is only interested in constraints associated to its path, the option
"produce_solution" should be set to False, to speed up emulation.
The constraints are accumulated in the .z3_cur z3.Solver object.

Here are a few remainings TODO:
 - handle endianess in check_state / atomic read: currently, but this is also
   true for others Miasm2 symbolic engines, the endianness is not take in
   account, and assumed to be Little Endian

 - too many memory dependencies in constraint tracking: in order to let z3 find
   new solution, it does need information on memory values (for instance, a
   lookup in a table with a symbolic index). The estimated possible involved
   memory location could be too large to pass to the solver (threshold named
   MAX_MEMORY_INJECT). One possible solution, not yet implemented, is to call
   the solver for reducing the possible values thanks to its accumulated

from collections import namedtuple

    import z3
except ImportError:
    z3 = None

from miasm2.expression.expression import ExprMem, ExprInt, ExprCompose, \
    ExprAff, ExprId, ExprLoc, LocKey
from miasm2.core.bin_stream import bin_stream_vm
from miasm2.jitter.emulatedsymbexec import EmulatedSymbExec
from miasm2.expression.expression_helper import possible_values
from import Translator
from miasm2.analysis.expression_range import expr_range
from miasm2.analysis.modularintervals import ModularIntervals
from miasm2.core.locationdb import LocationDB

DriftInfo = namedtuple("DriftInfo", ["symbol", "computed", "expected"])

class DriftException(Exception):
    """Raised when the emulation drift from the reference engine"""

    def __init__(self, info):
        super(DriftException, self).__init__() = info

    def __str__(self):
        if len( == 1:
            return "Drift of %s: %s instead of %s" % (
            return "Drift of:\n\t" + "\n\t".join("%s: %s instead of %s" % (
                                                 for dinfo in

class ESETrackModif(EmulatedSymbExec):
    """Extension of EmulatedSymbExec to be used by DSE engines

    Add the tracking of modified expressions, and the ability to symbolize
    memory areas

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ESETrackModif, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.modified_expr = set() # Expr modified since the last reset
        self.dse_memory_range = [] # List/Intervals of memory addresses to
                                   # symbolize
        self.dse_memory_to_expr = None # function(addr) -> Expr used to
                                       # symbolize

    def _func_read(self, expr_mem):
        if not expr_mem.arg.is_int():
            return expr_mem
        dst_addr = int(expr_mem.arg)

        if not self.dse_memory_range:
            # Trivial case (optimization)
            return super(ESETrackModif, self)._func_read(expr_mem)

        # Split access in atomic accesses
        out = []
        for addr in xrange(dst_addr, dst_addr + (expr_mem.size / 8)):
            if addr in self.dse_memory_range:
                # Symbolize memory access
                # Get concrete value
                atomic_access = ExprMem(ExprInt(addr, expr_mem.arg.size), 8)
                out.append(super(ESETrackModif, self)._func_read(atomic_access))

        if len(out) == 1:
            # Trivial case (optimization)
            return out[0]

        # Simplify for constant merging (ex: {ExprInt(1, 8), ExprInt(2, 8)})
        return self.expr_simp(ExprCompose(*out))

    def reset_modified(self):
        """Reset modified expression tracker"""

    def apply_change(self, dst, src):
        super(ESETrackModif, self).apply_change(dst, src)

class DSEEngine(object):
    """Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine

    This class aims to be overrided for each specific purpose
    SYMB_ENGINE = ESETrackModif

    def __init__(self, machine):
        self.machine = machine
        self.loc_db = LocationDB()
        self.handler = {} # addr -> callback(DSEEngine instance)
        self.instrumentation = {} # addr -> callback(DSEEngine instance)
        self.addr_to_cacheblocks = {} # addr -> {label -> IRBlock}
        self.ir_arch = # corresponding IR
        self.ircfg = self.ir_arch.new_ircfg() # corresponding IR

        # Defined after attachment
        self.jitter = None # Jitload (concrete execution)
        self.symb = None # SymbolicExecutionEngine
        self.symb_concrete = None # Concrete SymbExec for path desambiguisation
        self.mdis = None # DisasmEngine

    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the environment for attachment with a jitter"""
        # Disassembler
        self.mdis = self.machine.dis_engine(bin_stream_vm(self.jitter.vm),

        # Symbexec engine
        ## Prepare symbexec engines
        self.symb = self.SYMB_ENGINE(self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
                                     self.ir_arch, {})
        self.symb_concrete = EmulatedSymbExec(
            self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
            self.ir_arch, {}
        ### Avoid side effects on jitter while using 'symb_concrete'
        self.symb_concrete.func_write = None

        ## Update registers value
        self.symb.symbols[self.ir_arch.IRDst] = ExprInt(

        # Avoid memory write
        self.symb.func_write = None

        # Activate callback on each instr
        self.jitter.jit.set_options(max_exec_per_call=1, jit_maxline=1)
        self.jitter.exec_cb = self.callback

        # Clean jit cache to avoid multi-line basic blocks already jitted

    def attach(self, emulator):
        """Attach the DSE to @emulator
        @emulator: jitload (or API equivalent) instance

        To attach *DURING A BREAKPOINT*, one may consider using the following snippet:

        def breakpoint(self, jitter):
            # Additionnal call to the exec callback is necessary, as breakpoints are
            # honored AFTER exec callback

            return True

        Without it, one may encounteer a DriftException error due to a
        "desynchronization" between jitter and dse states. Indeed, on 'handle'
        call, the jitter must be one instruction AFTER the dse.
        self.jitter = emulator

    def handle(self, cur_addr):
        r"""Handle destination
        @cur_addr: Expr of the next address in concrete execution
        /!\ cur_addr may be a loc_key

        In this method, self.symb is in the "just before branching" state

    def add_handler(self, addr, callback):
        """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
        The state IS NOT updated after returning from the callback
        @addr: int
        @callback: func(dse instance)"""
        self.handler[addr] = callback

    def add_lib_handler(self, libimp, namespace):
        """Add search for handler based on a @libimp libimp instance

        Known functions will be looked by {name}_symb in the @namespace

        # lambda cannot contain statement
        def default_func(dse):
            fname = "%s_symb" % libimp.fad2cname[dse.jitter.pc]
            raise RuntimeError("Symbolic stub '%s' not found" % fname)

        for addr, fname in libimp.fad2cname.iteritems():
            fname = "%s_symb" % fname
            func = namespace.get(fname, None)
            if func is not None:
                self.add_handler(addr, func)
                self.add_handler(addr, default_func)

    def add_instrumentation(self, addr, callback):
        """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
        The state IS updated after returning from the callback
        @addr: int
        @callback: func(dse instance)"""
        self.instrumentation[addr] = callback

    def _check_state(self):
        """Check the current state against the concrete one"""
        errors = [] # List of DriftInfo

        for symbol in self.symb.modified_expr:
            # Do not consider PC
            if symbol in [self.ir_arch.pc, self.ir_arch.IRDst]:

            # Consider only concrete values
            symb_value = self.eval_expr(symbol)
            if not symb_value.is_int():
            symb_value = int(symb_value)

            # Check computed values against real ones
            if symbol.is_id():
                if hasattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                    value = getattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                    if value != symb_value:
                        errors.append(DriftInfo(symbol, symb_value, value))
            elif symbol.is_mem() and symbol.arg.is_int():
                value_chr = self.jitter.vm.get_mem(int(symbol.arg),
                                                   symbol.size / 8)
                exp_value = int(value_chr[::-1].encode("hex"), 16)
                if exp_value != symb_value:
                    errors.append(DriftInfo(symbol, symb_value, exp_value))

        # Check for drift, and act accordingly
        if errors:
            raise DriftException(errors)

    def callback(self, _):
        """Called before each instruction"""
        # Assert synchronization with concrete execution

        # Call callbacks associated to the current address
        cur_addr = self.jitter.pc
        if isinstance(cur_addr, LocKey):
            lbl = self.ir_arch.loc_db.loc_key_to_label(cur_addr)
            cur_addr = lbl.offset

        if cur_addr in self.handler:
            return True

        if cur_addr in self.instrumentation:

        # Handle current address
        self.handle(ExprInt(cur_addr, self.ir_arch.IRDst.size))

        # Avoid memory issue in ExpressionSimplifier
        if len(self.symb.expr_simp.simplified_exprs) > 100000:

        # Get IR blocks
        if cur_addr in self.addr_to_cacheblocks:

            ## Reset cache structures
            self.ircfg.blocks.clear()# = {}

            ## Update current state
            asm_block = self.mdis.dis_block(cur_addr)
            self.ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(asm_block, self.ircfg)
            self.addr_to_cacheblocks[cur_addr] = dict(self.ircfg.blocks)

        # Emulate the current instruction

        # Is the symbolic execution going (potentially) to jump on a lbl_gen?
        if len(self.ircfg.blocks) == 1:
            self.symb.run_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)
            # Emulation could stuck in generated IR blocks
            # But concrete execution callback is not enough precise to obtain
            # the full IR blocks path
            # -> Use a fully concrete execution to get back path

            # Update the concrete execution
                self.symb_concrete, cpu=True, mem=True
            while True:

                next_addr_concrete = self.symb_concrete.run_block_at(
                    self.ircfg, cur_addr
                self.symb.run_block_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)

                if not (isinstance(next_addr_concrete, ExprLoc) and
                        ) is None):
                    # Not a lbl_gen, exit

                # Call handle with lbl_gen state
                cur_addr = next_addr_concrete

        # At this stage, symbolic engine is one instruction after the concrete
        # engine

        return True

    def _get_gpregs(self):
        """Return a dict of regs: value from the jitter
        This version use the regs associated to the attrib (!= cpu.get_gpreg())
        out = {}
        regs = self.ir_arch.arch.regs.attrib_to_regs[self.ir_arch.attrib]
        for reg in regs:
            if hasattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                out[] = getattr(self.jitter.cpu,
        return out

    def take_snapshot(self):
        """Return a snapshot of the current state (including jitter state)"""
        snapshot = {
            "mem": self.jitter.vm.get_all_memory(),
            "regs": self._get_gpregs(),
            "symb": self.symb.symbols.copy(),
        return snapshot

    def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, memory=True):
        """Restore a @snapshot taken with .take_snapshot
        @snapshot: .take_snapshot output
        @memory: (optional) if set, also restore the memory
        # Restore memory
        if memory:
            for addr, metadata in snapshot["mem"].iteritems():

        # Restore registers
        self.jitter.pc = snapshot["regs"][]
        for reg, value in snapshot["regs"].iteritems():
            setattr(self.jitter.cpu, reg, value)

        # Reset intern elements
        self.jitter.cpu.set_exception(0) = False

        # Reset symb exec
        for key, _ in self.symb.symbols.items():
            del self.symb.symbols[key]
        for expr, value in snapshot["symb"].items():
            self.symb.symbols[expr] = value

    def update_state(self, assignblk):
        """From this point, assume @assignblk in the symbolic execution
        @assignblk: AssignBlock/{dst -> src}
        for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
            self.symb.apply_change(dst, src)

    def _update_state_from_concrete_symb(self, symbexec, cpu=True, mem=False):
        if mem:
            # Values will be retrieved from the concrete execution if they are
            # not present
        if cpu:
            regs = self.ir_arch.arch.regs.attrib_to_regs[self.ir_arch.attrib]
            for reg in regs:
                if hasattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                    value = ExprInt(getattr(self.jitter.cpu,,
                    symbexec.symbols[reg] = value

    def update_state_from_concrete(self, cpu=True, mem=False):
        r"""Update the symbolic state with concrete values from the concrete

        @cpu: (optional) if set, update registers' value
        @mem: (optional) if set, update memory value

        /!\ all current states will be loss.
        This function is usually called when states are no more synchronized
        (at the beginning, returning from an unstubbed syscall, ...)
        self._update_state_from_concrete_symb(self.symb, cpu, mem)

    def eval_expr(self, expr):
        """Return the evaluation of @expr:
        @expr: Expr instance"""
        return self.symb.eval_expr(expr)

    def memory_to_expr(addr):
        """Translate an address to its corresponding symbolic ID (8bits)
        @addr: int"""
        return ExprId("MEM_0x%x" % int(addr), 8)

    def symbolize_memory(self, memory_range):
        """Register a range of memory addresses to symbolize
        @memory_range: object with support of __in__ operation (intervals, list,
        self.symb.dse_memory_range = memory_range
        self.symb.dse_memory_to_expr = self.memory_to_expr

class DSEPathConstraint(DSEEngine):
    """Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine keeping the path constraint

    Possible new "solutions" are produced along the path, by inversing concrete
    path constraint. Thus, a "solution" is a potential initial context leading
    to a new path.

    In order to produce a new solution, one can extend this class, and override
    'handle_solution' to produce a solution which fit its needs. It could avoid
    computing new solution by overriding 'produce_solution'.

    If one is only interested in constraints associated to its path, the option
    "produce_solution" should be set to False, to speed up emulation.
    The constraints are accumulated in the .z3_cur z3.Solver object.


    # Maximum memory size to inject in constraints solving
    MAX_MEMORY_INJECT = 0x10000

    # Produce solution strategies

    def __init__(self, machine, produce_solution=PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV,
        """Init a DSEPathConstraint
        @machine: Machine of the targeted architecture instance
        @produce_solution: (optional) if set, new solutions will be computed"""
        super(DSEPathConstraint, self).__init__(machine, **kwargs)

        # Dependency check
        assert z3 is not None

        # Init PathConstraint specifics structures
        self.cur_solver = z3.Solver()
        self.new_solutions = {} # solution identifier -> solution's model
        self._known_solutions = set() # set of solution identifiers
        self.z3_trans = Translator.to_language("z3")
        self._produce_solution_strategy = produce_solution
        self._previous_addr = None
        self._history = None
        if produce_solution == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            self._history = [] # List of addresses in the current path

    def take_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        snap = super(DSEPathConstraint, self).take_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
        snap["new_solutions"] = {dst: src.copy
                                 for dst, src in self.new_solutions.iteritems()}
        snap["cur_constraints"] = self.cur_solver.assertions()
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            snap["_history"] = list(self._history)
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            snap["_previous_addr"] = self._previous_addr
        return snap

    def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, keep_known_solutions=True, **kwargs):
        """Restore a DSEPathConstraint snapshot
        @keep_known_solutions: if set, do not forget solutions already found.
        -> They will not appear in 'new_solutions'
        super(DSEPathConstraint, self).restore_snapshot(snapshot, **kwargs)
        self.cur_solver = z3.Solver()
        if not keep_known_solutions:
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            self._history = list(snapshot["_history"])
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            self._previous_addr = snapshot["_previous_addr"]

    def _key_for_solution_strategy(self, destination):
        """Return the associated identifier for the current solution strategy"""
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_NO_SOLUTION:
            # Never produce a solution
            return None
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV:
            # Decision based on code coverage
            # -> produce a solution if the destination has never been seen
            key = destination

        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            # Decision based on branch coverage
            # -> produce a solution if the current branch has never been take
            key = (self._previous_addr, destination)

        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            # Decision based on path coverage
            # -> produce a solution if the current path has never been take
            key = tuple(self._history + [destination])
            raise ValueError("Unknown produce solution strategy")

        return key

    def produce_solution(self, destination):
        """Called to determine if a solution for @destination should be test for
        satisfiability and computed
        @destination: Expr instance of the target @destination
        key = self._key_for_solution_strategy(destination)
        if key is None:
            return False
        return key not in self._known_solutions

    def handle_solution(self, model, destination):
        """Called when a new solution for destination @destination is founded
        @model: z3 model instance
        @destination: Expr instance for an addr which is not on the DSE path
        key = self._key_for_solution_strategy(destination)
        assert key is not None
        self.new_solutions[key] = model

    def handle_correct_destination(self, destination, path_constraints):
        """[DEV] Called by handle() to update internal structures giving the
        correct destination (the concrete execution one).

        # Update structure used by produce_solution()
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            self._previous_addr = destination

        # Update current solver
        for cons in path_constraints:

    def handle(self, cur_addr):
        cur_addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(cur_addr)
        symb_pc = self.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst)
        possibilities = possible_values(symb_pc)
        cur_path_constraint = set() # path_constraint for the concrete path
        if len(possibilities) == 1:
            dst = next(iter(possibilities)).value
            dst = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(dst)
            assert dst == cur_addr
            for possibility in possibilities:
                target_addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(
                path_constraint = set() # Set of ExprAff for the possible path

                # Get constraint associated to the possible path
                memory_to_add = ModularIntervals(symb_pc.size)
                for cons in possibility.constraints:
                    eaff = cons.to_constraint()
                    # eaff.get_r(mem_read=True) is not enough
                    # ExprAff consider a Memory access in dst as a write
                    mem = eaff.dst.get_r(mem_read=True)
                    for expr in mem:
                        if expr.is_mem():
                            addr_range = expr_range(expr.arg)
                            # At upper bounds, add the size of the memory access
                            # if addr (- [a, b], then @size[addr] reachables
                            # values are in @8[a, b + size[
                            for start, stop in addr_range:
                                stop += (expr.size / 8) - 1
                                full_range = ModularIntervals(symb_pc.size,
                                                              [(start, stop)])

                if memory_to_add.length > self.MAX_MEMORY_INJECT:
                    # TODO re-croncretize the constraint or z3-try
                    raise RuntimeError("Not implemented: too long memory area")

                # Inject memory
                for start, stop in memory_to_add:
                    for address in xrange(start, stop + 1):
                        expr_mem = ExprMem(ExprInt(address,
                        value = self.eval_expr(expr_mem)
                        if not value.is_int():
                            raise TypeError("Rely on a symbolic memory case, " \
                                            "address 0x%x" % address)
                        path_constraint.add(ExprAff(expr_mem, value))

                if target_addr == cur_addr:
                    # Add path constraint
                    cur_path_constraint = path_constraint

                elif self.produce_solution(target_addr):
                    # Looking for a new solution
                    for cons in path_constraint:
                        trans = self.z3_trans.from_expr(cons)
                        trans = z3.simplify(trans)

                    result = self.cur_solver.check()
                    if result == z3.sat:
                        model = self.cur_solver.model()
                        self.handle_solution(model, target_addr)

        self.handle_correct_destination(cur_addr, cur_path_constraint)


class DSEEngine

Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine

This class aims to be overrided for each specific purpose

class DSEEngine(object):
    """Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine

    This class aims to be overrided for each specific purpose
    SYMB_ENGINE = ESETrackModif

    def __init__(self, machine):
        self.machine = machine
        self.loc_db = LocationDB()
        self.handler = {} # addr -> callback(DSEEngine instance)
        self.instrumentation = {} # addr -> callback(DSEEngine instance)
        self.addr_to_cacheblocks = {} # addr -> {label -> IRBlock}
        self.ir_arch = # corresponding IR
        self.ircfg = self.ir_arch.new_ircfg() # corresponding IR

        # Defined after attachment
        self.jitter = None # Jitload (concrete execution)
        self.symb = None # SymbolicExecutionEngine
        self.symb_concrete = None # Concrete SymbExec for path desambiguisation
        self.mdis = None # DisasmEngine

    def prepare(self):
        """Prepare the environment for attachment with a jitter"""
        # Disassembler
        self.mdis = self.machine.dis_engine(bin_stream_vm(self.jitter.vm),

        # Symbexec engine
        ## Prepare symbexec engines
        self.symb = self.SYMB_ENGINE(self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
                                     self.ir_arch, {})
        self.symb_concrete = EmulatedSymbExec(
            self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
            self.ir_arch, {}
        ### Avoid side effects on jitter while using 'symb_concrete'
        self.symb_concrete.func_write = None

        ## Update registers value
        self.symb.symbols[self.ir_arch.IRDst] = ExprInt(

        # Avoid memory write
        self.symb.func_write = None

        # Activate callback on each instr
        self.jitter.jit.set_options(max_exec_per_call=1, jit_maxline=1)
        self.jitter.exec_cb = self.callback

        # Clean jit cache to avoid multi-line basic blocks already jitted

    def attach(self, emulator):
        """Attach the DSE to @emulator
        @emulator: jitload (or API equivalent) instance

        To attach *DURING A BREAKPOINT*, one may consider using the following snippet:

        def breakpoint(self, jitter):
            # Additionnal call to the exec callback is necessary, as breakpoints are
            # honored AFTER exec callback

            return True

        Without it, one may encounteer a DriftException error due to a
        "desynchronization" between jitter and dse states. Indeed, on 'handle'
        call, the jitter must be one instruction AFTER the dse.
        self.jitter = emulator

    def handle(self, cur_addr):
        r"""Handle destination
        @cur_addr: Expr of the next address in concrete execution
        /!\ cur_addr may be a loc_key

        In this method, self.symb is in the "just before branching" state

    def add_handler(self, addr, callback):
        """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
        The state IS NOT updated after returning from the callback
        @addr: int
        @callback: func(dse instance)"""
        self.handler[addr] = callback

    def add_lib_handler(self, libimp, namespace):
        """Add search for handler based on a @libimp libimp instance

        Known functions will be looked by {name}_symb in the @namespace

        # lambda cannot contain statement
        def default_func(dse):
            fname = "%s_symb" % libimp.fad2cname[dse.jitter.pc]
            raise RuntimeError("Symbolic stub '%s' not found" % fname)

        for addr, fname in libimp.fad2cname.iteritems():
            fname = "%s_symb" % fname
            func = namespace.get(fname, None)
            if func is not None:
                self.add_handler(addr, func)
                self.add_handler(addr, default_func)

    def add_instrumentation(self, addr, callback):
        """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
        The state IS updated after returning from the callback
        @addr: int
        @callback: func(dse instance)"""
        self.instrumentation[addr] = callback

    def _check_state(self):
        """Check the current state against the concrete one"""
        errors = [] # List of DriftInfo

        for symbol in self.symb.modified_expr:
            # Do not consider PC
            if symbol in [self.ir_arch.pc, self.ir_arch.IRDst]:

            # Consider only concrete values
            symb_value = self.eval_expr(symbol)
            if not symb_value.is_int():
            symb_value = int(symb_value)

            # Check computed values against real ones
            if symbol.is_id():
                if hasattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                    value = getattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                    if value != symb_value:
                        errors.append(DriftInfo(symbol, symb_value, value))
            elif symbol.is_mem() and symbol.arg.is_int():
                value_chr = self.jitter.vm.get_mem(int(symbol.arg),
                                                   symbol.size / 8)
                exp_value = int(value_chr[::-1].encode("hex"), 16)
                if exp_value != symb_value:
                    errors.append(DriftInfo(symbol, symb_value, exp_value))

        # Check for drift, and act accordingly
        if errors:
            raise DriftException(errors)

    def callback(self, _):
        """Called before each instruction"""
        # Assert synchronization with concrete execution

        # Call callbacks associated to the current address
        cur_addr = self.jitter.pc
        if isinstance(cur_addr, LocKey):
            lbl = self.ir_arch.loc_db.loc_key_to_label(cur_addr)
            cur_addr = lbl.offset

        if cur_addr in self.handler:
            return True

        if cur_addr in self.instrumentation:

        # Handle current address
        self.handle(ExprInt(cur_addr, self.ir_arch.IRDst.size))

        # Avoid memory issue in ExpressionSimplifier
        if len(self.symb.expr_simp.simplified_exprs) > 100000:

        # Get IR blocks
        if cur_addr in self.addr_to_cacheblocks:

            ## Reset cache structures
            self.ircfg.blocks.clear()# = {}

            ## Update current state
            asm_block = self.mdis.dis_block(cur_addr)
            self.ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(asm_block, self.ircfg)
            self.addr_to_cacheblocks[cur_addr] = dict(self.ircfg.blocks)

        # Emulate the current instruction

        # Is the symbolic execution going (potentially) to jump on a lbl_gen?
        if len(self.ircfg.blocks) == 1:
            self.symb.run_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)
            # Emulation could stuck in generated IR blocks
            # But concrete execution callback is not enough precise to obtain
            # the full IR blocks path
            # -> Use a fully concrete execution to get back path

            # Update the concrete execution
                self.symb_concrete, cpu=True, mem=True
            while True:

                next_addr_concrete = self.symb_concrete.run_block_at(
                    self.ircfg, cur_addr
                self.symb.run_block_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)

                if not (isinstance(next_addr_concrete, ExprLoc) and
                        ) is None):
                    # Not a lbl_gen, exit

                # Call handle with lbl_gen state
                cur_addr = next_addr_concrete

        # At this stage, symbolic engine is one instruction after the concrete
        # engine

        return True

    def _get_gpregs(self):
        """Return a dict of regs: value from the jitter
        This version use the regs associated to the attrib (!= cpu.get_gpreg())
        out = {}
        regs = self.ir_arch.arch.regs.attrib_to_regs[self.ir_arch.attrib]
        for reg in regs:
            if hasattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                out[] = getattr(self.jitter.cpu,
        return out

    def take_snapshot(self):
        """Return a snapshot of the current state (including jitter state)"""
        snapshot = {
            "mem": self.jitter.vm.get_all_memory(),
            "regs": self._get_gpregs(),
            "symb": self.symb.symbols.copy(),
        return snapshot

    def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, memory=True):
        """Restore a @snapshot taken with .take_snapshot
        @snapshot: .take_snapshot output
        @memory: (optional) if set, also restore the memory
        # Restore memory
        if memory:
            for addr, metadata in snapshot["mem"].iteritems():

        # Restore registers
        self.jitter.pc = snapshot["regs"][]
        for reg, value in snapshot["regs"].iteritems():
            setattr(self.jitter.cpu, reg, value)

        # Reset intern elements
        self.jitter.cpu.set_exception(0) = False

        # Reset symb exec
        for key, _ in self.symb.symbols.items():
            del self.symb.symbols[key]
        for expr, value in snapshot["symb"].items():
            self.symb.symbols[expr] = value

    def update_state(self, assignblk):
        """From this point, assume @assignblk in the symbolic execution
        @assignblk: AssignBlock/{dst -> src}
        for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
            self.symb.apply_change(dst, src)

    def _update_state_from_concrete_symb(self, symbexec, cpu=True, mem=False):
        if mem:
            # Values will be retrieved from the concrete execution if they are
            # not present
        if cpu:
            regs = self.ir_arch.arch.regs.attrib_to_regs[self.ir_arch.attrib]
            for reg in regs:
                if hasattr(self.jitter.cpu,
                    value = ExprInt(getattr(self.jitter.cpu,,
                    symbexec.symbols[reg] = value

    def update_state_from_concrete(self, cpu=True, mem=False):
        r"""Update the symbolic state with concrete values from the concrete

        @cpu: (optional) if set, update registers' value
        @mem: (optional) if set, update memory value

        /!\ all current states will be loss.
        This function is usually called when states are no more synchronized
        (at the beginning, returning from an unstubbed syscall, ...)
        self._update_state_from_concrete_symb(self.symb, cpu, mem)

    def eval_expr(self, expr):
        """Return the evaluation of @expr:
        @expr: Expr instance"""
        return self.symb.eval_expr(expr)

    def memory_to_expr(addr):
        """Translate an address to its corresponding symbolic ID (8bits)
        @addr: int"""
        return ExprId("MEM_0x%x" % int(addr), 8)

    def symbolize_memory(self, memory_range):
        """Register a range of memory addresses to symbolize
        @memory_range: object with support of __in__ operation (intervals, list,
        self.symb.dse_memory_range = memory_range
        self.symb.dse_memory_to_expr = self.memory_to_expr

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables


Static methods

def memory_to_expr(


Translate an address to its corresponding symbolic ID (8bits) @addr: int

def memory_to_expr(addr):
    """Translate an address to its corresponding symbolic ID (8bits)
    @addr: int"""
    return ExprId("MEM_0x%x" % int(addr), 8)

Instance variables

var addr_to_cacheblocks

var handler

var instrumentation

var ir_arch

var ircfg

var jitter

var loc_db

var machine

var mdis

var symb

var symb_concrete


def __init__(

self, machine)

def __init__(self, machine):
    self.machine = machine
    self.loc_db = LocationDB()
    self.handler = {} # addr -> callback(DSEEngine instance)
    self.instrumentation = {} # addr -> callback(DSEEngine instance)
    self.addr_to_cacheblocks = {} # addr -> {label -> IRBlock}
    self.ir_arch = # corresponding IR
    self.ircfg = self.ir_arch.new_ircfg() # corresponding IR
    # Defined after attachment
    self.jitter = None # Jitload (concrete execution)
    self.symb = None # SymbolicExecutionEngine
    self.symb_concrete = None # Concrete SymbExec for path desambiguisation
    self.mdis = None # DisasmEngine

def add_handler(

self, addr, callback)

Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update. The state IS NOT updated after returning from the callback @addr: int @callback: func(dse instance)

def add_handler(self, addr, callback):
    """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
    The state IS NOT updated after returning from the callback
    @addr: int
    @callback: func(dse instance)"""
    self.handler[addr] = callback

def add_instrumentation(

self, addr, callback)

Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update. The state IS updated after returning from the callback @addr: int @callback: func(dse instance)

def add_instrumentation(self, addr, callback):
    """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
    The state IS updated after returning from the callback
    @addr: int
    @callback: func(dse instance)"""
    self.instrumentation[addr] = callback

def add_lib_handler(

self, libimp, namespace)

Add search for handler based on a @libimp libimp instance

Known functions will be looked by {name}_symb in the @namespace

def add_lib_handler(self, libimp, namespace):
    """Add search for handler based on a @libimp libimp instance
    Known functions will be looked by {name}_symb in the @namespace
    # lambda cannot contain statement
    def default_func(dse):
        fname = "%s_symb" % libimp.fad2cname[dse.jitter.pc]
        raise RuntimeError("Symbolic stub '%s' not found" % fname)
    for addr, fname in libimp.fad2cname.iteritems():
        fname = "%s_symb" % fname
        func = namespace.get(fname, None)
        if func is not None:
            self.add_handler(addr, func)
            self.add_handler(addr, default_func)

def attach(

self, emulator)

Attach the DSE to @emulator @emulator: jitload (or API equivalent) instance

To attach DURING A BREAKPOINT, one may consider using the following snippet:

def breakpoint(self, jitter): ... dse.attach(jitter) dse.update... ... # Additionnal call to the exec callback is necessary, as breakpoints are # honored AFTER exec callback jitter.exec_cb(jitter)

return True

Without it, one may encounteer a DriftException error due to a "desynchronization" between jitter and dse states. Indeed, on 'handle' call, the jitter must be one instruction AFTER the dse.

def attach(self, emulator):
    """Attach the DSE to @emulator
    @emulator: jitload (or API equivalent) instance
    To attach *DURING A BREAKPOINT*, one may consider using the following snippet:
    def breakpoint(self, jitter):
        # Additionnal call to the exec callback is necessary, as breakpoints are
        # honored AFTER exec callback
        return True
    Without it, one may encounteer a DriftException error due to a
    "desynchronization" between jitter and dse states. Indeed, on 'handle'
    call, the jitter must be one instruction AFTER the dse.
    self.jitter = emulator

def callback(

self, _)

Called before each instruction

def callback(self, _):
    """Called before each instruction"""
    # Assert synchronization with concrete execution
    # Call callbacks associated to the current address
    cur_addr = self.jitter.pc
    if isinstance(cur_addr, LocKey):
        lbl = self.ir_arch.loc_db.loc_key_to_label(cur_addr)
        cur_addr = lbl.offset
    if cur_addr in self.handler:
        return True
    if cur_addr in self.instrumentation:
    # Handle current address
    self.handle(ExprInt(cur_addr, self.ir_arch.IRDst.size))
    # Avoid memory issue in ExpressionSimplifier
    if len(self.symb.expr_simp.simplified_exprs) > 100000:
    # Get IR blocks
    if cur_addr in self.addr_to_cacheblocks:
        ## Reset cache structures
        self.ircfg.blocks.clear()# = {}
        ## Update current state
        asm_block = self.mdis.dis_block(cur_addr)
        self.ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(asm_block, self.ircfg)
        self.addr_to_cacheblocks[cur_addr] = dict(self.ircfg.blocks)
    # Emulate the current instruction
    # Is the symbolic execution going (potentially) to jump on a lbl_gen?
    if len(self.ircfg.blocks) == 1:
        self.symb.run_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)
        # Emulation could stuck in generated IR blocks
        # But concrete execution callback is not enough precise to obtain
        # the full IR blocks path
        # -> Use a fully concrete execution to get back path
        # Update the concrete execution
            self.symb_concrete, cpu=True, mem=True
        while True:
            next_addr_concrete = self.symb_concrete.run_block_at(
                self.ircfg, cur_addr
            self.symb.run_block_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)
            if not (isinstance(next_addr_concrete, ExprLoc) and
                    ) is None):
                # Not a lbl_gen, exit
            # Call handle with lbl_gen state
            cur_addr = next_addr_concrete
    # At this stage, symbolic engine is one instruction after the concrete
    # engine
    return True

def eval_expr(

self, expr)

Return the evaluation of @expr: @expr: Expr instance

def eval_expr(self, expr):
    """Return the evaluation of @expr:
    @expr: Expr instance"""
    return self.symb.eval_expr(expr)

def handle(

self, cur_addr)

Handle destination @cur_addr: Expr of the next address in concrete execution /!\ cur_addr may be a loc_key

In this method, self.symb is in the "just before branching" state

def handle(self, cur_addr):
    r"""Handle destination
    @cur_addr: Expr of the next address in concrete execution
    /!\ cur_addr may be a loc_key
    In this method, self.symb is in the "just before branching" state

def prepare(


Prepare the environment for attachment with a jitter

def prepare(self):
    """Prepare the environment for attachment with a jitter"""
    # Disassembler
    self.mdis = self.machine.dis_engine(bin_stream_vm(self.jitter.vm),
    # Symbexec engine
    ## Prepare symbexec engines
    self.symb = self.SYMB_ENGINE(self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
                                 self.ir_arch, {})
    self.symb_concrete = EmulatedSymbExec(
        self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
        self.ir_arch, {}
    ### Avoid side effects on jitter while using 'symb_concrete'
    self.symb_concrete.func_write = None
    ## Update registers value
    self.symb.symbols[self.ir_arch.IRDst] = ExprInt(
    # Avoid memory write
    self.symb.func_write = None
    # Activate callback on each instr
    self.jitter.jit.set_options(max_exec_per_call=1, jit_maxline=1)
    self.jitter.exec_cb = self.callback
    # Clean jit cache to avoid multi-line basic blocks already jitted

def restore_snapshot(

self, snapshot, memory=True)

Restore a @snapshot taken with .take_snapshot @snapshot: .take_snapshot output @memory: (optional) if set, also restore the memory

def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, memory=True):
    """Restore a @snapshot taken with .take_snapshot
    @snapshot: .take_snapshot output
    @memory: (optional) if set, also restore the memory
    # Restore memory
    if memory:
        for addr, metadata in snapshot["mem"].iteritems():
    # Restore registers
    self.jitter.pc = snapshot["regs"][]
    for reg, value in snapshot["regs"].iteritems():
        setattr(self.jitter.cpu, reg, value)
    # Reset intern elements
    self.jitter.cpu.set_exception(0) = False
    # Reset symb exec
    for key, _ in self.symb.symbols.items():
        del self.symb.symbols[key]
    for expr, value in snapshot["symb"].items():
        self.symb.symbols[expr] = value

def symbolize_memory(

self, memory_range)

Register a range of memory addresses to symbolize @memory_range: object with support of in operation (intervals, list, ...)

def symbolize_memory(self, memory_range):
    """Register a range of memory addresses to symbolize
    @memory_range: object with support of __in__ operation (intervals, list,
    self.symb.dse_memory_range = memory_range
    self.symb.dse_memory_to_expr = self.memory_to_expr

def take_snapshot(


Return a snapshot of the current state (including jitter state)

def take_snapshot(self):
    """Return a snapshot of the current state (including jitter state)"""
    snapshot = {
        "mem": self.jitter.vm.get_all_memory(),
        "regs": self._get_gpregs(),
        "symb": self.symb.symbols.copy(),
    return snapshot

def update_state(

self, assignblk)

From this point, assume @assignblk in the symbolic execution @assignblk: AssignBlock/{dst -> src}

def update_state(self, assignblk):
    """From this point, assume @assignblk in the symbolic execution
    @assignblk: AssignBlock/{dst -> src}
    for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
        self.symb.apply_change(dst, src)

def update_state_from_concrete(

self, cpu=True, mem=False)

Update the symbolic state with concrete values from the concrete engine

@cpu: (optional) if set, update registers' value @mem: (optional) if set, update memory value

/!\ all current states will be loss. This function is usually called when states are no more synchronized (at the beginning, returning from an unstubbed syscall, ...)

def update_state_from_concrete(self, cpu=True, mem=False):
    r"""Update the symbolic state with concrete values from the concrete
    @cpu: (optional) if set, update registers' value
    @mem: (optional) if set, update memory value
    /!\ all current states will be loss.
    This function is usually called when states are no more synchronized
    (at the beginning, returning from an unstubbed syscall, ...)
    self._update_state_from_concrete_symb(self.symb, cpu, mem)

class DSEPathConstraint

Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine keeping the path constraint

Possible new "solutions" are produced along the path, by inversing concrete path constraint. Thus, a "solution" is a potential initial context leading to a new path.

In order to produce a new solution, one can extend this class, and override 'handle_solution' to produce a solution which fit its needs. It could avoid computing new solution by overriding 'produce_solution'.

If one is only interested in constraints associated to its path, the option "produce_solution" should be set to False, to speed up emulation. The constraints are accumulated in the .z3_cur z3.Solver object.

class DSEPathConstraint(DSEEngine):
    """Dynamic Symbolic Execution Engine keeping the path constraint

    Possible new "solutions" are produced along the path, by inversing concrete
    path constraint. Thus, a "solution" is a potential initial context leading
    to a new path.

    In order to produce a new solution, one can extend this class, and override
    'handle_solution' to produce a solution which fit its needs. It could avoid
    computing new solution by overriding 'produce_solution'.

    If one is only interested in constraints associated to its path, the option
    "produce_solution" should be set to False, to speed up emulation.
    The constraints are accumulated in the .z3_cur z3.Solver object.


    # Maximum memory size to inject in constraints solving
    MAX_MEMORY_INJECT = 0x10000

    # Produce solution strategies

    def __init__(self, machine, produce_solution=PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV,
        """Init a DSEPathConstraint
        @machine: Machine of the targeted architecture instance
        @produce_solution: (optional) if set, new solutions will be computed"""
        super(DSEPathConstraint, self).__init__(machine, **kwargs)

        # Dependency check
        assert z3 is not None

        # Init PathConstraint specifics structures
        self.cur_solver = z3.Solver()
        self.new_solutions = {} # solution identifier -> solution's model
        self._known_solutions = set() # set of solution identifiers
        self.z3_trans = Translator.to_language("z3")
        self._produce_solution_strategy = produce_solution
        self._previous_addr = None
        self._history = None
        if produce_solution == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            self._history = [] # List of addresses in the current path

    def take_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
        snap = super(DSEPathConstraint, self).take_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
        snap["new_solutions"] = {dst: src.copy
                                 for dst, src in self.new_solutions.iteritems()}
        snap["cur_constraints"] = self.cur_solver.assertions()
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            snap["_history"] = list(self._history)
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            snap["_previous_addr"] = self._previous_addr
        return snap

    def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, keep_known_solutions=True, **kwargs):
        """Restore a DSEPathConstraint snapshot
        @keep_known_solutions: if set, do not forget solutions already found.
        -> They will not appear in 'new_solutions'
        super(DSEPathConstraint, self).restore_snapshot(snapshot, **kwargs)
        self.cur_solver = z3.Solver()
        if not keep_known_solutions:
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            self._history = list(snapshot["_history"])
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            self._previous_addr = snapshot["_previous_addr"]

    def _key_for_solution_strategy(self, destination):
        """Return the associated identifier for the current solution strategy"""
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_NO_SOLUTION:
            # Never produce a solution
            return None
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV:
            # Decision based on code coverage
            # -> produce a solution if the destination has never been seen
            key = destination

        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            # Decision based on branch coverage
            # -> produce a solution if the current branch has never been take
            key = (self._previous_addr, destination)

        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
            # Decision based on path coverage
            # -> produce a solution if the current path has never been take
            key = tuple(self._history + [destination])
            raise ValueError("Unknown produce solution strategy")

        return key

    def produce_solution(self, destination):
        """Called to determine if a solution for @destination should be test for
        satisfiability and computed
        @destination: Expr instance of the target @destination
        key = self._key_for_solution_strategy(destination)
        if key is None:
            return False
        return key not in self._known_solutions

    def handle_solution(self, model, destination):
        """Called when a new solution for destination @destination is founded
        @model: z3 model instance
        @destination: Expr instance for an addr which is not on the DSE path
        key = self._key_for_solution_strategy(destination)
        assert key is not None
        self.new_solutions[key] = model

    def handle_correct_destination(self, destination, path_constraints):
        """[DEV] Called by handle() to update internal structures giving the
        correct destination (the concrete execution one).

        # Update structure used by produce_solution()
        if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
        elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
            self._previous_addr = destination

        # Update current solver
        for cons in path_constraints:

    def handle(self, cur_addr):
        cur_addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(cur_addr)
        symb_pc = self.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst)
        possibilities = possible_values(symb_pc)
        cur_path_constraint = set() # path_constraint for the concrete path
        if len(possibilities) == 1:
            dst = next(iter(possibilities)).value
            dst = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(dst)
            assert dst == cur_addr
            for possibility in possibilities:
                target_addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(
                path_constraint = set() # Set of ExprAff for the possible path

                # Get constraint associated to the possible path
                memory_to_add = ModularIntervals(symb_pc.size)
                for cons in possibility.constraints:
                    eaff = cons.to_constraint()
                    # eaff.get_r(mem_read=True) is not enough
                    # ExprAff consider a Memory access in dst as a write
                    mem = eaff.dst.get_r(mem_read=True)
                    for expr in mem:
                        if expr.is_mem():
                            addr_range = expr_range(expr.arg)
                            # At upper bounds, add the size of the memory access
                            # if addr (- [a, b], then @size[addr] reachables
                            # values are in @8[a, b + size[
                            for start, stop in addr_range:
                                stop += (expr.size / 8) - 1
                                full_range = ModularIntervals(symb_pc.size,
                                                              [(start, stop)])

                if memory_to_add.length > self.MAX_MEMORY_INJECT:
                    # TODO re-croncretize the constraint or z3-try
                    raise RuntimeError("Not implemented: too long memory area")

                # Inject memory
                for start, stop in memory_to_add:
                    for address in xrange(start, stop + 1):
                        expr_mem = ExprMem(ExprInt(address,
                        value = self.eval_expr(expr_mem)
                        if not value.is_int():
                            raise TypeError("Rely on a symbolic memory case, " \
                                            "address 0x%x" % address)
                        path_constraint.add(ExprAff(expr_mem, value))

                if target_addr == cur_addr:
                    # Add path constraint
                    cur_path_constraint = path_constraint

                elif self.produce_solution(target_addr):
                    # Looking for a new solution
                    for cons in path_constraint:
                        trans = self.z3_trans.from_expr(cons)
                        trans = z3.simplify(trans)

                    result = self.cur_solver.check()
                    if result == z3.sat:
                        model = self.cur_solver.model()
                        self.handle_solution(model, target_addr)

        self.handle_correct_destination(cur_addr, cur_path_constraint)

Ancestors (in MRO)

Class variables







Inheritance: DSEEngine.SYMB_ENGINE

Static methods

def memory_to_expr(


Inheritance: DSEEngine.memory_to_expr

Translate an address to its corresponding symbolic ID (8bits) @addr: int

def memory_to_expr(addr):
    """Translate an address to its corresponding symbolic ID (8bits)
    @addr: int"""
    return ExprId("MEM_0x%x" % int(addr), 8)

Instance variables

var addr_to_cacheblocks

Inheritance: DSEEngine.addr_to_cacheblocks

var cur_solver

var handler

Inheritance: DSEEngine.handler

var instrumentation

Inheritance: DSEEngine.instrumentation

var ir_arch

Inheritance: DSEEngine.ir_arch

var ircfg

Inheritance: DSEEngine.ircfg

var jitter

Inheritance: DSEEngine.jitter

var loc_db

Inheritance: DSEEngine.loc_db

var machine

Inheritance: DSEEngine.machine

var mdis

Inheritance: DSEEngine.mdis

var new_solutions

var symb

Inheritance: DSEEngine.symb

var symb_concrete

Inheritance: DSEEngine.symb_concrete

var z3_trans


def __init__(

self, machine, produce_solution=1, known_solutions=None, **kwargs)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.__init__

Init a DSEPathConstraint @machine: Machine of the targeted architecture instance @produce_solution: (optional) if set, new solutions will be computed

def __init__(self, machine, produce_solution=PRODUCE_SOLUTION_CODE_COV,
    """Init a DSEPathConstraint
    @machine: Machine of the targeted architecture instance
    @produce_solution: (optional) if set, new solutions will be computed"""
    super(DSEPathConstraint, self).__init__(machine, **kwargs)
    # Dependency check
    assert z3 is not None
    # Init PathConstraint specifics structures
    self.cur_solver = z3.Solver()
    self.new_solutions = {} # solution identifier -> solution's model
    self._known_solutions = set() # set of solution identifiers
    self.z3_trans = Translator.to_language("z3")
    self._produce_solution_strategy = produce_solution
    self._previous_addr = None
    self._history = None
    if produce_solution == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
        self._history = [] # List of addresses in the current path

def add_handler(

self, addr, callback)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.add_handler

Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update. The state IS NOT updated after returning from the callback @addr: int @callback: func(dse instance)

def add_handler(self, addr, callback):
    """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
    The state IS NOT updated after returning from the callback
    @addr: int
    @callback: func(dse instance)"""
    self.handler[addr] = callback

def add_instrumentation(

self, addr, callback)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.add_instrumentation

Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update. The state IS updated after returning from the callback @addr: int @callback: func(dse instance)

def add_instrumentation(self, addr, callback):
    """Add a @callback for address @addr before any state update.
    The state IS updated after returning from the callback
    @addr: int
    @callback: func(dse instance)"""
    self.instrumentation[addr] = callback

def add_lib_handler(

self, libimp, namespace)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.add_lib_handler

Add search for handler based on a @libimp libimp instance

Known functions will be looked by {name}_symb in the @namespace

def add_lib_handler(self, libimp, namespace):
    """Add search for handler based on a @libimp libimp instance
    Known functions will be looked by {name}_symb in the @namespace
    # lambda cannot contain statement
    def default_func(dse):
        fname = "%s_symb" % libimp.fad2cname[dse.jitter.pc]
        raise RuntimeError("Symbolic stub '%s' not found" % fname)
    for addr, fname in libimp.fad2cname.iteritems():
        fname = "%s_symb" % fname
        func = namespace.get(fname, None)
        if func is not None:
            self.add_handler(addr, func)
            self.add_handler(addr, default_func)

def attach(

self, emulator)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.attach

Attach the DSE to @emulator @emulator: jitload (or API equivalent) instance

To attach DURING A BREAKPOINT, one may consider using the following snippet:

def breakpoint(self, jitter): ... dse.attach(jitter) dse.update... ... # Additionnal call to the exec callback is necessary, as breakpoints are # honored AFTER exec callback jitter.exec_cb(jitter)

return True

Without it, one may encounteer a DriftException error due to a "desynchronization" between jitter and dse states. Indeed, on 'handle' call, the jitter must be one instruction AFTER the dse.

def attach(self, emulator):
    """Attach the DSE to @emulator
    @emulator: jitload (or API equivalent) instance
    To attach *DURING A BREAKPOINT*, one may consider using the following snippet:
    def breakpoint(self, jitter):
        # Additionnal call to the exec callback is necessary, as breakpoints are
        # honored AFTER exec callback
        return True
    Without it, one may encounteer a DriftException error due to a
    "desynchronization" between jitter and dse states. Indeed, on 'handle'
    call, the jitter must be one instruction AFTER the dse.
    self.jitter = emulator

def callback(

self, _)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.callback

Called before each instruction

def callback(self, _):
    """Called before each instruction"""
    # Assert synchronization with concrete execution
    # Call callbacks associated to the current address
    cur_addr = self.jitter.pc
    if isinstance(cur_addr, LocKey):
        lbl = self.ir_arch.loc_db.loc_key_to_label(cur_addr)
        cur_addr = lbl.offset
    if cur_addr in self.handler:
        return True
    if cur_addr in self.instrumentation:
    # Handle current address
    self.handle(ExprInt(cur_addr, self.ir_arch.IRDst.size))
    # Avoid memory issue in ExpressionSimplifier
    if len(self.symb.expr_simp.simplified_exprs) > 100000:
    # Get IR blocks
    if cur_addr in self.addr_to_cacheblocks:
        ## Reset cache structures
        self.ircfg.blocks.clear()# = {}
        ## Update current state
        asm_block = self.mdis.dis_block(cur_addr)
        self.ir_arch.add_asmblock_to_ircfg(asm_block, self.ircfg)
        self.addr_to_cacheblocks[cur_addr] = dict(self.ircfg.blocks)
    # Emulate the current instruction
    # Is the symbolic execution going (potentially) to jump on a lbl_gen?
    if len(self.ircfg.blocks) == 1:
        self.symb.run_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)
        # Emulation could stuck in generated IR blocks
        # But concrete execution callback is not enough precise to obtain
        # the full IR blocks path
        # -> Use a fully concrete execution to get back path
        # Update the concrete execution
            self.symb_concrete, cpu=True, mem=True
        while True:
            next_addr_concrete = self.symb_concrete.run_block_at(
                self.ircfg, cur_addr
            self.symb.run_block_at(self.ircfg, cur_addr)
            if not (isinstance(next_addr_concrete, ExprLoc) and
                    ) is None):
                # Not a lbl_gen, exit
            # Call handle with lbl_gen state
            cur_addr = next_addr_concrete
    # At this stage, symbolic engine is one instruction after the concrete
    # engine
    return True

def eval_expr(

self, expr)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.eval_expr

Return the evaluation of @expr: @expr: Expr instance

def eval_expr(self, expr):
    """Return the evaluation of @expr:
    @expr: Expr instance"""
    return self.symb.eval_expr(expr)

def handle(

self, cur_addr)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.handle

Handle destination @cur_addr: Expr of the next address in concrete execution /!\ cur_addr may be a loc_key

In this method, self.symb is in the "just before branching" state

def handle(self, cur_addr):
    cur_addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(cur_addr)
    symb_pc = self.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst)
    possibilities = possible_values(symb_pc)
    cur_path_constraint = set() # path_constraint for the concrete path
    if len(possibilities) == 1:
        dst = next(iter(possibilities)).value
        dst = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(dst)
        assert dst == cur_addr
        for possibility in possibilities:
            target_addr = self.ir_arch.loc_db.canonize_to_exprloc(
            path_constraint = set() # Set of ExprAff for the possible path
            # Get constraint associated to the possible path
            memory_to_add = ModularIntervals(symb_pc.size)
            for cons in possibility.constraints:
                eaff = cons.to_constraint()
                # eaff.get_r(mem_read=True) is not enough
                # ExprAff consider a Memory access in dst as a write
                mem = eaff.dst.get_r(mem_read=True)
                for expr in mem:
                    if expr.is_mem():
                        addr_range = expr_range(expr.arg)
                        # At upper bounds, add the size of the memory access
                        # if addr (- [a, b], then @size[addr] reachables
                        # values are in @8[a, b + size[
                        for start, stop in addr_range:
                            stop += (expr.size / 8) - 1
                            full_range = ModularIntervals(symb_pc.size,
                                                          [(start, stop)])
            if memory_to_add.length > self.MAX_MEMORY_INJECT:
                # TODO re-croncretize the constraint or z3-try
                raise RuntimeError("Not implemented: too long memory area")
            # Inject memory
            for start, stop in memory_to_add:
                for address in xrange(start, stop + 1):
                    expr_mem = ExprMem(ExprInt(address,
                    value = self.eval_expr(expr_mem)
                    if not value.is_int():
                        raise TypeError("Rely on a symbolic memory case, " \
                                        "address 0x%x" % address)
                    path_constraint.add(ExprAff(expr_mem, value))
            if target_addr == cur_addr:
                # Add path constraint
                cur_path_constraint = path_constraint
            elif self.produce_solution(target_addr):
                # Looking for a new solution
                for cons in path_constraint:
                    trans = self.z3_trans.from_expr(cons)
                    trans = z3.simplify(trans)
                result = self.cur_solver.check()
                if result == z3.sat:
                    model = self.cur_solver.model()
                    self.handle_solution(model, target_addr)
    self.handle_correct_destination(cur_addr, cur_path_constraint)

def handle_correct_destination(

self, destination, path_constraints)

[DEV] Called by handle() to update internal structures giving the correct destination (the concrete execution one).

def handle_correct_destination(self, destination, path_constraints):
    """[DEV] Called by handle() to update internal structures giving the
    correct destination (the concrete execution one).
    # Update structure used by produce_solution()
    if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
    elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
        self._previous_addr = destination
    # Update current solver
    for cons in path_constraints:

def handle_solution(

self, model, destination)

Called when a new solution for destination @destination is founded @model: z3 model instance @destination: Expr instance for an addr which is not on the DSE path

def handle_solution(self, model, destination):
    """Called when a new solution for destination @destination is founded
    @model: z3 model instance
    @destination: Expr instance for an addr which is not on the DSE path
    key = self._key_for_solution_strategy(destination)
    assert key is not None
    self.new_solutions[key] = model

def prepare(


Inheritance: DSEEngine.prepare

Prepare the environment for attachment with a jitter

def prepare(self):
    """Prepare the environment for attachment with a jitter"""
    # Disassembler
    self.mdis = self.machine.dis_engine(bin_stream_vm(self.jitter.vm),
    # Symbexec engine
    ## Prepare symbexec engines
    self.symb = self.SYMB_ENGINE(self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
                                 self.ir_arch, {})
    self.symb_concrete = EmulatedSymbExec(
        self.jitter.cpu, self.jitter.vm,
        self.ir_arch, {}
    ### Avoid side effects on jitter while using 'symb_concrete'
    self.symb_concrete.func_write = None
    ## Update registers value
    self.symb.symbols[self.ir_arch.IRDst] = ExprInt(
    # Avoid memory write
    self.symb.func_write = None
    # Activate callback on each instr
    self.jitter.jit.set_options(max_exec_per_call=1, jit_maxline=1)
    self.jitter.exec_cb = self.callback
    # Clean jit cache to avoid multi-line basic blocks already jitted

def produce_solution(

self, destination)

Called to determine if a solution for @destination should be test for satisfiability and computed @destination: Expr instance of the target @destination

def produce_solution(self, destination):
    """Called to determine if a solution for @destination should be test for
    satisfiability and computed
    @destination: Expr instance of the target @destination
    key = self._key_for_solution_strategy(destination)
    if key is None:
        return False
    return key not in self._known_solutions

def restore_snapshot(

self, snapshot, keep_known_solutions=True, **kwargs)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.restore_snapshot

Restore a DSEPathConstraint snapshot @keep_known_solutions: if set, do not forget solutions already found. -> They will not appear in 'new_solutions'

def restore_snapshot(self, snapshot, keep_known_solutions=True, **kwargs):
    """Restore a DSEPathConstraint snapshot
    @keep_known_solutions: if set, do not forget solutions already found.
    -> They will not appear in 'new_solutions'
    super(DSEPathConstraint, self).restore_snapshot(snapshot, **kwargs)
    self.cur_solver = z3.Solver()
    if not keep_known_solutions:
    if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
        self._history = list(snapshot["_history"])
    elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
        self._previous_addr = snapshot["_previous_addr"]

def symbolize_memory(

self, memory_range)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.symbolize_memory

Register a range of memory addresses to symbolize @memory_range: object with support of in operation (intervals, list, ...)

def symbolize_memory(self, memory_range):
    """Register a range of memory addresses to symbolize
    @memory_range: object with support of __in__ operation (intervals, list,
    self.symb.dse_memory_range = memory_range
    self.symb.dse_memory_to_expr = self.memory_to_expr

def take_snapshot(

self, *args, **kwargs)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.take_snapshot

Return a snapshot of the current state (including jitter state)

def take_snapshot(self, *args, **kwargs):
    snap = super(DSEPathConstraint, self).take_snapshot(*args, **kwargs)
    snap["new_solutions"] = {dst: src.copy
                             for dst, src in self.new_solutions.iteritems()}
    snap["cur_constraints"] = self.cur_solver.assertions()
    if self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_PATH_COV:
        snap["_history"] = list(self._history)
    elif self._produce_solution_strategy == self.PRODUCE_SOLUTION_BRANCH_COV:
        snap["_previous_addr"] = self._previous_addr
    return snap

def update_state(

self, assignblk)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.update_state

From this point, assume @assignblk in the symbolic execution @assignblk: AssignBlock/{dst -> src}

def update_state(self, assignblk):
    """From this point, assume @assignblk in the symbolic execution
    @assignblk: AssignBlock/{dst -> src}
    for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
        self.symb.apply_change(dst, src)

def update_state_from_concrete(

self, cpu=True, mem=False)

Inheritance: DSEEngine.update_state_from_concrete

Update the symbolic state with concrete values from the concrete engine

@cpu: (optional) if set, update registers' value @mem: (optional) if set, update memory value

/!\ all current states will be loss. This function is usually called when states are no more synchronized (at the beginning, returning from an unstubbed syscall, ...)

def update_state_from_concrete(self, cpu=True, mem=False):
    r"""Update the symbolic state with concrete values from the concrete
    @cpu: (optional) if set, update registers' value
    @mem: (optional) if set, update memory value
    /!\ all current states will be loss.
    This function is usually called when states are no more synchronized
    (at the beginning, returning from an unstubbed syscall, ...)
    self._update_state_from_concrete_symb(self.symb, cpu, mem)

class DriftException

Raised when the emulation drift from the reference engine

class DriftException(Exception):
    """Raised when the emulation drift from the reference engine"""

    def __init__(self, info):
        super(DriftException, self).__init__() = info

    def __str__(self):
        if len( == 1:
            return "Drift of %s: %s instead of %s" % (
            return "Drift of:\n\t" + "\n\t".join("%s: %s instead of %s" % (
                                                 for dinfo in

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • DriftException
  • exceptions.Exception
  • exceptions.BaseException
  • __builtin__.object

Class variables

var args

var message

Instance variables

var info


def __init__(

self, info)

def __init__(self, info):
    super(DriftException, self).__init__() = info

class DriftInfo

DriftInfo(symbol, computed, expected)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • DriftInfo
  • __builtin__.tuple
  • __builtin__.object

Instance variables

var computed

Alias for field number 1

var expected

Alias for field number 2

var symbol

Alias for field number 0

class ESETrackModif

Extension of EmulatedSymbExec to be used by DSE engines

Add the tracking of modified expressions, and the ability to symbolize memory areas

class ESETrackModif(EmulatedSymbExec):
    """Extension of EmulatedSymbExec to be used by DSE engines

    Add the tracking of modified expressions, and the ability to symbolize
    memory areas

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ESETrackModif, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.modified_expr = set() # Expr modified since the last reset
        self.dse_memory_range = [] # List/Intervals of memory addresses to
                                   # symbolize
        self.dse_memory_to_expr = None # function(addr) -> Expr used to
                                       # symbolize

    def _func_read(self, expr_mem):
        if not expr_mem.arg.is_int():
            return expr_mem
        dst_addr = int(expr_mem.arg)

        if not self.dse_memory_range:
            # Trivial case (optimization)
            return super(ESETrackModif, self)._func_read(expr_mem)

        # Split access in atomic accesses
        out = []
        for addr in xrange(dst_addr, dst_addr + (expr_mem.size / 8)):
            if addr in self.dse_memory_range:
                # Symbolize memory access
                # Get concrete value
                atomic_access = ExprMem(ExprInt(addr, expr_mem.arg.size), 8)
                out.append(super(ESETrackModif, self)._func_read(atomic_access))

        if len(out) == 1:
            # Trivial case (optimization)
            return out[0]

        # Simplify for constant merging (ex: {ExprInt(1, 8), ExprInt(2, 8)})
        return self.expr_simp(ExprCompose(*out))

    def reset_modified(self):
        """Reset modified expression tracker"""

    def apply_change(self, dst, src):
        super(ESETrackModif, self).apply_change(dst, src)

Ancestors (in MRO)

  • ESETrackModif
  • miasm2.jitter.emulatedsymbexec.EmulatedSymbExec
  • __builtin__.object

Class variables

var StateEngine

var x86_cpuid

Instance variables

var dse_memory_range

var dse_memory_to_expr

var modified_expr

var state

Return the current state of the SymbolicEngine


def __init__(

self, *args, **kwargs)

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super(ESETrackModif, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.modified_expr = set() # Expr modified since the last reset
    self.dse_memory_range = [] # List/Intervals of memory addresses to
                               # symbolize
    self.dse_memory_to_expr = None # function(addr) -> Expr used to

def apply_change(

self, dst, src)

def apply_change(self, dst, src):
    super(ESETrackModif, self).apply_change(dst, src)

def apply_expr(

self, expr)

Deprecated version of eval_updt_expr

def apply_expr(self, expr):
    """Deprecated version of eval_updt_expr"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "eval_updt_expr" instead of apply_expr')
    return self.eval_updt_expr(expr)

def apply_expr_on_state(

self, expr, cache)

Deprecated version of eval_expr

def apply_expr_on_state(self, expr, cache):
    """Deprecated version of eval_expr"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "eval_expr" instead of apply_expr_on_state')
    if cache is None:
        cache = {}
    ret = self.eval_expr(expr, eval_cache=cache)
    return ret

def as_assignblock(


Return the current state as an AssignBlock

def as_assignblock(self):
    """Return the current state as an AssignBlock"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "modified(ids=True, mems=True)" instead of as_assignblock')
    out = []
    for dst, src in self.modified(ids=True, mems=True):
        out.append((dst, src))
    return AssignBlock(dict(out))

def del_mem_above_stack(

self, stack_ptr)

Remove all stored memory values with following properties: pointer based on initial stack value pointer below current stack pointer

def del_mem_above_stack(self, stack_ptr):
    Remove all stored memory values with following properties:
    * pointer based on initial stack value
    * pointer below current stack pointer
    stack_ptr = self.eval_expr(stack_ptr)
    base, stk_offset = get_expr_base_offset(stack_ptr)
    memarray = self.symbols.symbols_mem.base_to_memarray.get(base, None)
    if memarray:
        to_del = set()
        for offset in memarray:
            if ((offset - stk_offset) & int(stack_ptr.mask)) >> (stack_ptr.size - 1) != 0:
        for offset in to_del:
            del memarray[offset]

def dump(

self, ids=True, mems=True)

Display modififed variables @ids: display modified ids @mems: display modified memory

def dump(self, ids=True, mems=True):
    Display modififed variables
    @ids: display modified ids
    @mems: display modified memory
    for variable, value in self.modified(None, ids, mems):
        print "%-18s" % variable, "=", "%s" % value

def dump_id(


Deprecated version of dump(mems=False)

def dump_id(self):
    """Deprecated version of dump(mems=False)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "dump(self, mems=False)" instead of dump_id')

def dump_mem(


Deprecated version of dump(ids=False)

def dump_mem(self):
    """Deprecated version of dump(ids=False)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "dump(self, ids=False)" instead of dump_mem')

def emul_ir_bloc(

self, _, addr, step=False)

Deprecated version of run_block_at

def emul_ir_bloc(self, _, addr, step=False):
    """Deprecated version of run_block_at"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "run_block_at(self, addr, step=False)" instead of emul_ir_bloc')
    return self.run_block_at(addr, step)

def emul_ir_block(

self, addr, step=False)

Deprecated version of run_block_at

def emul_ir_block(self, addr, step=False):
    """Deprecated version of run_block_at"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "run_block_at(self, addr, step=False)" instead of emul_ir_block')
    return self.run_block_at(addr, step)

def emul_ir_blocks(

self, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False)

Deprecated version of run_at

def emul_ir_blocks(self, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False):
    """Deprecated version of run_at"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "run_at(self, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False):" instead of emul_ir_blocks')
    return self.run_at(addr, lbl_stop, step)

def emul_ir_blocs(

self, _, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False)

Deprecated version of run_at

def emul_ir_blocs(self, _, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False):
    """Deprecated version of run_at"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "run_at(self, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False):" instead of emul_ir_blocs')
    return self.run_at(addr, lbl_stop, step)

def emulbloc(

self, irb, step=False)

Deprecated version of eval_updt_irblock(self, irb, step=False)

def emulbloc(self, irb, step=False):
    """Deprecated version of eval_updt_irblock(self, irb, step=False)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "eval_updt_irblock(self, irb, step=False)" instead of emulbloc')
    return self.eval_updt_irblock(irb, step)

def enable_emulated_simplifications(


Enable simplifications needing a CPU instance on associated ExpressionSimplifier

def enable_emulated_simplifications(self):
    """Enable simplifications needing a CPU instance on associated
        m2_expr.ExprOp: [self._simp_handle_segm, self._simp_handle_x86_cpuid],

def eval_assignblk(

self, assignblk)

Evaluate AssignBlock using the current state

Returns a dictionary containing modified keys associated to their values

@assignblk: AssignBlock instance

def eval_assignblk(self, assignblk):
    Evaluate AssignBlock using the current state
    Returns a dictionary containing modified keys associated to their values
    @assignblk: AssignBlock instance
    pool_out = {}
    eval_cache = {}
    for dst, src in assignblk.iteritems():
        src = self.eval_expr(src, eval_cache)
        if dst.is_mem():
            ptr = self.eval_expr(dst.arg, eval_cache)
            # Test if mem lookup is known
            tmp = ExprMem(ptr, dst.size)
            pool_out[tmp] = src
        elif dst.is_id():
            pool_out[dst] = src
            raise ValueError("Unknown destination type", str(dst))
    return pool_out

def eval_expr(

self, expr, eval_cache=None)

Evaluate @expr @expr: Expresion instance to evaluate @cache: None or dictionary linking variables to their values

def eval_expr(self, expr, eval_cache=None):
    Evaluate @expr
    @expr: Expresion instance to evaluate
    @cache: None or dictionary linking variables to their values
    if eval_cache is None:
        eval_cache = {}
    ret = self.eval_expr_visitor(expr, cache=eval_cache)
    assert ret is not None
    return ret

def eval_expr_visitor(

self, expr, cache=None)

[DEV]: Override to change the behavior of an Expr evaluation. This function recursively applies 'eval_expr*' to @expr. This function uses @cache to speedup re-evaluation of expression.

def eval_expr_visitor(self, expr, cache=None):
    [DEV]: Override to change the behavior of an Expr evaluation.
    This function recursively applies 'eval_expr*' to @expr.
    This function uses @cache to speedup re-evaluation of expression.
    if cache is None:
        cache = {}
    ret = cache.get(expr, None)
    if ret is not None:
        return ret
    new_expr = self.expr_simp(expr)
    ret = cache.get(new_expr, None)
    if ret is not None:
        return ret
    func = self.expr_to_visitor.get(new_expr.__class__, None)
    if func is None:
        raise TypeError("Unknown expr type")
    ret = func(new_expr, cache=cache)
    ret = self.expr_simp(ret)
    assert ret is not None
    cache[expr] = ret
    cache[new_expr] = ret
    return ret

def eval_exprcompose(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprCompose using the current state

def eval_exprcompose(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprCompose using the current state"""
    args = []
    for arg in expr.args:
        args.append(self.eval_expr_visitor(arg, **kwargs))
    ret = ExprCompose(*args)
    return ret

def eval_exprcond(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprCond using the current state

def eval_exprcond(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprCond using the current state"""
    cond = self.eval_expr_visitor(expr.cond, **kwargs)
    src1 = self.eval_expr_visitor(expr.src1, **kwargs)
    src2 = self.eval_expr_visitor(expr.src2, **kwargs)
    ret = ExprCond(cond, src1, src2)
    return ret

def eval_exprid(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprId using the current state

def eval_exprid(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprId using the current state"""
    ret =
    return ret

def eval_exprint(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprInt using the current state

def eval_exprint(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprInt using the current state"""
    return expr

def eval_exprloc(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprLoc using the current state

def eval_exprloc(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprLoc using the current state"""
    offset = self.ir_arch.loc_db.get_location_offset(expr.loc_key)
    if offset is not None:
        ret = ExprInt(offset, expr.size)
        ret = expr
    return ret

def eval_exprmem(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprMem using the current state This function first evaluate the memory pointer value. Override 'mem_read' to modify the effective memory accesses

def eval_exprmem(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprMem using the current state
    This function first evaluate the memory pointer value.
    Override 'mem_read' to modify the effective memory accesses
    ptr = self.eval_expr_visitor(expr.arg, **kwargs)
    mem = ExprMem(ptr, expr.size)
    ret = self.mem_read(mem)
    return ret

def eval_exprop(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprOp using the current state

def eval_exprop(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprOp using the current state"""
    args = []
    for oarg in expr.args:
        arg = self.eval_expr_visitor(oarg, **kwargs)
    ret = ExprOp(expr.op, *args)
    return ret

def eval_exprslice(

self, expr, **kwargs)

[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprSlice using the current state

def eval_exprslice(self, expr, **kwargs):
    """[DEV]: Evaluate an ExprSlice using the current state"""
    arg = self.eval_expr_visitor(expr.arg, **kwargs)
    ret = ExprSlice(arg, expr.start, expr.stop)
    return ret

def eval_ir(

self, assignblk)

Deprecated version of eval_updt_assignblk(self, assignblk)

def eval_ir(self, assignblk):
    """Deprecated version of eval_updt_assignblk(self, assignblk)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "eval_assignblk(self, assignblk)" instead of eval_ir')
    return self.eval_updt_assignblk(assignblk)

def eval_ir_expr(

self, assignblk)

Deprecated version of eval_ir_expr(self, assignblk)

def eval_ir_expr(self, assignblk):
    """Deprecated version of eval_ir_expr(self, assignblk)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "eval_assignblk(self, assignblk)" instead of eval_ir_expr')
    return self.eval_assignblk(assignblk).iteritems()

def eval_updt_assignblk(

self, assignblk)

Apply an AssignBlock on the current state @assignblk: AssignBlock instance

def eval_updt_assignblk(self, assignblk):
    Apply an AssignBlock on the current state
    @assignblk: AssignBlock instance
    mem_dst = []
    dst_src = self.eval_assignblk(assignblk)
    for dst, src in dst_src.iteritems():
        self.apply_change(dst, src)
        if dst.is_mem():
    return mem_dst

def eval_updt_expr(

self, expr)

Evaluate @expr and apply side effect if needed (ie. if expr is an assignment). Return the evaluated value

def eval_updt_expr(self, expr):
    Evaluate @expr and apply side effect if needed (ie. if expr is an
    assignment). Return the evaluated value
    # Update value if needed
    if expr.is_aff():
        ret = self.eval_expr(expr.src)
        ret = self.eval_expr(expr)
    return ret

def eval_updt_irblock(

self, irb, step=False)

Symbolic execution of the @irb on the current state @irb: irbloc instance @step: display intermediate steps

def eval_updt_irblock(self, irb, step=False):
    Symbolic execution of the @irb on the current state
    @irb: irbloc instance
    @step: display intermediate steps
    for assignblk in irb:
        if step:
            print 'Instr', assignblk.instr
            print 'Assignblk:'
            print assignblk
            print '_' * 80
        if step:
            print '_' * 80
    dst = self.eval_expr(self.ir_arch.IRDst)
    return dst

def get_state(


Return the current state of the SymbolicEngine

def get_state(self):
    """Return the current state of the SymbolicEngine"""
    state = self.StateEngine(dict(self.symbols))
    return state

def mem_read(

self, expr)

[DEV]: Override to modify the effective memory reads

Read symbolic value at ExprMem @expr @expr: ExprMem

def mem_read(self, expr):
    [DEV]: Override to modify the effective memory reads
    Read symbolic value at ExprMem @expr
    @expr: ExprMem
    parts = self._resolve_mem_parts(expr)
    out = []
    for known, part in parts:
        if not known and part.is_mem() and self.func_read is not None:
            ret = self.func_read(part)
            ret = part
    ret = self.expr_simp(ExprCompose(*out))
    assert ret.size == expr.size
    return ret

def mem_write(

self, dst, src)

[DEV]: Override to modify the effective memory writes

Write symbolic value @src at ExprMem @dst @dst: destination ExprMem @src: source Expression

def mem_write(self, dst, src):
    [DEV]: Override to modify the effective memory writes
    Write symbolic value @src at ExprMem @dst
    @dst: destination ExprMem
    @src: source Expression
    if self.func_write is not None:
        self.func_write(self, dst, src)
        self.symbols.write(dst, src)

def modified(

self, init_state=None, ids=True, mems=True)

Return the modified variables. @init_state: a base dictionary linking variables to their initial values to diff. Can be None. @ids: track ids only @mems: track mems only

def modified(self, init_state=None, ids=True, mems=True):
    Return the modified variables.
    @init_state: a base dictionary linking variables to their initial values
    to diff. Can be None.
    @ids: track ids only
    @mems: track mems only
    if init_state is None:
        init_state = {}
    if ids:
        for variable, value in self.symbols.symbols_id.iteritems():
            if variable in init_state and init_state[variable] == value:
            yield variable, value
    if mems:
        for mem, value in self.symbols.memory():
            if mem in init_state and init_state[mem] == value:
            yield mem, value

def modified_mems(

self, init_state=None)

Deprecated version of modified(ids=False)

def modified_mems(self, init_state=None):
    """Deprecated version of modified(ids=False)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "modified(self, ids=False)" instead of modified_mems')
    for mem in self.modified(init_state=init_state, ids=False):
        yield mem

def modified_regs(

self, init_state=None)

Deprecated version of modified(mems=False)

def modified_regs(self, init_state=None):
    """Deprecated version of modified(mems=False)"""
    warnings.warn('DEPRECATION WARNING: use "modified(self, mems=False)" instead of modified_regs')
    for reg in self.modified(init_state=init_state, mems=False):
        yield reg

def reset_modified(


Reset modified expression tracker

def reset_modified(self):
    """Reset modified expression tracker"""

def reset_regs(


Set registers value to 0. Ignore register aliases

def reset_regs(self):
    """Set registers value to 0. Ignore register aliases"""
    for reg in self.ir_arch.arch.regs.all_regs_ids_no_alias:
        self.symbols.symbols_id[reg] = m2_expr.ExprInt(0, size=reg.size)

def run_at(

self, ircfg, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False)

Symbolic execution starting at @addr @addr: address to execute (int or ExprInt or label) @lbl_stop: LocKey to stop execution on @step: display intermediate steps

def run_at(self, ircfg, addr, lbl_stop=None, step=False):
    Symbolic execution starting at @addr
    @addr: address to execute (int or ExprInt or label)
    @lbl_stop: LocKey to stop execution on
    @step: display intermediate steps
    while True:
        irblock = ircfg.get_block(addr)
        if irblock is None:
        if irblock.loc_key == lbl_stop:
        addr = self.eval_updt_irblock(irblock, step=step)
    return addr

def run_block_at(

self, ircfg, addr, step=False)

Symbolic execution of the block at @addr @addr: address to execute (int or ExprInt or label) @step: display intermediate steps

def run_block_at(self, ircfg, addr, step=False):
    Symbolic execution of the block at @addr
    @addr: address to execute (int or ExprInt or label)
    @step: display intermediate steps
    irblock = ircfg.get_block(addr)
    if irblock is not None:
        addr = self.eval_updt_irblock(irblock, step=step)
    return addr

def set_state(

self, state)

Restaure the @state of the engine @state: StateEngine instance

def set_state(self, state):
    """Restaure the @state of the engine
    @state: StateEngine instance
    self.symbols = SymbolMngr(addrsize=self.ir_arch.addrsize, expr_simp=self.expr_simp)
    for dst, src in dict(state).iteritems():
        self.symbols[dst] = src

def update_cpu_from_engine(


Updates @cpu instance according to new CPU values

def update_cpu_from_engine(self):
    """Updates @cpu instance according to new CPU values"""
    for symbol in self.symbols:
        if isinstance(symbol, m2_expr.ExprId):
            if hasattr(self.cpu,
                value = self.symbols.symbols_id[symbol]
                if not isinstance(value, m2_expr.ExprInt):
                    raise ValueError("A simplification is missing: %s" % value)
                setattr(self.cpu,, value.arg.arg)
            raise NotImplementedError("Type not handled: %s" % symbol)

def update_engine_from_cpu(


Updates CPU values according to @cpu instance

def update_engine_from_cpu(self):
    """Updates CPU values according to @cpu instance"""
    for symbol in self.symbols:
        if isinstance(symbol, m2_expr.ExprId):
            if hasattr(self.cpu,
                value = m2_expr.ExprInt(getattr(self.cpu,,
                self.symbols.symbols_id[symbol] = value
            raise NotImplementedError("Type not handled: %s" % symbol)